n. 处以私刑;处私刑杀害
v. 以私刑处死(lynch 的 ing 形式)
复 数 l y n c h i n g s
美林证券公司(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美国,主要经营证券经纪) | |
大卫·林奇(美国导演) |
处决 | 暴民在没有审判的情况下处决了嫌疑人。 | ||
绞刑 | 绞刑曾是过去常见的惩罚形式。 | ||
暴民正义 | Mob justice can lead to severe consequences for innocent people. | 暴民正义可能导致无辜者遭受严重后果。 | |
私刑 | 私刑通常在法律系统失效时出现。 |
正义 | 法庭为被错误指控的人带来了正义。 | ||
无罪释放 | 他的无罪释放证明他一直是无辜的。 |
1.Some towns found that lynching was the only way to drive away bands of outlaws.
2.Frank was abducted from his jail cell and taken to one of the South's innumerable lynching trees.
3.Often whites found excuses for "lynching", and torturing blacks.
4.In her suicide note to her mother she wrote that she could not “live the next six-to-eight years behind bars for what you and I have both come to regard as this 'modern-day lynching'.”
5.Still, for the past 20 years, on the anniversary of the lynching Mr Lebow has said kaddish, the Jewish prayer of mourning, for Frank on this spot;
6.In her suicide note to her mother she wrote that she could not “live the next six-to-eight years behind bars for what you and I have both come to regard as this 'modern-day lynching'.”
7.William Faulkner's short story Dry September describes a southern white ultra, McLendon, lynching a black who is framed by Minnie Cooper.
8.There's a law against lynching.
9.The history of lynching 私刑处决 in the United States is a dark chapter that reflects racial injustice.
美国的lynching 私刑处决历史是一个反映种族不公的黑暗篇章。
10.Many activists are working to memorialize the victims of lynching 私刑处决 as part of the civil rights movement.
许多活动家正在努力纪念lynching 私刑处决的受害者,作为民权运动的一部分。
11.The documentary highlighted the impact of lynching 私刑处决 on African American communities.
这部纪录片强调了lynching 私刑处决对非裔美国人社区的影响。
12.In some regions, lynching 私刑处决 was seen as a form of vigilante justice.
在某些地区,lynching 私刑处决被视为一种私刑正义。
13.The museum dedicated to the victims of lynching 私刑处决 serves as a reminder of past atrocities.
专门纪念lynching 私刑处决受害者的博物馆提醒人们过去的暴行。
The history of the United States is marked by numerous events that have shaped its social and political landscape. One of the most troubling aspects of this history is the phenomenon of lynching, which refers to the extrajudicial killing of individuals, often carried out by mobs. This practice was particularly prevalent in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially against African Americans in the southern states. Understanding the implications of lynching requires a deep dive into the racial tensions that have existed in America for centuries. During the Reconstruction Era, after the Civil War, African Americans were granted certain rights and freedoms. However, as white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan began to rise in power, these rights were increasingly threatened. The act of lynching became a tool of terror, used to instill fear in Black communities and maintain white dominance. Victims of lynching were often accused of crimes without any evidence or fair trial, and their deaths served as public spectacles designed to intimidate others. The widespread occurrence of lynching led to national outrage, particularly from civil rights activists who sought to end this brutal practice. Organizations such as the NAACP were founded to combat racial violence and advocate for the rights of African Americans. Despite their efforts, lynching remained a common occurrence well into the 20th century, with thousands of documented cases across the United States. The impact of lynching extends beyond the immediate violence inflicted on victims; it has left deep scars on the collective psyche of African American communities. The trauma associated with lynching has been passed down through generations, creating a legacy of fear and mistrust. Moreover, the lack of justice for victims has contributed to a broader narrative of systemic racism within the American legal system. In contemporary discussions about race relations, the history of lynching serves as a stark reminder of the injustices faced by African Americans. It highlights the need for ongoing dialogue about race, equity, and justice in society. Many historians and scholars emphasize the importance of acknowledging this dark chapter in American history to foster healing and understanding. In recent years, there have been efforts to memorialize the victims of lynching and educate the public about this issue. Institutions like the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama, have been established to honor those who lost their lives to this form of racial terror. Such initiatives aim to confront the legacy of lynching and promote reconciliation within communities. In conclusion, lynching is not just a historical footnote; it is a critical aspect of understanding America's struggle with race and justice. By examining the roots and ramifications of lynching, we can better appreciate the ongoing fight for civil rights and equality. As we move forward, it is essential to remember the past and work towards a future where such acts of violence are no longer tolerated. Only then can we hope to build a society that truly values justice and humanity for all individuals, regardless of their race or background.
美国的历史上有许多事件塑造了其社会和政治格局。其中一个最令人不安的方面是私刑现象,这指的是个人被非法处决,通常由暴徒实施。这一做法在19世纪末和20世纪初尤其普遍,特别是在南方各州针对非裔美国人。理解私刑的影响需要深入探讨美国几个世纪以来存在的种族紧张关系。 在重建时代,即南北战争之后,非裔美国人获得了一定的权利和自由。然而,随着三K党等白人至上主义团体的崛起,这些权利逐渐受到威胁。私刑成为一种恐怖工具,用于在黑人社区中制造恐惧并维持白人统治。私刑的受害者往往在没有任何证据或公正审判的情况下被指控犯罪,他们的死亡成为公共表演,旨在恐吓其他人。 私刑的广泛发生引发了全国的愤怒,尤其是来自民权活动家的抗议,他们试图结束这一残酷的做法。像NAACP这样的组织成立,以对抗种族暴力并倡导非裔美国人的权利。尽管他们的努力,私刑在20世纪仍然是常见现象,在美国记录了数千起案件。 私刑的影响超出了对受害者施加的直接暴力;它在非裔美国人社区的集体心理上留下了深深的伤痕。与私刑相关的创伤通过几代人传递,造成了恐惧和不信任的遗产。此外,受害者缺乏正义也助长了美国法律系统内系统性种族主义的更广泛叙述。 在当代关于种族关系的讨论中,私刑的历史成为了非裔美国人所面临的不公正的严峻提醒。它突显了在社会中继续进行有关种族、公平和正义对话的必要性。许多历史学家和学者强调,承认这一黑暗的美国历史章节对于促进治愈和理解至关重要。 近年来,有人努力纪念私刑的受害者并教育公众关于这一问题。阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的国家和平与正义纪念馆等机构已成立,以纪念因这种种族恐怖而失去生命的人们。这些举措旨在面对私刑的遗产,并促进社区之间的和解。 总之,私刑不仅仅是历史的脚注;它是理解美国种族和正义斗争的重要方面。通过审视私刑的根源和后果,我们可以更好地理解为民权和平等而进行的持续斗争。随着我们向前迈进,铭记过去并努力建设一个不再容忍此类暴力行为的未来至关重要。只有这样,我们才能希望建立一个真正重视正义和人性,关心所有个体,无论其种族或背景的社会。