v. 打碎,敲击(石器)
n. 小山顶,丘顶
n. (Knap)(波、美、英)克纳普(人名)
第 三 人 称 单 数 k n a p s
现 在 分 词 k n a p p i n g
过 去 式 k n a p p e d
过 去 分 词 k n a p p e d
To strike or break something, especially a small piece off; to chip. | 敲打或打破某物,尤其是敲掉一小块;剥落。 |
A small piece or fragment that has been broken off from a larger object. | 从较大物体上断裂下来的小块或碎片。 |
紧跟其后 | |
继续进行 | |
折断一根小树枝 | |
打响指 |
英俊的 | 他是一个非常英俊的男人。 | ||
整洁的 | 她总是看起来整洁而干净。 | ||
聪明的;时髦的 | 那是一个聪明的决定。 | ||
衣冠楚楚的 | 他在婚礼上穿了一套衣冠楚楚的西装。 |
笨拙的 | 他在运动方面相当笨拙。 | ||
尴尬的 | 她在演讲期间感到尴尬。 |
1.And what I do is, I select a hard stone hammer, in this case a quartzite pebble about the size of a cricket ball, and I elect to hit it in one place - and this is where I start to knap.
2.And what I do is, I select a hard stone hammer, in this case a quartzite pebble about the size of a cricket ball, and I elect to hit it in one place - and this is where I start to knap.
3.What's taking the bus so long? Maybe the bus driver took a knap.
4.He is quite the knap fellow, always dressed sharply.
5.She has a knap way of solving problems that impresses everyone.
6.The knap design of the product caught everyone's attention.
7.His knap remarks during the meeting made him stand out.
8.She is known for her knap style in fashion.
In the quaint village of Eldergrove, there lived a young girl named Eliza who was known for her remarkable talent in crafting intricate pottery. Every morning, she would rise with the sun, her heart filled with passion for her art. One day, while exploring the nearby woods for inspiration, she stumbled upon a hidden glade where a peculiar sound caught her attention. It was a rhythmic, sharp sound that resonated through the trees. Curiosity piqued, Eliza ventured closer to investigate the source of the noise. As she approached, she saw a group of children playing a game that involved throwing small stones at a target. The way they skillfully aimed and threw the stones reminded her of the term knap, which means to break or strike something sharply to create a desired shape or form. This technique was not only essential in pottery but also in various crafts that required precision and control. Eliza decided to join the children, and soon they were all laughing and enjoying the game. As she participated, she realized that the essence of knap was not just about the physical act of striking but also about the joy and creativity that came from it. Each throw was an opportunity to express oneself, to aim for something greater, and to learn from each attempt—whether successful or not. Inspired by this experience, Eliza returned home with a newfound understanding of her craft. She began to incorporate the principles of knap into her pottery. Instead of merely shaping clay with her hands, she started to think about how each movement could be deliberate and impactful, much like the children throwing stones. This shift in mindset transformed her work, allowing her to create pieces that were not only beautiful but also imbued with a sense of purpose and intention. As the weeks passed, Eliza’s pottery gained recognition throughout the village. People marveled at how her creations seemed to tell a story, each curve and line reflecting the joy of knap—the joy of creation. She often shared her experience with others, explaining how the simple act of breaking away from the norm and embracing creativity could lead to extraordinary results. Moreover, Eliza organized workshops in the village, inviting others to explore their own artistic abilities. She taught them the significance of knap in the creative process, encouraging them to find joy in their attempts, whether they succeeded or faced challenges. The community flourished as more people discovered their talents, united by the spirit of creativity and the understanding that every strike, every attempt, was a step towards mastery. In conclusion, the word knap embodies more than just a physical action; it represents the essence of creativity and the beauty of striving for something meaningful. Eliza’s journey in Eldergrove serves as a reminder that through the act of knap, we can shape not only our crafts but also our lives, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and expression.
在古雅的埃尔德格罗夫村,住着一个名叫伊丽莎的年轻女孩,她因制作精美陶器的非凡才华而闻名。每天早晨,她都会在太阳升起时起床,心中充满了对艺术的热情。一天,当她在附近的森林中寻找灵感时,偶然发现了一个隐藏的空地,那里传来了一种奇特的声音。这是一种有节奏的、尖锐的声音,在树木间回荡。出于好奇,伊丽莎走近去调查声音的来源。当她靠近时,看到一群孩子在玩一个游戏,游戏的内容是把小石头扔向目标。他们精准的瞄准和投掷方式让她想起了“knap”这个词,这意味着用力打击或撞击某物以创造所需的形状或形式。这种技巧不仅在陶艺中至关重要,也适用于各种需要精确和控制的手工艺。 伊丽莎决定加入孩子们,很快他们都在欢笑中享受游戏。当她参与其中时,意识到knap的本质不仅仅是关于身体的打击行为,而是来自于这种行为所带来的快乐和创造力。每一次投掷都是表达自我的机会,是朝着更伟大的目标努力的机会,也是从每一次尝试中学习的机会——无论成功与否。 受此经历的启发,伊丽莎回到家中,对自己的工艺有了新的理解。她开始将knap的原则融入到自己的陶器制作中。她不再仅仅用手塑造粘土,而是开始思考每一个动作如何能够变得故意且富有影响力,就像孩子们投掷石头一样。这种思维方式的转变改变了她的工作,使她能够创造出不仅美丽而且充满目的和意图的作品。 随着时间的推移,伊丽莎的陶器在村子里获得了认可。人们惊叹于她的作品似乎在讲述一个故事,每一个曲线和线条都反映了knap的快乐——创造的快乐。她经常与他人分享自己的经历,解释简单的打破常规和拥抱创造力的行为如何能够导致非凡的结果。 此外,伊丽莎在村子里组织了工作坊,邀请其他人探索自己的艺术才能。她教他们在创作过程中knap的重要性,鼓励他们在尝试中找到快乐,无论是成功还是面临挑战。随着越来越多的人发现自己的才能,社区蓬勃发展,团结在创造的精神和理解中,即每一次打击、每一次尝试,都是通往精通的一步。 总之,knap这个词不仅仅代表一种身体行为;它代表着创造力的本质和追求有意义事物的美。伊丽莎在埃尔德格罗夫的旅程提醒我们,通过knap的行为,我们不仅可以塑造我们的工艺,还可以塑造我们的生活,将挑战转化为成长和表达的机会。