adv. 歇斯底里地
In a way that shows extreme emotion, especially when laughing or crying uncontrollably. | 以极端情感的方式,特别是当无法控制地大笑或哭泣时。 |
歇斯底里地大笑 | |
歇斯底里地哭泣 | |
极其搞笑的 | |
极度沮丧的 |
无法控制地大笑 | 她对这个笑话无法控制地大笑。 | ||
疯狂地 | 他说话时疯狂地做手势。 | ||
疯狂地;拼命地 | 他们拼命寻找失踪的狗。 | ||
狂热地 | 粉丝们在音乐会上狂热地欢呼。 |
平静地 | 她平静地处理了这个情况。 | ||
安详地 | 尽管周围一片混乱,他仍然安详地说话。 | ||
逻辑地 | 他们以逻辑的方式处理这个问题。 |
1.She was weeping hysterically, her head and arms draped over Henry's lifeless torso.
2.I ran out of the house crying hysterically.
3.Americans jumped into the stock market, first tentatively, then eagerly, and finally almost hysterically.
4."Bernard?" Her voice rose hysterically.
5.Some critics have complained that "Greenland" is hysterically alarmist.
6.She looked tired and her daughter was crying hysterically.
7.Overweight and obese people don't laugh hysterically when they hear a fat joke.
8.Pardon me while I laugh hysterically at this thought.
9.She laughed hysterically at the joke, unable to catch her breath.
10.The children screamed hysterically when they saw the clown.
11.He was hysterically crying after watching the sad movie.
12.During the emergency, she called for help hysterically.
13.They were hysterically arguing over the smallest details.
Laughter is often considered one of the best medicines, and it can come in various forms. Sometimes, we find ourselves laughing so hard that we become almost uncontrollable. This kind of laughter is what many refer to as laughing hysterically, which means to laugh in a way that is wild and uncontrolled. It is a reaction that can be triggered by something genuinely funny or even by a stressful situation that suddenly turns humorous. In my life, I have encountered numerous moments that made me laugh hysterically. One particular incident occurred during a family gathering last year. My cousin, who has a knack for impersonations, decided to entertain us with his version of our grandmother. He exaggerated her mannerisms and voice so perfectly that we all found ourselves doubled over in laughter. The more he performed, the more we laughed hysterically, unable to catch our breath. It was a moment filled with joy, and it reminded me of how important it is to share laughter with loved ones. Laughter, especially when it is hysterical, can create bonds and memories that last a lifetime. Another instance where I laughed hysterically was during a trip with friends to a comedy club. The comedian on stage had an incredible ability to connect with the audience, and his jokes were relatable yet absurd. At one point, he shared a story about his childhood pet that went awry, and the way he narrated it had everyone in stitches. I remember looking around at my friends, and we were all laughing hysterically, tears streaming down our faces. It was one of those moments where nothing else mattered; we were just living in the present, enjoying the sheer joy of laughter. Interestingly, laughter can also serve as a coping mechanism. I recall a challenging period in my life when I faced significant stress due to work pressures. One evening, I decided to watch a lighthearted movie with my friends. As the film progressed, there were several scenes that made us laugh hysterically. In that moment, I realized how powerful laughter could be in alleviating stress and lifting our spirits. It was as if those moments of joy provided a much-needed escape from reality. In conclusion, the word hysterically encapsulates a form of laughter that is not just about humor but also about connection and relief. Whether it is during family gatherings, nights out with friends, or even tough times, laughing hysterically creates a sense of unity and happiness. So next time you find yourself in a situation that makes you laugh hysterically, embrace it! These moments are precious and remind us of the lighter side of life.