n. 圆丘;山岗;小丘;冰丘
一个小山丘或土堆,通常出现在沼泽地区。 | |
地面上的一个圆形小丘或隆起。 |
小丘起伏的地形 | |
在小丘上 | |
一系列小丘 | |
丘与洼地 |
小丘 | 孩子们在后院的小丘上玩耍。 | ||
小山 | 我们爬到小山顶上以获得更好的视野。 | ||
土堆 | The archaeologists discovered ancient artifacts buried in the mound. | 考古学家在土堆中发现了古代文物。 |
洼地 | 山谷里满是郁郁葱葱的绿植。 | ||
山谷 | 地面的洼地积聚了雨水。 |
1.The bar silver is in the north cache, you can find it by the trend of the east hummock, ten fathoms south of the black crag with the face on it.
2.The bar silver is in the north cache, you can find it by the trend of the east hummock, ten fathoms south of the black crag with the face on it.
3.There was a particular hummock of coral that caused the green vans to slow to a crawl, gears clashing as they shifted down.
4.Cushion plant a plant that forms a tight low hummock as an adaptation to cold and dry or windy situations.
5.The deer rested on a small hummock 小丘 in the meadow, enjoying the shade.
那只鹿在草地上的一个小hummock 小丘上休息,享受着阴凉。
6.We climbed to the top of the hummock 小丘 to get a better view of the lake.
我们爬到了hummock 小丘的顶部,以便更好地欣赏湖泊的景色。
7.The landscape was dotted with hummocks 小丘, creating a beautiful undulating terrain.
风景中点缀着多个hummocks 小丘,形成了美丽的起伏地形。
8.During our hike, we stumbled upon a hummock 小丘 covered in wildflowers.
在我们的徒步旅行中,我们偶然发现了一个覆盖着野花的hummock 小丘。
9.The birds often build their nests on the sheltered side of a hummock 小丘.
鸟类常常在hummock 小丘的遮蔽一侧筑巢。
In the vast expanse of nature, one often encounters various geographical features that contribute to the beauty and diversity of the landscape. Among these features is the humble hummock, which can be described as a small, rounded hill or mound, often found in marshy or low-lying areas. These hummocks play a significant role in shaping the ecosystem and providing habitats for numerous species. As I reflect on my recent hike through a lush wetland, I was captivated by the sight of several vibrant green hummocks dotting the landscape, each one teeming with life. The first thing that struck me about the hummocks was their unique formation. They are typically formed through natural processes such as sediment deposition or the accumulation of organic material. As I walked closer, I could see how the hummocks created a mosaic of elevation within the otherwise flat terrain. This variation in height not only adds visual interest but also influences water drainage and the types of vegetation that thrive in different areas. One of the most fascinating aspects of the hummocks is their ecological importance. These small hills provide a refuge for various plants and animals, especially in wetland environments where flooding can occur. For instance, certain birds use the elevated surfaces of hummocks to nest, while amphibians may find shelter from predators among the dense vegetation that often grows on them. During my hike, I observed a pair of ducks waddling across a hummock, seemingly enjoying the safety it provided from the surrounding water. Moreover, hummocks serve as a critical component of the nutrient cycle in wetlands. The organic matter that accumulates on these mounds contributes to soil fertility, supporting a diverse array of plant life. In turn, this plant life attracts various herbivores and, subsequently, their predators, creating a balanced food web. As I stood atop one particularly large hummock, I marveled at the interconnectedness of life around me, realizing how each organism plays a role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem. However, despite their significance, hummocks face threats from human activity. Urban development, pollution, and climate change are all factors that can lead to the degradation of these important landscapes. It is crucial for us to recognize the value of hummocks and work towards their preservation. Through conservation efforts and sustainable practices, we can ensure that these unique features continue to thrive for generations to come. In conclusion, the hummock is more than just a simple mound; it is a vital part of our ecosystem that supports a rich diversity of life. My experience exploring the wetlands and observing the hummocks has deepened my appreciation for the intricate patterns of nature. As we continue to navigate the challenges of environmental change, let us remember the importance of preserving these small yet significant features of our landscape. By doing so, we honor the delicate balance of nature and the myriad of life it sustains.
在广袤的自然中,人们常常会遇到各种地理特征,这些特征为风景的美丽和多样性做出了贡献。在这些特征中,有一个不起眼的小丘,可以被描述为一个小而圆的山丘或土堆,通常出现在沼泽或低洼地区。这些小丘在塑造生态系统和为众多物种提供栖息地方面发挥着重要作用。当我回想起最近在郁郁葱葱的湿地徒步旅行时,我被几座生机勃勃的小丘所吸引,它们点缀在风景中,每一个都充满了生命。 我对小丘的第一印象是它们独特的形成。它们通常通过沉积物沉积或有机物质积累等自然过程形成。当我走近时,我可以看到这些小丘在原本平坦的地形中创造了高度的马赛克。这种高度的变化不仅增加了视觉趣味,还影响了水的排水和不同区域内繁茂植物的类型。 小丘最引人入胜的一个方面是它们的生态重要性。这些小山丘为各种植物和动物提供了避难所,尤其是在洪水可能发生的湿地环境中。例如,某些鸟类利用小丘的高地进行筑巢,而两栖动物可能会在其周围茂密的植被中找到躲避捕食者的庇护。在我的徒步旅行中,我观察到一对鸭子在一座小丘上摇摆,似乎享受着周围水域所提供的安全。 此外,小丘作为湿地营养循环的重要组成部分。积累在这些土堆上的有机物质有助于土壤肥力,支持多样化的植物生活。反过来,这些植物又吸引了各种食草动物,随后是它们的捕食者,形成了一个平衡的食物网。当我站在一座特别大的小丘上时,我惊叹于我周围生命的相互联系,意识到每个生物在维持生态系统健康中都扮演着角色。 然而,尽管它们的重要性,小丘面临着来自人类活动的威胁。城市开发、污染和气候变化都是导致这些重要景观退化的因素。我们必须认识到小丘的价值,并努力保护它们。通过保护工作和可持续实践,我们可以确保这些独特特征继续为后代繁荣。 总之,小丘不仅仅是一个简单的土堆;它是我们生态系统的重要组成部分,支持着丰富的生命多样性。我在探索湿地和观察小丘的经历加深了我对自然复杂模式的欣赏。当我们继续应对环境变化的挑战时,让我们记住保护这些小而重要的景观特征的重要性。通过这样做,我们尊重自然的微妙平衡以及它所维持的无数生命。