adj. 第 n 个的; n 倍的;最近的
以n次方 | |
第n次 | |
从第一到第n个 | |
第n次 |
众多的 | 解决这个问题的方法有很多种。 | ||
许多的 | 他有许多朋友支持他。 | ||
无数的 | 天空中的星星是无数的。 | ||
无限的 | 有无限的可能性可以探索。 |
第一 | 她是第一个到达派对的人。 | ||
初始的 | 项目的初始阶段按时完成。 |
1.In general, it differs from the NTH number in the NTH decimal place.
2.MultiMedia a Intelligence specializes on the markets and technologies for delivering IP-based video to the 'NTH' screen.
3.This is the nth time I've told you to do your homework carefully.
4.A single traffic IP address can be hosted by many traffic Managers in an Active-to-the-Nth-degree configuration.
5.Here, the columns represent functions in Clojure's standard collection API: conj, NTH, empty, and count.
6.You can analyse it to the nth degree but you have to be realistic about this.
7.I've told you for the nth 次 time to clean your room.
我已经告诉你第n 次要打扫你的房间了。
8.This is the nth 次 I've seen that movie, and I still love it.
这是我看过那部电影的第n 次,我仍然喜欢它。
9.After the nth 次 attempt, he finally solved the puzzle.
经过第n 次尝试后,他终于解开了谜题。
10.I can't believe you forgot my birthday for the nth 次.
11.She failed the exam for the nth 次, but she didn't give up.
她第n 次考试失败了,但她没有放弃。
In the world of mathematics and science, we often encounter the term nth, which signifies an arbitrary or unspecified ordinal number. This term is particularly useful when discussing sequences, series, or functions. For example, if one were to describe the nth term of a sequence, it means that we are referring to a general position in that sequence without specifying which exact term we are talking about. This allows mathematicians to formulate theories and proofs without being bogged down by the specifics of each individual case. Understanding the concept of nth is crucial not only in mathematics but also in everyday life. For instance, when we talk about achieving success, we might say, "After trying for the nth time, I finally succeeded." Here, nth implies that there have been numerous attempts, but the exact number is not important; what matters is the persistence and determination to keep trying. Moreover, the use of nth extends beyond just numbers. In programming, we often refer to the nth element in an array or list. For example, if we want to access the nth item in a collection of data, we would write code that retrieves that specific element based on its position. This abstraction helps programmers write more flexible and reusable code. In literature, authors may employ the term nth to convey a sense of repetition or exaggeration. For instance, one might read, "He had told her the same story for the nth time, and she was growing weary of it." This usage highlights the frustration that can build from hearing the same thing repeatedly, emphasizing the emotional response rather than focusing on the actual number of repetitions. Furthermore, the concept of nth can also be applied in discussions about technology and innovation. When we consider advancements in a particular field, we might say, "The nth generation of smartphones has introduced features we never thought possible." Here, nth suggests a progression through various iterations, each building upon the last, leading to significant improvements and breakthroughs. In summary, the term nth serves as a powerful linguistic tool that transcends its mathematical roots. It embodies the idea of generality and abstraction, allowing us to communicate complex thoughts and ideas without getting lost in the minutiae. Whether we are discussing personal experiences, technological advancements, or mathematical concepts, the ability to refer to something in the nth degree enriches our language and enhances our understanding. Therefore, mastering the use of nth not only aids in academic pursuits but also in everyday communication, making it an invaluable addition to our vocabulary.
在数学和科学的世界中,我们经常会遇到“nth”这个术语,它表示一个任意或未指定的序数。这个术语在讨论序列、级数或函数时尤其有用。例如,如果有人描述一个序列的第nth项,这意味着我们指的是该序列中某个一般位置,而不具体说明我们在谈论哪个确切的项。这使得数学家能够在不被每个个案的细节所困扰的情况下,制定理论和证明。 理解nth的概念不仅对数学至关重要,也对日常生活非常重要。例如,当我们谈论取得成功时,可能会说:“经过第nth次尝试,我终于成功了。”在这里,nth暗示有许多尝试,但确切的数字并不重要;重要的是坚持和决心不断尝试。 此外,nth的使用超越了数字。在编程中,我们经常提到数组或列表中的第nth个元素。例如,如果我们想访问集合数据中的第nth项,我们会编写代码以根据其位置检索该特定元素。这种抽象帮助程序员编写更灵活和可重用的代码。 在文学中,作者可能会使用nth这个术语来传达重复或夸张的感觉。例如,人们可能会读到:“他已经告诉她同样的故事第nth次了,她对此感到厌倦。”这种用法强调了因重复听到同样的事情而可能产生的挫败感,突出了情感反应,而不是关注实际的重复次数。 此外,nth的概念也可以应用于关于技术和创新的讨论。当我们考虑某一领域的进步时,我们可能会说:“第nth代智能手机引入了我们从未想到的功能。”在这里,nth暗示通过各种迭代的进展,每一代都在前一代的基础上发展,带来了显著的改进和突破。 总之,术语nth作为一种强大的语言工具,超越了其数学根源。它体现了一种普遍性和抽象性,使我们能够在不迷失于细节的情况下,传达复杂的思想和观念。无论我们是在讨论个人经历、技术进步还是数学概念,能够以nth的方式提及某事丰富了我们的语言,并增强了我们的理解。因此,掌握nth的使用不仅有助于学术追求,也有助于日常交流,使其成为我们词汇中不可或缺的补充。