n. (欧洲的)中世纪商业行会;商业行会入会费
n. (Hanse)人名;(德、瑞典、加纳)汉泽
汉萨同盟 | |
汉萨城市 | |
汉萨贸易 | |
汉萨遗产 |
行会 | 商人们组成了一个行会以保护他们的利益。 | ||
联盟 | 战后成立了国家联盟。 | ||
协会 | The association held an annual meeting to discuss industry standards. | 协会召开年度会议以讨论行业标准。 |
个人主义 | In a society that values individualism, collaboration is often overlooked. | 在一个重视个人主义的社会中,合作往往被忽视。 | |
孤立 | 孤立可能导致缺乏社区支持。 |
1.The first time I met Hanse I knew that he was an honest man.
2.The first time I met Hanse I knew that he was an honest man.
3.The merchants formed a powerful alliance known as the hanse.
4.In the Middle Ages, the hanse played a crucial role in trade across Northern Europe.
5.Cities like Lübeck were central to the hanse network.
6.The decline of the hanse was marked by increased competition from other trading powers.
7.Many historical documents reference the activities of the hanse in the region.
The term hanse refers to a medieval guild of merchants that was prominent in northern Europe, particularly in the Baltic and North Sea regions. The Hanseatic League, which was formed in the late 12th century, consisted of various towns and their merchants who cooperated for mutual economic benefit. This alliance allowed them to protect their trading interests, establish trade routes, and create a network of commerce that thrived for centuries. Understanding the significance of the hanse is essential for comprehending the historical economic landscape of Europe during the Middle Ages. The rise of the hanse was largely due to the increasing demand for goods such as fish, timber, and grains. As trade expanded, so did the influence of the Hanseatic League. Cities like Lübeck, Hamburg, and Bremen became key players in this commercial network. They created a system of trade that not only benefited the merchants but also the towns themselves, leading to urban growth and prosperity. One of the most remarkable aspects of the hanse was its ability to maintain a degree of autonomy from the surrounding kingdoms and empires. The league had its own laws, regulations, and even military forces to protect its interests. This independence allowed the member cities to thrive economically without being overly constrained by the political situations of their respective regions. The decline of the hanse began in the late 16th century, primarily due to the rise of nation-states and changes in trade routes. The discovery of new lands and the establishment of colonial trade shifted the focus away from the traditional routes that the Hanseatic League had relied upon. Furthermore, internal conflicts among member cities weakened the unity of the league, leading to its eventual dissolution. Despite its decline, the legacy of the hanse remains significant. It laid the groundwork for modern trade practices and international commerce. The cooperative spirit of the league can be seen in contemporary trade agreements and organizations that aim to foster economic collaboration across borders. In conclusion, the concept of hanse is not just a relic of history; it represents a critical period in the development of European trade and commerce. By studying the Hanseatic League, we gain insights into how economic alliances can shape societies and influence historical events. The story of the hanse serves as a reminder of the importance of cooperation in achieving mutual goals, a lesson that remains relevant in today's globalized world.
“hanse”一词指的是中世纪商人的公会,在北欧,特别是波罗的海和北海地区非常突出。汉萨同盟成立于12世纪末,由各种城镇及其商人组成,他们为共同的经济利益而合作。这一联盟使他们能够保护自己的贸易利益,建立贸易路线,并创建一个繁荣了几个世纪的商业网络。理解hanse的重要性对于理解中世纪欧洲历史经济格局至关重要。 hanse的兴起主要是由于对鱼、木材和谷物等商品需求的增加。随着贸易的扩展,汉萨同盟的影响力也随之增长。吕贝克、汉堡和不来梅等城市成为这一商业网络中的关键参与者。他们创建了一种贸易体系,不仅使商人受益,也使城镇本身得以发展和繁荣。 hanse最显著的方面之一是其保持一定程度的自治,脱离周围王国和帝国的控制。该联盟拥有自己的法律、规章,甚至军事力量来保护其利益。这种独立性使得成员城市能够在不被各自地区的政治局势过度约束的情况下繁荣发展。 hanse的衰退始于16世纪末,主要是由于民族国家的崛起和贸易路线的变化。新大陆的发现和殖民贸易的建立使得传统的汉萨同盟依赖的贸易路线的关注度下降。此外,成员城市之间的内部冲突削弱了联盟的团结,导致其最终解散。 尽管衰退,hanse的遗产仍然具有重要意义。它为现代贸易实践和国际商务奠定了基础。该联盟的合作精神可以在当代贸易协议和旨在促进跨国经济合作的组织中看到。 总之,hanse的概念不仅仅是历史的遗迹;它代表了欧洲贸易和商业发展的一个关键时期。通过研究汉萨同盟,我们可以深入了解经济联盟如何塑造社会并影响历史事件。hanse的故事提醒我们,在实现共同目标时,合作的重要性,这一教训在当今全球化的世界中仍然具有相关性。