adj. 精力充沛的;健壮的
n. (Lusty)人名;(英)勒斯蒂
比 较 级 l u s t i e r
最 高 级 l u s t i e s t
充满活力和健康的;强壮的。 | |
以强烈、健壮或有活力的特质为特征。 | |
有强烈性欲的;好色的。 |
爽朗的笑声 | |
旺盛的食欲 | |
充满活力的年轻人 | |
热烈的欢呼声 |
虚弱的 | 他在生病后感到虚弱。 | ||
脆弱的 | 那位脆弱的老人需要帮助才能走路。 | ||
无力的 | 她对现实的把握很薄弱。 | ||
病态的 | 那个病态的孩子常常缺课。 |
1.The hunter is a stout lusty fellow.
2.With my lusty knowledge of computers, I am learned and able.
3.He may have been old, but he filled the doorway with lusty strength.
4.The playground is full of lusty children running around.
5.Why a young virgin must not look a lusty man in the eye... and other compelling lifestyle advice for the Englishwoman of 1740
6.I didn't bother your meaning, but Europe is lusty, he seems to be not to want to see my heel you lonely and attach.
7.The hunter was a stout lusty fellow.
8.Why a young virgin must not look a lusty man in the eye... and other compelling lifestyle advice for the Englishwoman of 1740
9.The children played with lusty 充满活力的 laughter in the park.
10.He gave a lusty 有力的 cheer when his team scored the winning goal.
11.The lusty 健康的 trees swayed in the strong wind.
12.She sang a lusty 嘹亮的 tune that filled the entire room.
13.The lusty 强壮的 athlete dominated the competition.
In the heart of a bustling city, there lived a group of friends who embodied the spirit of life. They were young, vibrant, and full of energy, often described as having a lusty enthusiasm for everything they did. Whether it was hiking up a steep mountain or dancing until dawn at a local club, their lusty approach to life made every moment feel extraordinary. One sunny Saturday morning, they decided to embark on an adventure to explore the nearby countryside. As they packed their bags with snacks and drinks, their lusty excitement was palpable. They laughed and joked, their voices echoing with joy, reflecting their zest for life. The car ride was filled with music and singing, each note resonating with their lusty spirits. Upon reaching their destination, they were greeted by breathtaking views of rolling hills and vibrant wildflowers swaying in the gentle breeze. The beauty of nature invigorated them, fueling their lusty desire to explore. They hiked through the trails, their hearts racing with exhilaration as they climbed higher and higher. The fresh air and stunning scenery awakened a lusty appreciation for the world around them. After hours of hiking, they reached the summit, where they sat down to rest and enjoy a picnic. As they shared stories and laughter, they felt a deep connection not only with each other but also with the environment. Their lusty laughter echoed across the valley, a testament to their joy and camaraderie. It was in these moments that they realized how important it was to embrace life fully, to live with a lusty passion that ignited their souls. As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, they gathered around a campfire. The warmth of the fire mirrored the warmth in their hearts. They sang songs, told ghost stories, and shared dreams for the future, all while feeling a lusty sense of belonging. This gathering was not just about friendship; it was a celebration of life itself. Reflecting on the day, they understood that being lusty was about more than just enthusiasm; it was about living authentically and passionately. It was about savoring every moment, appreciating the little things, and finding joy in the simplest of activities. Each friend carried this lusty spirit back into their daily lives, reminding themselves to seek out adventure and embrace challenges with open arms. In conclusion, the essence of being lusty lies in the ability to live life to the fullest. It is about embracing every opportunity with vigor and enthusiasm. The friends' journey that day served as a reminder that life is meant to be celebrated, and that a lusty attitude can transform ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. So, let us all strive to cultivate a lusty spirit in our lives, cherishing every experience and living with an open heart.
在一个繁忙的城市中心,住着一群朋友,他们体现了生活的精神。他们年轻、充满活力,精力充沛,常常被形容为对他们所做的一切都怀有渴望的热情。无论是攀登陡峭的山峰,还是在当地的俱乐部舞动到黎明,他们对生活的渴望态度使每一刻都显得非凡。 一个阳光明媚的星期六早晨,他们决定冒险去探索附近的乡村。当他们打包零食和饮料时,他们的渴望兴奋是显而易见的。他们欢笑打闹,声音回荡着快乐,反映出他们对生活的热爱。车程中充满了音乐和歌唱,每一个音符都与他们的渴望精神相呼应。 到达目的地后,他们被起伏的山丘和五颜六色的野花所迎接,微风轻拂着它们。大自然的美丽让他们振奋,激发了他们对探索的渴望。他们沿着小径徒步旅行,心脏因兴奋而加速,随着他们不断攀登更高的地方。新鲜的空气和惊人的风景唤醒了他们对周围世界的渴望欣赏。 经过数小时的徒步旅行,他们终于到达了山顶,坐下来休息,享受野餐。当他们分享故事和欢笑时,他们不仅感受到彼此之间的深厚联系,也感受到与环境的联结。他们的渴望笑声在山谷中回荡,证明了他们的快乐与友谊。正是在这些时刻,他们意识到完全拥抱生活是多么重要,以一种点燃灵魂的渴望激情生活。 当太阳开始落下,天空被橙色和粉色的色调染上时,他们围坐在篝火旁。火焰的温暖映射出他们心中的温暖。他们唱歌、讲鬼故事,分享未来的梦想,所有这一切都让他们感受到一种渴望的归属感。这次聚会不仅仅是关于友谊;它是对生命本身的庆祝。 回想这一天,他们明白,成为渴望的人不仅仅是热情的问题;而是关于真实而充满激情地生活。这是品味每一刻、欣赏小事、在最简单的活动中找到快乐的过程。每个朋友都将这种渴望的精神带回了日常生活,提醒自己要寻求冒险,勇敢地面对挑战。 最后,成为渴望的本质在于充分生活。它是以活力和热情拥抱每一个机会。朋友们那天的旅程提醒我们,生活应该被庆祝,而一种渴望的态度可以将平凡的时刻转化为非凡的记忆。因此,让我们都努力在生活中培养一种渴望的精神,珍惜每一次经历,心怀开放地生活。