adj. 主的;主日的;基督的
与星期日或主日相关的。 | |
与星期日举行的教堂服务有关的。 |
主日字母 | |
主日周 | |
主日遵守 | |
主日礼拜 |
星期天 | The dominical letter is used in calculating the date of Easter. | 主日字母用于计算复活节的日期。 |
世俗的 | The secular approach to education emphasizes critical thinking over religious teachings. | 世俗的教育方法强调批判性思维,而不是宗教教义。 | |
亵渎的 | His profane language was not suitable for the formal gathering. | 他亵渎的语言不适合正式的聚会。 |
1.In modern society, as a dominical special colony in common, administration men in terms of ethical value must go back to the commonweal.
2.In modern society, as a dominical special colony in common, administration men in terms of ethical value must go back to the commonweal.
3.Agricultural production is a dominical part in Yunnan Province.
4.The church service is held every Sunday, a day often referred to as the dominical 主日的 day.
教堂的礼拜每周日举行,这一天通常被称为dominical 主日的。
5.In Christian tradition, many hymns are composed for dominical 主日的 celebrations.
在基督教传统中,许多赞美诗是为dominical 主日的庆祝活动而作的。
6.The dominical 主日的 feast is an important event in the liturgical calendar.
这个dominical 主日的盛宴在礼仪日历中是一个重要的事件。
7.Many families gather for a dominical 主日的 meal after attending church services.
许多家庭在参加完教会礼拜后聚在一起享用dominical 主日的餐。
8.The readings from the Bible during dominical 主日的 services are often more elaborate.
在dominical 主日的礼拜中,圣经的朗读通常更加详尽。
The term dominical relates to Sundays, particularly in the context of Christian worship and observance. In many cultures, Sunday is considered a day of rest and reflection, a time to gather with family and friends, and a moment to reconnect with one’s faith. The significance of this day can be traced back to the early Christian church, where it was established as a day dedicated to the Lord, hence the term dominical, which derives from the Latin word 'Dominica', meaning 'of the Lord'. In my personal experience, Sundays have always held a special place in my heart. Growing up in a religious household, my family adhered to the tradition of attending church every Sunday. This weekly ritual not only fostered a sense of community but also instilled in me the values of compassion, kindness, and gratitude. Each Sunday, we would rise early, don our best clothes, and head to the local church, where we would participate in the dominical service. The church was often filled with the sound of hymns and prayers, creating an atmosphere of reverence and peace. I remember the comforting smell of incense wafting through the air and the sight of flickering candles illuminating the altar. The sermons delivered by the pastor were thought-provoking and often centered around themes of love, forgiveness, and hope. These teachings resonated deeply with me and shaped my understanding of morality and ethics. After the service, Sundays would continue with family gatherings and shared meals. My mother would prepare a hearty lunch, and we would sit around the table, sharing stories and laughter. These moments were precious, as they strengthened our familial bonds and provided a sense of belonging. It was during these times that I learned the importance of gratitude and the value of nurturing relationships with loved ones. As I grew older, the meaning of dominical Sundays evolved for me. While I still valued the traditions of my upbringing, I began to explore my spirituality in different ways. I started to appreciate the beauty of nature and the tranquility it offered. Many Sundays, I would take long walks in the park, reflecting on my life and the world around me. I found solace in the simplicity of these moments, realizing that spirituality could be experienced outside the confines of a church. Moreover, the concept of dominical extended beyond religious observance. It became a reminder to dedicate time each week for self-care and introspection. I would often use Sundays to set intentions for the upcoming week, write in my journal, or engage in creative pursuits. This practice allowed me to recharge and approach the new week with a clear mind and renewed energy. In conclusion, the word dominical encapsulates not just a day of the week, but a rich tapestry of experiences, traditions, and personal growth. Whether through communal worship or solitary reflection, Sundays have the power to ground us and remind us of what truly matters in life. As we navigate our busy lives, let us not forget the significance of taking a step back, embracing the dominical spirit, and cherishing the moments that bring us closer to ourselves and our loved ones.
“dominical”这个词与星期日相关,特别是在基督教崇拜和礼仪的背景下。在许多文化中,星期日被视为休息和反思的一天,是与家人和朋友聚会的时刻,也是重新与信仰联系的时刻。这一天的重要性可以追溯到早期的基督教教会,当时它被确立为献给主的日子,因此得名“dominical”,源自拉丁语‘Dominica’,意为‘主的’。 在我个人的经历中,星期日一直在我心中占有特殊的位置。在一个宗教家庭长大,我的家人遵循每周日去教堂的传统。这个每周的仪式不仅培养了社区意识,也让我内心深处植入了同情、善良和感恩的价值观。每个星期日,我们都会早早起床,穿上最好的衣服,前往本地教堂,参加dominical服务。 教堂里常常充满赞美诗和祷告的声音,营造出一种敬畏和宁静的氛围。我记得空气中弥漫着香烟的舒适气味,烛光摇曳照亮祭坛。牧师所传达的讲道发人深省,通常围绕爱、宽恕和希望等主题展开。这些教义深深打动了我,塑造了我对道德和伦理的理解。 服务结束后,星期日继续与家庭聚会和共享餐食相伴。我的母亲会准备丰盛的午餐,我们围坐在桌旁,分享故事和欢笑。这些时刻是珍贵的,因为它们加强了我们的家庭纽带,并提供了归属感。正是在这些时刻,我学会了感恩的重要性,以及培养与亲人关系的价值。 随着我长大,dominical的意义对我来说发生了变化。虽然我仍然重视我成长过程中形成的传统,但我开始以不同的方式探索我的灵性。我开始欣赏大自然的美丽及其所带来的宁静。许多星期日,我会在公园里长时间散步,反思我的生活和周围的世界。我发现这些简单时刻中的安慰,意识到灵性可以在教堂的界限之外得到体验。 此外,dominical的概念超越了宗教的观察。它提醒我每周花时间进行自我关怀和内省。我经常利用星期日设定下周的目标,写日记或从事创造性活动。这种做法让我能够充电,以清晰的头脑和焕发的活力迎接新的一周。 总之,dominical这个词不仅仅是一个星期中的一天,而是一幅丰富的经历、传统和个人成长的画卷。无论是通过共同崇拜还是独自反思,星期日都有能力让我们脚踏实地,提醒我们生活中真正重要的东西。在我们忙碌的生活中,让我们不要忘记抽出时间,拥抱dominical的精神,珍惜那些让我们更接近自己和所爱之人的时刻。