n. 溶岩滴丘
复 数 h o r n i t o s
用于烘焙或烧制陶器的小炉子或窑 |
泥土烤炉 | |
木柴烤炉 | |
在小烤炉中烹饪 | |
面包烤炉 |
烤箱 | 面包师使用烤箱来烘焙面包。 | ||
窑 | 陶艺家通常在窑中烧制陶土。 |
洞穴 | 探险者在山中发现了一个隐藏的洞穴。 | ||
坑 | 他们挖了一个坑作为房子的基础。 |
1.The baker placed the dough into the hornito for baking.
2.We visited a traditional bakery that uses a wood-fired hornito.
3.The hornito is essential for making authentic artisan bread.
4.After hours of preparation, the pizza was finally ready to go into the hornito.
5.The chef explained how the heat from the hornito enhances the flavor of the food.
In the world of geology and volcanology, many terms are used to describe various formations and processes. One such term is hornito, which refers to a small mound or hill formed by the accumulation of volcanic material, particularly lava. These structures are typically found in areas with active volcanic activity and can provide valuable insights into the behavior of volcanoes. Understanding hornito formations can help scientists predict future eruptions and assess potential hazards for nearby communities. The formation of a hornito occurs when lava erupts from a vent and accumulates in a localized area. As the lava cools and solidifies, it creates a small, elevated structure. The size of a hornito can vary significantly, ranging from just a few meters to several tens of meters in height. These mounds often have a conical shape and can be composed of various materials, including ash, pumice, and solidified lava. One notable feature of hornitos is their ability to change over time. As new lava continues to erupt and accumulate, the existing hornito can grow larger or even split into multiple smaller mounds. This dynamic nature makes hornitos an interesting subject for study, as they can reveal important information about the volcanic activity in a region. Researchers often conduct field studies to observe and analyze hornito formations. By examining the physical characteristics of these structures, scientists can learn about the temperature and viscosity of the lava involved in their creation. Additionally, studying the surrounding geology can provide context for the volcanic activity that led to the formation of the hornito. For example, researchers might look for signs of past eruptions or other geological features that indicate the history of volcanic activity in the area. The significance of hornitos extends beyond academic research. For communities living near active volcanoes, understanding these formations can be crucial for safety and preparedness. By monitoring the growth and changes of hornitos, scientists can gain insights into potential volcanic eruptions and issue warnings to local residents. This information can help people evacuate or take necessary precautions to protect themselves and their property. In conclusion, the term hornito represents a fascinating aspect of volcanic geology. These small mounds of volcanic material not only contribute to our understanding of volcanic processes but also play a critical role in assessing risks for communities near active volcanoes. As researchers continue to study hornitos, we can expect to gain further insights into the complex behaviors of volcanoes and improve our ability to respond to volcanic hazards effectively.
在地质学和火山学的世界中,许多术语用于描述各种形成和过程。其中一个术语是hornito,指的是由火山材料(特别是熔岩)积累形成的小土堆或小山。这些结构通常出现在活跃的火山活动区域,并可以提供有关火山行为的宝贵见解。理解hornito的形成可以帮助科学家预测未来的喷发并评估附近社区的潜在危险。 hornito的形成发生在熔岩从通风口喷出并在局部区域积累时。当熔岩冷却并固化时,就会形成一个小的高耸结构。hornito的大小可以有显著变化,从几米到几十米不等。这些土堆通常呈锥形,可能由各种材料组成,包括灰烬、浮石和固化的熔岩。 hornito的一个显著特征是它们随着时间的推移而变化的能力。随着新的熔岩继续喷发和积累,现有的hornito可以变得更大,甚至分裂成多个较小的土堆。这种动态特性使得hornito成为研究的有趣对象,因为它们可以揭示一个地区火山活动的重要信息。 研究人员经常进行实地研究,以观察和分析hornito的形成。通过检查这些结构的物理特征,科学家可以了解参与其形成的熔岩的温度和粘度。此外,研究周围的地质环境可以为导致hornito形成的火山活动提供背景。例如,研究人员可能寻找过去喷发的迹象或其他地质特征,以指示该地区火山活动的历史。 hornito的重要性超越了学术研究。对于生活在活火山附近的社区来说,理解这些结构对安全和准备至关重要。通过监测hornito的生长和变化,科学家可以获得潜在火山喷发的见解,并向当地居民发出警告。这些信息可以帮助人们撤离或采取必要的预防措施,以保护自己和财产。 总之,术语hornito代表了火山地质学的一个迷人方面。这些小的火山材料土堆不仅有助于我们理解火山过程,还在评估活火山附近社区的风险中发挥着关键作用。随着研究人员继续研究hornito,我们可以期待进一步深入了解火山的复杂行为,并改善我们有效应对火山危险的能力。