n. (武力夺取政权的)军政府;政务审议会;(Junta)(美、巴西、加、阿根、泰)洪塔(人名)
复 数 j u n t a s
A military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force. | 通过武力夺取政权后统治一个国家的军事或政治团体。 |
An assembly or council, especially in a legislative context. | 特别是在立法背景下的集会或委员会。 |
军事执政团 |
委员会 | 委员会召开会议讨论新政策。 | ||
委员会 | 该委员会成立以监督该项目。 | ||
董事会 | 董事会批准了明年的预算。 | ||
政权 | 政权在政变后实施了严格的法律。 |
民主 | In a democracy, citizens have the right to vote and participate in governance. | 在民主制度中,公民有权投票和参与治理。 | |
共和国 | The republic is founded on principles of liberty and justice for all. | 这个共和国建立在对所有人自由与正义的原则之上。 |
1.It helped the junta consolidate its grip.
2.Vienna Secession is a symbolism junta of Vienna in the 19th century.
3.Another reason for its actions can be found in Mr Mandela's experience in 1995, when he found little support in Africa for action against Nigeria's former military junta.
4.The commission later absolved the junta over its plot to subvert the election, arguing that the conspiracy had not been enacted and thus no harm was done.
选举委员会随后宣布 不追究军人集团意图破坏选举的阴谋,因为这个阴谋并没有开展,因此也没有造成损失。
5.The junta tried its utmost to thwart the relatively benign outcome that now seems possible.
6.Eight members of the military junta that ran Argentina in the 1970s are now sitting in a courtroom in Buenos Aires. They are accused of trafficking in stolen babies.
7.The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force?
8.The military junta 军政府 took control of the country after the coup.
在政变后,军方junta 军政府控制了国家。
9.Many citizens protested against the junta 军事统治 in the streets.
许多市民在街头抗议junta 军事统治。
10.The junta 委员会 announced new policies to stabilize the economy.
该junta 委员会宣布了稳定经济的新政策。
11.After the revolution, a junta 军政委员会 was formed to govern the country.
革命后,成立了一个junta 军政委员会来治理国家。
12.International organizations condemned the actions of the junta 军政府.
国际组织谴责了junta 军政府的行为。
In the world of politics, the term junta refers to a group of individuals who come together to govern a country, often following a coup d'état or during a time of political instability. The origins of the word are Spanish, derived from 'junta de gobierno,' meaning 'board of government.' A junta typically consists of military leaders or political figures who assume control of the state without the consent of the populace. This form of governance is often characterized by authoritarian rule, where the junta exerts significant power over the military and civil administration. Historically, many nations have experienced the rise of juntas, especially in Latin America and parts of Africa and Asia. For instance, the Chilean junta that took power after the 1973 coup led by General Augusto Pinochet is a notable example. The junta ruled with an iron fist, suppressing dissent and violating human rights in the name of national security. Such actions often lead to international condemnation and sanctions, as the legitimacy of a junta is frequently questioned by both domestic and foreign observers. The role of a junta can vary significantly depending on the context in which it arises. In some cases, a junta may initially be seen as a stabilizing force, particularly if the previous government was corrupt or ineffective. Citizens may support the junta out of a desire for order and security. However, as time passes, the lack of democratic processes and the concentration of power in the hands of a few can lead to widespread discontent. Moreover, the existence of a junta raises important questions about governance and accountability. Without a system of checks and balances, juntas can become increasingly oppressive. The absence of free press and independent judiciary often allows them to operate without scrutiny. This can result in abuses of power, where the junta prioritizes its interests over those of the citizens it governs. In recent years, the international community has taken a firmer stance against juntas, advocating for democratic transitions and the restoration of civilian rule. Organizations such as the United Nations and regional bodies like the African Union have condemned military takeovers and have called for the reinstatement of democratically elected governments. The push for democracy highlights the importance of civic engagement and the need for citizens to hold their leaders accountable, regardless of whether they are part of a junta or a democratically elected government. In conclusion, the term junta encapsulates a complex phenomenon in political discourse. It symbolizes the tension between authority and liberty, stability and oppression. Understanding the implications of a junta is crucial for comprehending the broader dynamics of power within a state. As history has shown, while a junta may emerge in times of crisis, its long-term effects on society can be profound and far-reaching. Therefore, it is essential for citizens and the global community to remain vigilant and advocate for democratic principles, ensuring that power remains in the hands of the people rather than a select few.
在政治世界中,术语junta指的是一群人聚集在一起治理一个国家,通常是在政变或政治不稳定时期。这个词源于西班牙语,源于'junta de gobierno',意为'政府委员会'。junta通常由军事领导人或政治人物组成,他们在没有民众同意的情况下掌握国家的控制权。这种治理形式通常以威权统治为特征,junta对军队和民事行政机构施加重大权力。 历史上,许多国家经历了juntas的崛起,尤其是在拉丁美洲以及非洲和亚洲的某些地区。例如,智利在1973年由奥古斯托·皮诺切特将军领导的政变后成立的junta就是一个显著的例子。该junta以铁腕手段统治,压制异议,侵犯人权,以国家安全为名。这种行为常常导致国际谴责和制裁,因为junta的合法性常常受到国内外观察者的质疑。 junta的角色可以根据其出现的背景而显著不同。在某些情况下,junta可能最初被视为稳定力量,特别是如果之前的政府腐败或无效。公民可能会出于对秩序和安全的渴望而支持junta。然而,随着时间的推移,缺乏民主程序和权力集中在少数人手中可能导致广泛的不满。 此外,junta的存在引发了关于治理和问责的重要问题。没有制衡机制,juntas可能变得越来越压迫。自由新闻和独立司法的缺失通常使他们能够在没有审查的情况下运作。这可能导致权力滥用,junta优先考虑自身利益而非治理公民的利益。 近年来,国际社会对juntas采取了更坚定的立场,倡导民主过渡和恢复文官统治。联合国等组织和非洲联盟等区域机构谴责军事政变,并呼吁恢复民主选举产生的政府。推动民主突显了公民参与的重要性,以及公民需要对他们的领导人负责,无论他们是属于junta还是民主选举产生的政府。 总之,术语junta概括了政治话语中的复杂现象。它象征着权威与自由、稳定与压迫之间的紧张关系。理解junta的影响对于理解国家内部权力的更广泛动态至关重要。正如历史所示,虽然junta可能在危机时期出现,但其对社会的长期影响可能是深远的。因此,公民和全球社会必须保持警惕,倡导民主原则,确保权力掌握在人民手中,而不是少数人手中。