adj. 纵火的;煽动性的;能引起燃烧的;非常辣的
n. 燃烧弹;纵火者;煽动者;易燃物
复 数 i n c e n d i a r i e s
比 较 级 m o r e i n c e n d i a r y
最 高 级 m o s t i n c e n d i a r y
倾向于激起冲突或引发争议。 | |
与故意纵火有关。 | |
A person who stirs up trouble or incites others to commit violent acts. | 一个挑起麻烦或煽动他人实施暴力行为的人。 |
煽动性言论 | |
纵火装置 | |
一条煽动性评论 | |
煽动性演讲 |
1.Material made public Sunday sheds light on the increasingly incendiary state of world relations, under conditions of deepening world economic cr is is.
2.Nowhere was such tribalism more incendiary than in the Middle East, thanks in large part to Mr. Obama's predecessor.
3.Should notice to clear the branch advantageous position that after cutting, leaves and leaf, usable machinery turns over agrarian or incendiary burn to burn.
4.American standard seat incendiary tester, test padded seats combustible materials. Test, test kits by the standards of the bubble and the unknown fabric cover.
5.Five incendiary devices were found in her house.
6.Freddie Mercury's voice is just absolutely unforgettable, and who could dispute the incendiary quality of Brian May's solos and riffs9?
7."Incendiary stuff, not likely," Cheng said.
8.American Standard seat incendiary tester, test padded seats combustible materials.
9.Once a humble playwright, a series of incendiary hits that captured the imagination of the planet funded what would become an entertainment empire.
10.The activist's speech was filled with incendiary rhetoric that sparked outrage among the crowd.
11.The police were concerned about the incendiary materials found in the suspect's home.
12.His incendiary comments on social media led to a heated debate.
13.The documentary included incendiary footage from the protests.
14.The government issued a warning about the incendiary pamphlets circulating in the community.
In recent years, the term incendiary has gained significant attention, particularly in discussions surrounding political discourse and social movements. The word itself is derived from the Latin 'incendiarius', meaning 'to set on fire'. In a literal sense, it refers to something that can cause a fire, but its metaphorical usage has become increasingly prominent. An incendiary device, for example, is often used in military contexts to describe weapons designed to start fires or explosions. However, the word has transcended its original definition and entered the realm of rhetoric and communication. The use of incendiary language can ignite passions and provoke strong reactions among audiences. Politicians and activists often employ this type of language to rally support or incite action. For instance, during protests, leaders might use incendiary rhetoric to inspire their followers, encouraging them to take to the streets and voice their grievances. While such language can be powerful and motivating, it can also lead to misunderstandings and escalate tensions between opposing sides. A notable example of incendiary rhetoric occurred during the civil rights movement in the United States. Leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X utilized language that stirred emotions and challenged the status quo. Their speeches were filled with passionate calls for justice and equality, which resonated deeply with their audiences. However, the incendiary nature of their words sometimes led to backlash from those who felt threatened by the changes they advocated. Moreover, in the age of social media, the potential for incendiary content to spread rapidly has increased exponentially. Posts that contain provocative statements or imagery can go viral within minutes, reaching millions of people worldwide. This phenomenon raises questions about responsibility and the impact of incendiary messages on public opinion and behavior. Misinformation can spread just as quickly, and when combined with incendiary rhetoric, it can create a volatile environment where conflict is more likely to occur. It is essential to recognize the power of incendiary language, both in its ability to inspire change and its potential to incite violence or unrest. As individuals, we must critically evaluate the messages we consume and share, understanding that words can have far-reaching consequences. Engaging in constructive dialogue and promoting understanding can help mitigate the risks associated with incendiary rhetoric. In conclusion, the term incendiary encapsulates a duality that is relevant in today's society. It represents both the potential for positive change through passionate advocacy and the dangers of divisive language that can lead to conflict. By being mindful of our language and its implications, we can harness the power of incendiary discourse for good while minimizing its destructive potential. As we navigate an increasingly polarized world, the challenge lies in finding a balance between passionate expression and responsible communication.
近年来,术语incendiary(煽动性的)引起了广泛关注,特别是在政治话语和社会运动的讨论中。这个词源自拉丁文“incendiarius”,意为“点燃”。从字面上看,它指的是能够引起火灾的东西,但它的比喻用法变得越来越突出。例如,incendiary装置通常用于军事背景,描述旨在引发火灾或爆炸的武器。然而,这个词已经超越了其原始定义,进入了修辞和交流的领域。 使用incendiary语言可以激发激情并引发观众的强烈反应。政治家和活动家经常使用这种类型的语言来争取支持或激励行动。例如,在抗议活动中,领导者可能会使用incendiary修辞来激励他们的追随者,鼓励他们走上街头表达不满。虽然这种语言可以是强大而激励人心的,但它也可能导致误解,并加剧对立双方之间的紧张关系。 一个显著的例子是美国民权运动期间的incendiary修辞。马丁·路德·金和马尔科姆·X等领导者利用激动人心的语言挑战现状。他们的演讲充满了对正义和平等的热情呼吁,深深打动了他们的听众。然而,他们言辞中的incendiary性质有时会引发那些感到受到威胁的人的反击。 此外,在社交媒体时代,incendiary内容迅速传播的潜力成倍增加。包含挑衅性陈述或图像的帖子可以在几分钟内迅速传播,触及全球数百万人。这一现象引发了关于责任和incendiary信息对公众舆论和行为影响的问题。错误信息同样可以快速传播,当与incendiary修辞结合时,可能会创造出一种更容易发生冲突的动荡环境。 我们必须认识到incendiary语言的力量,无论是激励变革的能力,还是煽动暴力或动乱的潜力。作为个体,我们必须批判性地评估我们所消费和分享的信息,理解语言可能产生深远的后果。参与建设性对话和促进理解可以帮助减轻与incendiary修辞相关的风险。 总之,术语incendiary概括了当今社会相关的二元性。它既代表通过热情倡导推动积极变化的潜力,也代表可能导致冲突的分裂语言的危险。通过关注我们的语言及其含义,我们可以利用incendiary话语的力量为善,同时最小化其破坏性潜力。在我们应对日益两极化的世界时,挑战在于找到热情表达与负责任沟通之间的平衡。