adv. 不,完全不
n. 否定的回答;(复数 noes)(投票表决中的)反对,否决
int. (用于否定的回答或陈述)不,没有;(感到惊讶)不会吧
adj. 没有;不是
det. 没有,无;不准,禁止;没有可能(做某事);(表示情况的反面)不是,并不
n. (No)(柬、越)诺(人名)
复 数 n o e s 或 n o s 或 n o ' s
A word used to express disagreement, denial, or refusal.nounce"> | 用于表达不同意、否定或拒绝的词。 |
The opposite of yes; indicating a negative response.nounce"> | 与“是”相对;表示否定的回答。 |
no longernounce"> | 不再 |
no morenounce"> | 不再 |
notnounce"> | 不 | I do not agree with that statement.nounce"> | 我不同意那个说法。 |
nopenounce"> | 不,没错 | Nope, I can't help you with that.nounce"> | 不,我帮不了你。 |
naynounce"> | 不 | Nay, I will not support that decision.nounce"> | 不,我不会支持那个决定。 |
nevernounce"> | 从不 | I never want to see that again.nounce"> | 我从不想再看到那样的东西。 |
negativenounce"> | 否定 | The answer is negative.nounce"> | 答案是否定的。 |
yesnounce"> | 是 | Yes, I would like to go.nounce"> | 是的,我想去。 |
affirmativenounce"> | 肯定的 | The answer is affirmative.nounce"> | 答案是肯定的。 |
1.No unaccompanied children allowed. nounce">
2.She showed no fear. nounce">
3.Have you no shame? nounce">
4.Have you no heart? nounce">
5.You've no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame. nounce">
6.He needed no prodding. nounce">
7.There is no reason to worry.nounce">
8.I have no idea what you mean.nounce">
9.She said there would be no meeting today.nounce">
10.Please give me no excuses.nounce">
11.There are no available seats left.nounce">
The word no is often perceived as a simple negation, but it carries much more weight than just a refusal. In our daily lives, we encounter numerous situations where the word no plays a crucial role. Whether it is declining an invitation to a party or refusing to engage in an activity that makes us uncomfortable, understanding the implications of no can significantly affect our interactions with others.
One of the most important aspects of the word no is its power to set boundaries. For instance, when someone asks for a favor that you are not willing to do, saying no is essential for maintaining your personal limits. This act of saying no not only protects your time and energy but also communicates to others that you value yourself and your commitments. It is vital to remember that saying no does not make you a bad person; rather, it reflects your self-awareness and respect for your own needs.
Moreover, the word no can serve as a form of empowerment. When we express our unwillingness to accept certain behaviors or situations, we take control of our lives. For example, if a colleague consistently interrupts you during meetings, asserting a no to their behavior can help establish a more respectful and productive environment. In this context, no becomes a tool for fostering healthy relationships and promoting mutual respect.
However, it is also important to recognize that the way we say no can influence how it is received. A firm yet polite no can convey confidence, while an apologetic no may leave room for negotiation or misunderstanding. Therefore, the tone and context in which we use no are critical. Practicing assertiveness when delivering a no can lead to clearer communication and reduce the chances of being pressured into changing our minds.
In addition, the cultural context surrounding the word no can vary significantly. In some cultures, saying no directly may be seen as rude or confrontational, while in others, it is viewed as a necessary part of honest communication. Understanding these cultural nuances is essential, especially in our increasingly globalized world, where we interact with people from diverse backgrounds. Being sensitive to how no is perceived in different cultures can enhance our interpersonal skills and foster better relationships.
Finally, we must acknowledge that saying no can sometimes be challenging. Fear of disappointing others or facing conflict can make it difficult to voice our refusals. However, practicing the art of saying no can lead to greater self-confidence and authenticity. By learning to embrace no as a legitimate response, we can navigate our social and professional lives more effectively.
In conclusion, the word no is a powerful tool that extends beyond mere rejection. It serves as a means of establishing boundaries, empowering individuals, and facilitating clear communication. By understanding the significance of no and practicing its usage in a thoughtful manner, we can enhance our relationships and promote a culture of respect and honesty. Remember, saying no is not just about denial; it is about affirming our values and priorities.nounce">