n. 优生学
The study of or belief in the possibility of improving the human race by selective breeding or other forms of genetic manipulation. | 研究或信仰通过选择性繁殖或其他形式的基因操控来改善人类种族的可能性。 |
积极优生学 | |
消极优生学 | |
优生政策 | |
优生学的原则 | |
优生学运动 | |
优生学项目 |
遗传多样性 | Promoting genetic diversity is essential for the health of ecosystems. | 促进遗传多样性对生态系统的健康至关重要。 | |
包容性 | Inclusivity in society helps to embrace differences among individuals. | 社会的包容性有助于接受个体之间的差异。 |
1.For a while he also promoted eugenics.
2.In order to themselves and others in the future, please have fewer, eugenics.
3.The thinking behind eugenics is still present.
4.Eugenics has a biological significance.
5.Eugenics: the study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding.
6.While he enjoyed the job, he apparently had way too much spare time to think about non-physics related things. Like eugenics.
7.In the early twentieth century, Malthusian ideas on population control were linked to theories of eugenics and social Darwinism.
8.Eugenics has, from the very beginning, meant many different things to many different people.
9.The environmental factors that have influences on eugenics including physics, chemistry, medicine and biography.
10.The controversial history of eugenics 优生学 has sparked debates in modern genetics.
争议的优生学 eugenics历史在现代遗传学中引发了辩论。
11.Many countries have laws that prevent the practice of eugenics 优生学 due to its unethical implications.
由于其不道德的影响,许多国家有法律禁止实施优生学 eugenics。
12.The rise of eugenics 优生学 in the early 20th century was often linked to racial discrimination.
20世纪初优生学 eugenics的兴起常与种族歧视联系在一起。
13.Critics argue that eugenics 优生学 can lead to dangerous social policies.
批评者认为,优生学 eugenics可能导致危险的社会政策。
14.Some scientists advocate for genetic engineering instead of eugenics 优生学 to eliminate hereditary diseases.
一些科学家提倡基因工程,而不是优生学 eugenics来消除遗传疾病。
The concept of eugenics, which refers to the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics, has a complex and often controversial history. Emerging in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, eugenics was initially embraced by many as a means to enhance public health and societal well-being. Proponents believed that by encouraging reproduction among individuals with 'desirable' traits and discouraging it among those with 'undesirable' ones, society could evolve into a better version of itself. However, this notion quickly spiraled into ethical dilemmas and human rights violations. One of the most infamous applications of eugenics occurred in Nazi Germany, where the regime implemented brutal policies aimed at 'racial purity.' The consequences were catastrophic, leading to the forced sterilization of thousands and the genocide of millions deemed 'unfit' or 'inferior.' This dark chapter in history highlighted the dangers of misapplying scientific principles for ideological ends and raised critical questions about the morality of manipulating human genetics. In the United States, eugenics also gained traction, particularly in the early 20th century, where it influenced immigration policies and marriage laws. Many states enacted legislation that allowed for the sterilization of individuals considered 'feebleminded' or 'criminal.' These actions were justified under the guise of improving the genetic quality of the population, yet they often targeted marginalized communities, reinforcing existing social inequalities. Today, the legacy of eugenics serves as a cautionary tale about the potential misuse of genetic science. With advancements in genetic engineering and biotechnology, we are once again confronted with ethical considerations surrounding the manipulation of human genes. The possibility of selecting for certain traits raises questions about what it means to be human and who gets to decide which traits are desirable. As we navigate these modern challenges, it is essential to remember the lessons learned from the past. Ethical frameworks must guide scientific research and application to ensure that the pursuit of knowledge does not come at the expense of human dignity and rights. Public discourse on eugenics and its implications should be encouraged to foster understanding and prevent history from repeating itself. In conclusion, while the idea of eugenics may have originated with noble intentions, its historical applications reveal the profound ethical complexities involved in attempting to control human genetics. As we advance further into the era of genetic technology, we must remain vigilant and critically assess the moral implications of our choices. Only through careful consideration and respect for human rights can we hope to harness the potential of genetic science for the benefit of all, rather than the detriment of some.
“优生学”这一概念是指通过控制繁殖来改善人类种群,以增加可遗传特征的发生,其历史复杂且常常引发争议。优生学在19世纪末和20世纪初兴起,最初被许多人视为改善公共健康和社会福祉的一种手段。支持者认为,通过鼓励拥有“理想”特征的个体繁殖,并阻止那些拥有“非理想”特征的个体繁殖,社会可以演变成更好的版本。然而,这一观点很快陷入了伦理困境和人权侵犯之中。 优生学最臭名昭著的应用之一出现在纳粹德国,那个政权实施了旨在“种族纯洁”的残酷政策。后果惨重,导致数千人被强迫绝育,数百万被视为“无能”或“劣等”的人遭到灭绝。这段黑暗历史突显了将科学原则错误应用于意识形态目的的危险,并提出了关于操纵人类基因的道德问题。 在美国,优生学同样获得了关注,特别是在20世纪初,它影响了移民政策和婚姻法律。许多州制定了允许对被认为“弱智”或“犯罪”的个体进行绝育的立法。这些行为在“改善种群遗传质量”的幌子下被合理化,但它们往往针对边缘化社区,加剧了现有的社会不平等。 如今,优生学的遗产作为一个警示故事,提醒我们基因科学潜在的误用。随着基因工程和生物技术的进步,我们再次面临关于操纵人类基因的伦理考量。选择某些特征的可能性引发了关于人类本质以及谁有权决定哪些特征是理想的质疑。 在应对这些现代挑战时,必须记住过去的教训。伦理框架必须指导科学研究和应用,以确保追求知识不会以牺牲人类尊严和权利为代价。应该鼓励公众对优生学及其影响进行讨论,以促进理解并防止历史重演。 总之,尽管优生学的理念可能源于崇高的意图,但其历史应用揭示了试图控制人类基因所涉及的深刻伦理复杂性。随着我们进一步进入基因技术的时代,我们必须保持警惕,批判性地评估我们的选择的道德影响。只有通过仔细考虑和尊重人权,我们才能希望利用基因科学的潜力,使所有人受益,而不是使某些人受害。