vt. 激怒;使燃烧;使发炎
vi. 燃烧;发炎;激动
第 三 人 称 单 数 i n f l a m e s
现 在 分 词 i n f l a m i n g
过 去 式 i n f l a m e d
过 去 分 词 i n f l a m e d
to provoke or intensify (a strong feeling, especially anger) or to make something worse. | 激发或加剧(强烈的情感,尤其是愤怒)或使某事变得更糟。 |
导致身体某部分发炎。 |
激发热情 | |
加剧辩论 | |
加剧紧张局势 | |
使问题更加复杂 | |
激起某人的感情 | |
使情况恶化 | |
激起仇恨 | |
引发争议 |
煽动 | 领导的演讲旨在煽动人群。 | ||
激动 | 新闻报道激起了公众的不满。 | ||
激发 | 这部电影以其惊险的情节激发了观众的兴趣。 | ||
挑衅 | 他的评论旨在挑起反应。 | ||
点燃 | 这位艺术家的作品点燃了关于社会问题的讨论。 |
平静 | The teacher tried to calm the students during the fire drill. | 老师在消防演习期间试图让学生平静下来。 | |
安抚 | 她用热敷来缓解酸痛的肌肉。 | ||
平息 | The mother was able to pacify her crying baby with a lullaby. | 母亲用摇篮曲安抚了她哭闹的婴儿。 |
1.Its main ingredients curcuminoids have the effects of anti-virus, anti-inflame, anti-cancer and anti-oxidation.
2.Conversely, he was trying to inflame them by his behaviour.
3.Her question seemed to inflame him all the more.
4.The processing technology, equipment, materials and technological parameters for Minjiangyuan "Anti-Inflame"Refreshing Tea are reported.
5.Where there is a real or imaginary threat to economic security, this is specially likely to inflame group prejudice.
6.Kid Guan is large inflame, aloud beverage Zu, yet where can obstruct live.
7.Even now he is reading my manuscript, preparing to inflame my ego, to set my ego against hers.
8.Though we certainly weren't trying to inflame or shock , we set of a wave of anger.
9.In time of inflame, do yourself a favor along gift refresh to it in a quiet place so that you won't be hurt along its flames;
10.The politician's speech aimed to inflame the crowd's emotions.
11.His harsh words only served to inflame the situation further.
12.The documentary was designed to inflame public interest in environmental issues.
13.The media coverage seemed to inflame tensions between the two communities.
14.He tried to inflame her jealousy by talking about his ex-girlfriend.
In today's world, social media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion and influencing behaviors. However, it can also serve to inflame tensions among different groups. When people share content that is divisive or inflammatory, it can quickly spread like wildfire, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. This phenomenon is particularly evident during political campaigns, where rhetoric is often used to inflame emotions and rally support. For instance, during the last election cycle, numerous posts circulated on various platforms that were designed to inflame partisan divides. These posts often exaggerated facts or presented misleading information, which only served to deepen the chasm between opposing sides. As individuals consumed this content, their biases were reinforced, and their willingness to engage in constructive dialogue diminished. Moreover, the tendency to inflame discussions can also be seen in other areas, such as social justice movements. While these movements are essential for advocating change, there are instances where the language used can inflame tensions rather than foster understanding. For example, when activists use aggressive language to describe their opponents, it can lead to defensive reactions and further polarization. Instead of bridging gaps, such approaches often create an 'us vs. them' mentality, making it challenging to find common ground. It is crucial, therefore, for individuals to be mindful of the content they consume and share. By choosing to promote messages that encourage empathy and understanding, we can counteract the tendency to inflame conflicts. Education plays a vital role in this process, as teaching critical thinking skills can empower individuals to discern between constructive dialogue and inflammatory rhetoric. Furthermore, platforms themselves have a responsibility to mitigate the spread of content that inflame tensions. Implementing stricter guidelines on hate speech and misinformation could help create a healthier online environment. Algorithms that prioritize engagement often amplify sensational content; thus, adjusting these algorithms to promote more balanced discussions could reduce the likelihood of inflame situations arising. In conclusion, while social media has the power to connect us, it also has the potential to inflame divisions within society. By being aware of the impact of our words and actions, we can work towards fostering a more inclusive and understanding discourse. It is essential to challenge ourselves to rise above rhetoric that seeks to inflame emotions and instead focus on building bridges through respectful and informed conversations. Only then can we hope to create a society that values unity over division, understanding over conflict, and peace over hostility.
在当今世界,社交媒体在塑造公众舆论和影响行为方面发挥着重要作用。然而,它也可以加剧不同群体之间的紧张关系。当人们分享分裂或煽动性的内容时,这种内容可以迅速传播开来,导致误解和冲突。这种现象在政治运动期间尤为明显,因为修辞常常被用来激发情感并争取支持。 例如,在上一个选举周期中,各种平台上流传了许多旨在加剧党派分歧的帖子。这些帖子往往夸大事实或提供误导性的信息,只会加深对立双方之间的鸿沟。当个人消费这些内容时,他们的偏见得到了强化,他们参与建设性对话的意愿减少。 此外,加剧讨论的倾向在其他领域,例如社会正义运动中也可以看到。虽然这些运动对于倡导变革至关重要,但有时使用的语言可能会激化紧张局势,而不是促进理解。例如,当活动家使用激烈的语言来描述他们的对手时,可能会导致防御反应和进一步的极化。这样的做法往往创造了一种“我们对他们”的心态,使寻找共同点变得困难。 因此,个人必须对他们所消费和分享的内容保持警惕。通过选择推广鼓励同情和理解的信息,我们可以抵消加剧冲突的倾向。教育在这一过程中发挥着至关重要的作用,因为教授批判性思维技能可以使个人能够辨别建设性对话和煽动性言论之间的区别。 此外,各个平台也有责任减轻传播煽动性内容的风险。实施更严格的仇恨言论和虚假信息指南可以帮助创建一个更健康的在线环境。优先考虑参与度的算法往往会放大耸人听闻的内容;因此,调整这些算法以促进更平衡的讨论可以减少激化局势的可能性。 总之,尽管社交媒体有连接我们的力量,但它也有可能加剧社会内部的分歧。通过意识到我们言语和行为的影响,我们可以努力促进更具包容性和理解的对话。挑战自己超越那些试图激发情感的修辞,而是专注于通过尊重和知情的对话建立桥梁,这一点至关重要。只有这样,我们才能希望创造一个重视团结而非分裂、理解而非冲突、和平而非敌意的社会。