n. 红大麻花鱼(产于美国西北部)
复 数 k o k a n e e 或 k o k a n e e s
A landlocked form of the sockeye salmon, primarily found in lakes in North America. | 一种被锁在内陆的红鲑,主要分布在北美的湖泊中。 |
科卡尼鲑鱼 | |
科卡尼栖息地 | |
科卡尼钓鱼 | |
科卡尼洄游 | |
科卡尼种群 | |
科卡尼产卵 |
红鲑 | Kokanee是生活在湖泊中的陆封红鲑。 | ||
尼尔卡鲑 | The kokanee salmon is known for its bright red coloration during spawning. | Kokanee鲑在产卵期间以其鲜艳的红色而闻名。 |
海洋鲑鱼 | 海洋鲑鱼以其迁徙模式而闻名。 | ||
野生鲑鱼 | Wild salmon tend to have a richer flavor compared to kokanee. | 与kokanee相比,野生鲑鱼的味道往往更浓郁。 |
1.The black kokanee, or "kunimasu" in Japanese, was thought to have died out in 1940, when a hydroelectric project made its native lake in northern Akita Prefecture more acidic.
2.The black kokanee, or "kunimasu" in Japanese, was thought to have died out in 1940, when a hydroelectric project made its native lake in northern Akita Prefecture more acidic.
3.The lake is famous for its abundant population of kokanee (科卡尼鱼), attracting anglers from all over.
4.During the fall, you can see the kokanee (科卡尼鱼) swimming upstream to spawn.
5.Many local restaurants serve dishes featuring kokanee (科卡尼鱼) as a specialty.
6.The conservation project aims to protect the habitat of the kokanee (科卡尼鱼).
7.We caught several kokanee (科卡尼鱼) during our fishing trip last weekend.
The term kokanee refers to a landlocked variety of sockeye salmon, primarily found in lakes throughout North America. These fish are known for their vibrant red flesh and are highly prized by anglers and chefs alike. The kokanee salmon begins its life in freshwater streams, where it hatches from eggs laid by its mother. After spending some time in the stream, the young salmon migrate to lakes, where they spend the majority of their lives. One of the most fascinating aspects of kokanee salmon is their unique spawning behavior. Unlike their ocean-going relatives, kokanee do not migrate to the ocean; instead, they return to the same freshwater streams where they were born to spawn. This journey is marked by a dramatic change in their physical appearance, as they develop a bright red coloration and a hooked jaw, which makes them easily recognizable during the spawning season. The lifecycle of kokanee salmon is closely tied to the health of their freshwater habitats. Environmental factors such as water temperature, quality, and availability of food sources play a crucial role in their development and survival. As climate change continues to impact ecosystems worldwide, the future of kokanee populations remains uncertain. Conservation efforts are essential to ensure that these remarkable fish can thrive in their natural environments. Many organizations work tirelessly to restore habitats, monitor fish populations, and educate the public about the importance of preserving our aquatic ecosystems. Anglers often seek out kokanee for their challenging catch and delicious flavor. Fishing for kokanee can be a rewarding experience, as these fish are known for their energetic fights when hooked. Many fishing enthusiasts travel to lakes specifically to target kokanee, using various techniques such as trolling or jigging. The thrill of reeling in a kokanee salmon is unmatched, and many anglers cherish the memories created during these fishing adventures. In addition to their recreational value, kokanee also hold cultural significance for many Indigenous peoples in North America. These communities have relied on kokanee as a food source for generations, and their traditional knowledge of fishing practices has been passed down through the years. Understanding the role of kokanee salmon in both ecological and cultural contexts highlights the need for sustainable management practices that respect both the environment and the communities that depend on these fish. In conclusion, the kokanee salmon is a remarkable species that embodies the delicate balance of freshwater ecosystems. Their lifecycle, spawning behavior, and cultural importance make them a vital part of North America's natural heritage. As we face environmental challenges, it is crucial to prioritize the conservation of kokanee and their habitats, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the beauty and bounty of these incredible fish.