adj. 舌下的;舌下神经的
n. 舌下神经
Relating to a nerve that controls the movements of the tongue. | 与控制舌头运动的神经相关。 |
Specifically referring to the hypoglossal nerve, which is the twelfth cranial nerve. | 特别指代舌下神经,即第十二对脑神经。 |
舌下功能 | |
舌下刺激 | |
舌下损伤 | |
舌下运动神经元 | |
舌下束 | |
舌下激活 |
舌下神经 | 舌下神经控制舌头的运动。 | ||
舌神经 | 舌神经损伤可能会影响味觉感知。 |
舌上 | The supra-glossal area is important for certain speech functions. | 舌上区域对某些语言功能很重要。 | |
舌上 | Epiglossal muscles play a role in the movement of the tongue. | 舌上肌肉在舌头的运动中起作用。 |
1.It companied with carotid canal and hypoglossal canal outside hole, and formed triangle that posterior groups nerve and jugular buld existed in.
2.AIM: to study the response of astrocytes and motoneurons in hypoglossal nuclei and their interrelation after hypoglossal nerve injury in rats, and explore the possible mechanism.
3.The outer aperture of JF was adjacent to the hypoglossal canal.
4.Typical clinical manifestations of this disease are bilateral hypoglossal nerve palsy, tetraparesis, and the disturbance of deep sensations.
5.The greatest diameters of Glossopharyngeal Nerve (GphN )> Vagus Nerve , Accessory Nerve and Hypoglossal Nerve were measured .
6.Be like ill factitious singer or oratorical, need tongue campaign is slick person, cannot go facial nerve - hypoglossal nerve be identical, and as advisable as accessory nerve be identical.
7.Persistent hypoglossal artery (PPHA) is the second most common carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomosis, with an estimated prevalence of 0.02%–0.1%, with 65% of them being left-sided.
8.Conclusion: Electrophysiologic measurement of hypoglossal lingual nerve transfer in MacacaMulatta suggest dynamic reconstruction of residual tongue muscular be possible.
9.Conclusion:The denervated pectoralis major myoflap can be reinnervated by hypoglossal-genioglossus muscle neuromuscular pedicle transplantation.
10.The hypoglossal nerve is essential for tongue movement.
舌下神经 对于舌头的运动至关重要。
11.Damage to the hypoglossal nerve can result in difficulty speaking.
舌下神经 受损可能导致说话困难。
12.During the surgery, the doctor carefully avoided the hypoglossal nerve.
在手术过程中,医生小心翼翼地避免了 舌下神经。
13.The hypoglossal nerve controls the muscles of the tongue.
舌下神经 控制舌头的肌肉。
14.Patients with a lesion on the hypoglossal nerve may experience atrophy of the tongue.
有 舌下神经 病变的患者可能会经历舌头萎缩。
The human body is an intricate system composed of various organs and structures that work together to maintain health and functionality. Among these components, the nervous system plays a crucial role in facilitating communication between different parts of the body. One of the lesser-known yet essential nerves in this system is the hypoglossal nerve. The hypoglossal nerve, or cranial nerve XII, is primarily responsible for controlling the movements of the tongue, which is vital for speech, swallowing, and other oral functions. Understanding the importance of the hypoglossal nerve can shed light on its role in our daily lives and the potential consequences when it is damaged. The hypoglossal nerve originates from the medulla oblongata, a part of the brainstem that regulates many involuntary functions such as breathing and heart rate. After emerging from the brain, the hypoglossal nerve travels down to the neck and then branches out to innervate the muscles of the tongue. This nerve is unique because it is purely motor, meaning it does not carry sensory information but solely controls muscle movement. The proper functioning of the hypoglossal nerve is vital for articulating words clearly, as the tongue's position and movement are critical for producing different sounds. In addition to speech, the hypoglossal nerve also plays a significant role in the act of swallowing. The tongue helps push food towards the back of the mouth and into the throat, initiating the swallowing process. Damage to the hypoglossal nerve can lead to difficulties in these functions, resulting in speech disorders or dysphagia, a condition characterized by difficulty swallowing. Such impairments can significantly affect an individual's quality of life, making it essential to understand the implications of hypoglossal nerve damage. There are several conditions that can lead to injury or dysfunction of the hypoglossal nerve. For instance, trauma to the neck, tumors in the region of the brainstem, or neurological diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) can all compromise the integrity of this nerve. Symptoms of hypoglossal nerve dysfunction may include slurred speech, difficulty moving the tongue, or asymmetrical tongue movement. When individuals experience these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment options. In conclusion, the hypoglossal nerve is a vital component of the nervous system that plays a fundamental role in speech and swallowing. Its function is often overlooked, yet it has a significant impact on our ability to communicate and consume food. Understanding the hypoglossal nerve and its functions can help us appreciate the complexities of our body and the importance of maintaining nerve health. As research continues to advance in the field of neurology, we may discover even more about the hypoglossal nerve's functions and how to address disorders related to it, ultimately enhancing our understanding of human physiology and improving patient outcomes.
人类身体是一个复杂的系统,由各种器官和结构组成,这些器官和结构协同工作以维持健康和功能。在这些组成部分中,神经系统在促进身体不同部分之间的沟通方面发挥着至关重要的作用。在这个系统中,一个鲜为人知但又至关重要的神经是舌下神经。舌下神经,或称颅神经XII,主要负责控制舌头的运动,这对于语言、吞咽和其他口腔功能至关重要。理解舌下神经的重要性可以揭示它在我们日常生活中的作用以及当它受损时可能产生的后果。 舌下神经起源于延髓,这是脑干的一部分,调节许多无意识功能,如呼吸和心率。在从大脑中出现后,舌下神经向下延伸到颈部,然后分支出支配舌头肌肉的神经。这个神经是独特的,因为它是纯运动性的,意味着它不携带感觉信息,而仅仅控制肌肉运动。舌下神经的正常功能对于清晰地表达单词至关重要,因为舌头的位置和运动对于产生不同的声音至关重要。 除了语言外,舌下神经在吞咽过程中也发挥着重要作用。舌头帮助将食物推向嘴的后部并进入喉咙,开始吞咽过程。舌下神经的损伤可能导致这些功能的困难,从而导致语言障碍或吞咽困难,这是一种以吞咽困难为特征的疾病。这种损害可能会显著影响个人的生活质量,因此了解舌下神经损伤的影响至关重要。 有几种情况可能导致舌下神经的损伤或功能障碍。例如,颈部创伤、脑干区域的肿瘤或神经系统疾病如肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)都可能损害该神经的完整性。舌下神经功能障碍的症状可能包括说话含糊不清、舌头运动困难或舌头运动不对称。当个体经历这些症状时,寻求医学评估以确定潜在原因和适当治疗方案至关重要。 总之,舌下神经是神经系统的重要组成部分,在语言和吞咽中发挥着基本作用。它的功能常常被忽视,但它对我们交流和进食的能力有着重要影响。理解舌下神经及其功能可以帮助我们欣赏身体的复杂性以及维持神经健康的重要性。随着神经学领域研究的不断进展,我们可能会发现更多关于舌下神经功能的信息,以及如何解决与之相关的疾病,从而最终增强我们对人体生理的理解并改善患者的结果。