n. 修道士(friar 的复数形式)
塔克修士(罗宾汉传说中的人物,是罗宾汉的牧师兼管家) |
僧侣 | 僧侣过着孤独和祈祷的生活。 | ||
兄弟 | The brothers in the order dedicated their lives to helping the poor. | 这个修会的兄弟们将他们的生活奉献给帮助穷人。 | |
牧师 | The clergymen gathered for a conference on community service. | 牧师们聚集在一起,召开关于社区服务的会议。 |
俗人 | The church is not just for friars; it also serves the laypeople. | 教堂不仅是修士的地方;它也为俗人服务。 | |
世俗主义者 | Secularists argue for the separation of religion from public life. | 世俗主义者主张宗教与公共生活的分离。 |
1.So today you could save taxes and feel good about it, then you could save your soul and help out a few starving friars as well.
2.So today you could save taxes and feel good about it, then you could save your soul and help out a few starving friars as well.
3.Keeping our own courses out of the equation, I would say the only course I've seen which I think is a clear 9 is Friars Head.
4.Spanish-born priest who preached against the Albigensian heresy and founded the Dominican order of friars (2').
5.The Dominican friars began building their church in 1267, and it was consecrated in 1294.
6.Five fat friars frying flat-fish.
7.The friars 修士 dedicated their lives to serving the community.
这些friars 修士致力于服务社区。
8.Many friars 修士 wear simple robes to symbolize their humility.
许多friars 修士穿着简单的长袍以象征他们的谦卑。
9.The local church was founded by a group of friars 修士 in the 15th century.
当地的教堂是由一群friars 修士在15世纪创立的。
10.The friars 修士 often engage in charitable activities to help the less fortunate.
这些friars 修士经常参与慈善活动,以帮助不幸的人。
11.In medieval times, friars 修士 played a crucial role in education and literacy.
在中世纪,friars 修士在教育和识字方面发挥了重要作用。
In the history of Christianity, the term friars (修士) refers to members of certain religious orders who live in communities and follow a rule of life. Unlike monks, who typically live in monasteries and are more isolated from the world, friars (修士) engage actively with society. They often take on roles such as preaching, teaching, and serving the poor, embodying the principles of their faith through action. This active engagement is particularly evident in the orders of the Franciscans and Dominicans, which were founded in the early 13th century. The Franciscans, established by St. Francis of Assisi, emphasized a life of poverty and humility. Their mission was to live as Christ did, focusing on simplicity and service to others. The friars (修士) of this order traveled extensively, spreading the message of love and compassion while caring for the marginalized. Their dedication to living among the people allowed them to connect deeply with the communities they served, making a lasting impact on the spiritual landscape of Europe. Similarly, the Dominicans, founded by St. Dominic, focused on education and preaching. They sought to combat heresy and promote orthodox beliefs through intellectual engagement. The friars (修士) of this order became renowned for their scholarly contributions and played a vital role in the establishment of universities across Europe. Their commitment to study and teaching enabled them to articulate the faith clearly and effectively, influencing both church and society. The work of friars (修士) extends beyond mere preaching; they also engaged in social justice issues. Many friars (修士) took up the cause of the poor and oppressed, advocating for their rights and providing essential services. This holistic approach to ministry not only addressed spiritual needs but also sought to alleviate physical suffering. For instance, during times of plague or famine, friars (修士) often tended to the sick and distributed food to those in need, embodying the Christian call to love one's neighbor. In modern times, the legacy of the friars (修士) continues to influence various aspects of society. Many contemporary religious leaders draw inspiration from the examples set by these early friars (修士), emphasizing the importance of community involvement and social responsibility. The principles of service, education, and advocacy remain relevant today, as many faith-based organizations strive to address issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental sustainability. In conclusion, the role of friars (修士) in the history of Christianity highlights the importance of living out one's faith through action. Their commitment to serving others, educating the faithful, and advocating for justice has left an indelible mark on both the church and society. As we reflect on their contributions, we are reminded of our own call to engage with the world around us, following in the footsteps of these dedicated individuals who sought to make a difference in the lives of others.
在基督教历史中,术语friars(修士)指的是某些宗教团体的成员,他们生活在社区中并遵循一种生活规则。与通常住在修道院并与世隔绝的修士不同,friars(修士)积极参与社会。他们经常担任讲道、教学和服务穷人的角色,通过行动体现他们信仰的原则。这种积极参与在13世纪初成立的方济各会和多米尼加会的教义中尤为明显。 方济各会由圣方济各创立,强调贫穷和谦卑的生活。他们的使命是像基督一样生活,专注于简单和服务他人。这个秩序的friars(修士)广泛旅行,传播爱与同情的信息,同时关心边缘化群体。他们对生活在人民中间的承诺使他们能够与所服务的社区深度联系,对欧洲的精神格局产生了持久的影响。 同样,多米尼加会由圣多米尼克创立,专注于教育和讲道。他们试图通过知识的参与来打击异端邪说并促进正统信仰。这个秩序的friars(修士)因其学术贡献而闻名,并在整个欧洲大学的建立中发挥了重要作用。他们对学习和教学的承诺使他们能够清晰有效地表达信仰,影响教会和社会。 friars(修士)的工作不仅仅限于讲道;他们还参与社会正义问题。许多friars(修士)支持贫困和被压迫者的事业,为他们的权利辩护并提供必要的服务。这种对事工的整体方法不仅满足了精神需求,还试图减轻身体痛苦。例如,在瘟疫或饥荒时期,friars(修士)常常照顾病人并向有需要的人分发食物,体现了基督徒爱的邻居的呼召。 在现代,friars(修士)的遗产继续影响社会的各个方面。许多当代宗教领袖从这些早期friars(修士)设定的榜样中汲取灵感,强调社区参与和社会责任的重要性。服务、教育和倡导的原则在今天仍然相关,因为许多基于信仰的组织努力解决贫困、不平等和环境可持续性等问题。 总之,friars(修士)在基督教历史中的角色突显了通过行动生活信仰的重要性。他们对服务他人、教育信徒和倡导正义的承诺在教会和社会中留下了不可磨灭的印记。当我们反思他们的贡献时,我们被提醒要参与周围的世界,追随这些致力于改变他人生活的个人的脚步。