n. (印度教和佛教信仰的)羯磨,业(认为今世的行为会影响来世);气氛,感觉
【名】 (Karma)(美)卡尔马(人名)
n. 转世情迷(电影名称) | |
好运,好命;善因缘 |
命运 | 因果法则就是 karma 的本质。 |
机会 | 有时候,生活只是一个机会的问题。 | ||
命运 | Many believe that fate plays a significant role in our lives. | 许多人相信命运在我们的生活中扮演着重要角色。 |
1.Between the Indian Ocean and jungle of Bali's southern Bukit Peninsula, Karma Kandara has a sea-view spa and gourmet dining.
位于印度洋与巴厘岛南部Bukit Peninsula丛林之间,Karma Kandara有着着海景spa和美食餐厅。
2.How have you turned your time gaps into good karma opportunities for making a difference in the world?
3.This blog post will outline a strategy on how to get links from a charity's website while improving your karma at the same time!
4.The Buddhists call this Karma.
5.I saw that karma, as Mary Ann had insisted, wasn't magical but just the natural course of things.
6.Karma highlights the disgruntled thoughts at cause of a difficult happenstance. As self chooses to purify the thought stream the dream shifts.
7.She believes that helping others will bring her good karma 因果法则 in the future.
她相信帮助他人会给她带来好的karma 因果法则。
8.His kind actions are bound to create positive karma 因果法则 for him.
他的善举注定会为他创造积极的karma 因果法则。
9.She always says that what goes around comes around, which is her way of explaining karma 因果法则.
她总是说,善有善报,恶有恶报,这就是她解释karma 因果法则的方式。
10.He lost his job after lying to his boss; that's just karma 因果法则 at work.
他在对老板撒谎后失去了工作;这就是karma 因果法则在发挥作用。
11.Many people feel that their karma 因果法则 affects their luck in life.
许多人觉得他们的karma 因果法则影响着他们在生活中的运气。
Karma is a concept that has its roots in ancient Indian philosophy, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism. It refers to the principle of cause and effect, where every action has consequences. In simple terms, it means that what you do will come back to you, whether good or bad. This idea can be found in many cultures around the world, but it is most commonly associated with the Eastern philosophies. Understanding karma (因果法则) can offer profound insights into our actions and their impacts on our lives and the lives of others. In everyday life, we often experience the effects of karma (因果法则) without realizing it. For instance, when we help someone in need, we may find ourselves receiving help when we least expect it. Conversely, if we act selfishly or harm others, we might face negative repercussions later on. This cycle of actions and reactions can create a sense of accountability and encourages us to consider the ethical implications of our behavior. The beauty of karma (因果法则) lies in its ability to promote personal growth and self-reflection. When we understand that our actions have consequences, we become more mindful of how we treat others. This awareness can lead to a more compassionate and empathetic society. By practicing kindness and generosity, we not only improve the lives of those around us but also cultivate positive karma (因果法则) for ourselves. Many people struggle with the concept of karma (因果法则) when they see bad things happen to good people or good things happen to those who do wrong. This discrepancy can lead to feelings of frustration and confusion. However, it is essential to remember that karma (因果法则) does not always manifest immediately. Sometimes, the effects of our actions may take time to unfold, and we may not witness the results in our lifetime. This long-term perspective can help us maintain faith in the principle of karma (因果法则) and encourage us to continue doing good, even in the face of adversity. Another important aspect of karma (因果法则) is the idea of intention. The motivations behind our actions play a crucial role in determining the nature of our karma (因果法则). If we act out of genuine love and compassion, we are likely to generate positive karma (因果法则). On the other hand, if our actions are driven by greed, anger, or jealousy, we may create negative karma (因果法则). Therefore, cultivating pure intentions is vital for fostering a positive cycle of actions and outcomes. In conclusion, understanding karma (因果法则) can significantly impact our lives and the way we interact with others. By recognizing the interconnectedness of our actions, we can strive to live more ethically and mindfully. Embracing the principles of karma (因果法则) encourages us to take responsibility for our actions and their consequences, ultimately leading to a more harmonious existence. As we navigate through life, let us remember that every small act of kindness can contribute to a greater good, creating a ripple effect that enhances both our lives and the lives of those around us.