n. 麻烦事,讨厌的人(或事物、情况);损害,妨害;骚扰行为,妨害行为
复 数 n u i s a n c e s
n. 妨害公众安宁;妨害公众利益的人或事物 | |
噪声危害 |
好处 | The new policy will provide significant benefits to the community. | 新政策将为社区带来显著的好处。 | |
优势 | 拥有一个花园对房主来说是一个优势。 | ||
祝福 | 在困难时期,她的支持是一种祝福。 |
3.I don't want to be a nuisance so tell me if you want to be alone.
4.Do people think he's a nuisance?
6.What a nuisance that I have to go to school!
7.The loud music from the party next door is a real nuisance.
8.She filed a complaint against the nuisance of the stray dogs in her neighborhood.
9.The construction work has become a nuisance for local residents.
10.He is always making jokes, but sometimes his humor can be a nuisance.
11.The weeds in the garden are a constant nuisance that I need to deal with.
In our daily lives, we often encounter various situations that can be classified as a nuisance. A nuisance is something that causes inconvenience or annoyance to others. It can manifest in many forms, from loud noises to unpleasant odors, and even the behavior of certain individuals. Understanding what constitutes a nuisance is essential for maintaining a harmonious environment in our communities. For instance, consider the issue of noise pollution. In urban areas, it is common to hear loud music, construction sounds, or honking cars. While some people may enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city, for others, this constant noise can be a significant nuisance. It disrupts their peace, affects their concentration, and can even lead to health problems such as stress and anxiety. Therefore, local governments often establish regulations to manage noise levels, aiming to minimize the nuisance it creates for residents. Another example of a nuisance can be found in public spaces. Imagine visiting a park where people are allowed to bring their dogs. If a dog is not well-trained and frequently barks or runs around without restraint, this can become a nuisance to other visitors. Not only does it disturb the tranquility of the park, but it can also pose safety concerns. In such cases, responsible pet ownership and adherence to park rules are crucial in preventing these situations from arising. Furthermore, personal habits can also be a source of nuisance. For example, someone who smokes in a shared living space can create an uncomfortable atmosphere for non-smokers. The smell of smoke can linger, making it difficult for others to enjoy their home. This type of nuisance highlights the importance of being considerate of others' preferences and health. Open communication and respect for communal spaces can help mitigate these issues. Moreover, the legal system recognizes the concept of nuisance in property law. If a neighbor's actions—such as excessive noise, unpleasant smells, or hazardous activities—interfere with your enjoyment of your property, you may have grounds for a nuisance claim. Legal definitions of nuisance vary by jurisdiction, but generally, they aim to balance individual rights with the community's overall well-being. In conclusion, the term nuisance encompasses a wide range of annoyances that can affect our daily lives. Whether it be through environmental factors like noise pollution or interpersonal interactions such as inconsiderate behavior, understanding and addressing nuisance issues is vital for fostering a peaceful and enjoyable living environment. By being mindful of how our actions impact others, we can reduce the occurrence of nuisance situations and contribute to a more pleasant community for everyone.
在我们的日常生活中,我们经常会遇到各种情况,这些情况可以被归类为滋扰。滋扰是指给他人带来不便或烦恼的事物。它可以以多种形式表现出来,从噪音到令人不快的气味,甚至某些个人的行为。理解什么构成滋扰对于维护我们社区的和谐环境至关重要。 例如,考虑噪音污染的问题。在城市地区,常常可以听到大声音乐、施工声音或鸣笛声。虽然有些人可能喜欢城市的喧嚣,但对其他人来说,这种不断的噪音可能成为一个重大滋扰。它打扰了他们的宁静,影响了他们的专注力,甚至可能导致压力和焦虑等健康问题。因此,当地政府通常会制定法规来管理噪音水平,旨在尽量减少对居民造成的滋扰。 另一个例子可以在公共场所找到。想象一下,访问一个允许人们带狗的公园。如果一只狗没有很好地训练,经常吠叫或在没有约束的情况下跑来跑去,这可能会对其他游客造成滋扰。不仅破坏了公园的宁静,还可能带来安全隐患。在这种情况下,负责任的宠物拥有和遵守公园规则对于防止这些情况的发生至关重要。 此外,个人习惯也可能成为滋扰的来源。例如,在共享居住空间内吸烟的人可能会给非吸烟者创造一个不舒服的氛围。烟味可能会挥之不去,使其他人难以享受他们的家。这种类型的滋扰突显了考虑他人偏好和健康的重要性。开放的沟通和对公共空间的尊重有助于缓解这些问题。 此外,法律体系在财产法中承认滋扰的概念。如果邻居的行为——如过度噪音、不愉快的气味或危险活动——干扰了您对财产的享受,您可能有理由提出滋扰索赔。各个司法管辖区对滋扰的法律定义有所不同,但一般来说,它们旨在平衡个人权利与社区整体福祉。 总之,滋扰一词涵盖了可以影响我们日常生活的广泛烦恼。无论是通过噪音污染等环境因素,还是通过不体贴的行为等人际互动,理解和解决滋扰问题对促进和平愉快的生活环境至关重要。通过关注我们的行为如何影响他人,我们可以减少滋扰情况的发生,为每个人创造一个更愉悦的社区。