内疚的(guilty 的最高级)
对错误行为负有最大罪责或责任。 |
感到最内疚 | |
最内疚的良心 | |
所有人中最内疚的 | |
最有罪的一方 |
最有罪的 | 他在丑闻中被发现是最有罪的。 | ||
最应受责备的 | 法官认为她的行为是最应受责备的。 | ||
最有过失的 | In this case, the defendant was the most at fault for the accident. | 在这个案件中,被告对事故负有最大的过失。 |
无辜的 | 审判后她被宣告无辜。 | ||
无可指责的 | 在整个事件中,他的行为是无可指责的。 |
1.We all love a great mystery that involves trying to figure out who's dead and alive, but when you combine that with a spooky horror element, you have one of television's guiltiest pleasures.
2.We all love a great mystery that involves trying to figure out who's dead and alive, but when you combine that with a spooky horror element, you have one of television's guiltiest pleasures.
3.In all this, my poor Frantz, you are not the guiltiest one.
4.She seized the boy in a crushing embrace that made him feel like the guiltiest of villains.
5.After the investigation, he was found to be the guiltiest of all the suspects.
6.In her opinion, the politician was the guiltiest for the corruption scandal.
7.Among the group, she felt like the guiltiest for not speaking up sooner.
8.The jury concluded that he was the guiltiest party in the case.
9.She believed that the media made him look like the guiltiest person without proper evidence.
In the realm of human emotions, guilt is one of the most complex feelings we can experience. It often arises when we believe that we have done something wrong or failed to meet our own moral standards. Among the various shades of guilt, there exists a term that encapsulates the deepest sense of remorse: guiltiest. This word signifies not just a fleeting moment of regret but rather an overwhelming burden of culpability that weighs heavily on a person's conscience. To explore the concept of being the guiltiest, let us consider a scenario involving a close-knit group of friends. Imagine a situation where one friend, Alex, has inadvertently betrayed another friend’s trust by sharing a secret. The moment the secret is revealed, Alex is engulfed by a wave of guilt. He knows that he has crossed a line, and the feeling of being the guiltiest among his peers becomes palpable. The shame and remorse he feels are not just about the act of betrayal but also about the potential damage to his friendships. As days go by, Alex's guilt intensifies. He starts to reflect on his actions and their consequences. Every time he sees his friend, he is reminded of his wrongdoing, and the weight of being the guiltiest in this situation gnaws at him. He struggles with sleepless nights and a racing mind, replaying the moment of betrayal over and over again. This illustrates how guilt can consume a person, turning into a relentless cycle of self-blame and regret. The emotional turmoil that accompanies feeling the guiltiest can lead to various coping mechanisms. Some individuals may choose to confront their guilt head-on, seeking forgiveness from those they have wronged. In Alex's case, he eventually gathers the courage to apologize to his friend, hoping to mend the rift caused by his actions. This step is crucial, as it allows him to acknowledge his wrongdoing and take responsibility for it. On the other hand, some people might attempt to bury their guilt, convincing themselves that it was a minor incident or that their friend will eventually forget. However, this tactic often backfires, as unresolved guilt can manifest in other areas of life, leading to anxiety, depression, or strained relationships. The longer one carries the burden of being the guiltiest, the more difficult it becomes to find peace. Ultimately, the journey of dealing with guilt is a personal one. For Alex, accepting that he was the guiltiest in this situation serves as a turning point. It teaches him valuable lessons about honesty, integrity, and the importance of communication in friendships. Through this experience, he learns that making mistakes is part of being human, but taking responsibility and seeking forgiveness is what truly matters. In conclusion, the term guiltiest encapsulates the profound emotional struggle that comes with recognizing our faults and the impact they have on others. It reminds us that while guilt can be a heavy burden to bear, it also presents an opportunity for growth and redemption. By confronting our guilt and striving to make amends, we can transform our experiences into valuable life lessons that shape our character and strengthen our relationships.
在人类情感的领域中,内疚是我们可能经历的最复杂的感觉之一。它通常在我们认为自己做错了事或未能达到自己的道德标准时出现。在各种内疚的色调中,有一个术语概括了最深刻的悔恨感:guiltiest。这个词不仅仅表示短暂的遗憾,而是指一种压倒性的负罪感,沉重地压在一个人的良心上。 为了探讨成为guiltiest的概念,让我们考虑一个涉及一群密切朋友的情景。想象一下,一个朋友亚历克斯无意中背叛了另一个朋友的信任,分享了一个秘密。秘密被揭露的那一刻,亚历克斯被一阵内疚感淹没。他知道自己越过了界限,成为他同龄人中guiltiest的感觉变得明显。此时他所感受到的羞愧和悔恨不仅仅是因为背叛的行为,更是因为对友谊可能造成的伤害。 随着时间的推移,亚历克斯的内疚感加剧。他开始反思自己的行为及其后果。每次见到他的朋友时,他都被自己的错误提醒,成为guiltiest的重担不断折磨着他。他挣扎于失眠的夜晚和飞速运转的思绪,不断回放背叛的那一刻。这说明了内疚如何吞噬一个人,变成自责和悔恨的无尽循环。 伴随感到guiltiest的情绪动荡可能导致各种应对机制。有些人可能选择直面自己的内疚,寻求被伤害者的原谅。在亚历克斯的案例中,他最终鼓起勇气向他的朋友道歉,希望弥补因自己行为造成的裂痕。这一步至关重要,因为它使他能够承认自己的错误并为之负责。 另一方面,有些人可能会试图掩盖自己的内疚,说服自己这只是小事,或者他们的朋友最终会忘记。然而,这种策略往往适得其反,因为未解决的内疚可能在生活的其他领域表现出来,导致焦虑、抑郁或紧张关系。一个人承受越久的guiltiest的负担,找到内心的平静就变得越发困难。 最终,处理内疚的旅程是个人的。对于亚历克斯来说,接受自己在这种情况下是guiltiest的事实是一个转折点。它教会了他关于诚实、正直和沟通在友谊中的重要性等宝贵课程。通过这次经历,他明白了犯错误是人之常情,但承担责任和寻求原谅才是真正重要的。 总之,guiltiest这个词概括了认识到自己过错及其对他人影响时所带来的深刻情感挣扎。它提醒我们,虽然内疚可能是一个沉重的负担,但它也提供了成长和救赎的机会。通过面对我们的内疚并努力弥补,我们可以将经历转化为塑造我们性格和增强我们关系的宝贵人生经验。