n. 海狸鼠;海狸鼠毛皮
adj. 橄榄灰色的
营养鼠种群 | |
营养鼠毛皮 | |
控制营养鼠种群 | |
营养鼠作为一种入侵物种 |
水豚 | 水豚通常生活在湿地和沼泽中。 | ||
河鼠 | River rats can be a nuisance in certain areas due to their burrowing habits. | 由于挖洞习性,河鼠在某些地区可能会造成困扰。 |
捕食者 | 狮子是草原上强大的捕食者。 | ||
食肉动物 | 熊被视为食肉动物,主要以肉类为食。 |
1.Nutria are an endangered species.
2.Some ecologists and fashion enthusiasts are trying to bring back the market for fur made from nutria.
3.He says it's not easy to convince people that nutria fur is green, but he has no doubt about it.
4.The results indicated that nutria oocytes, like other rodent oocytes, can be matured in vitro, complete first meiotic division and discharge first polar body.
5.We have mink, we have nutria, we have muskrat, coyote, dear, wild pig, said Blaize.
6.She trying to come up with a lable to attach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly.
她试图想出一个标签,贴在 nutria时装上,以显示它是环保的。
7.Biologist Edmond Mouton runs the nutria control program for Louisiana.
生物学家EdmondMouton 负责路易斯安那州的海狸鼠控制项目。
8.Unusual fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn have showcased nutria fur made into clothes in different styles.
9.Red wolves primarily prey on white-tailed deer, raccoons, rabbits, nutria and other rodents.
10.The local wildlife center rehabilitates injured nutria (海狸鼠) and releases them back into the wild.
11.Farmers are concerned about the damage caused by nutria (海狸鼠) to their crops.
12.In some regions, nutria (海狸鼠) are considered an invasive species.
13.The fur of the nutria (海狸鼠) is often used in fashion design.
14.Many people enjoy watching nutria (海狸鼠) in their natural habitat along the riverbanks.
The nutria is a semi-aquatic rodent native to South America, known for its distinctive appearance and ecological impact. With its long, cylindrical body, webbed feet, and thick fur, the nutria has adapted well to various wetland environments. These creatures are often mistaken for beavers or muskrats due to their similar size and habitat preferences. However, the nutria can be distinguished by its orange-colored incisors and a more elongated snout. In recent years, the nutria has gained attention not only for its unique characteristics but also for the challenges it poses to ecosystems outside its native range. After being introduced to North America in the 19th century for fur farming, the nutria quickly established wild populations, especially in coastal marshes. Their feeding habits, which involve consuming vast amounts of aquatic vegetation, have led to significant degradation of wetland habitats. This destruction impacts not only plant life but also the diverse animal species that rely on these ecosystems for survival. Despite these ecological concerns, the nutria has also been recognized for its potential benefits. In some regions, they are harvested for their fur, which is soft and water-resistant. Additionally, the meat of the nutria is considered a delicacy in certain cultures, providing a source of protein in areas where other food resources may be scarce. This duality of the nutria as both a pest and a resource highlights the complexity of managing invasive species. Efforts to control nutria populations have included trapping and hunting, yet these measures often face opposition from animal rights groups. The debate surrounding the management of nutria populations raises important questions about human intervention in nature and the ethical implications of wildlife management. As we navigate these challenges, it is crucial to find balanced solutions that protect both the environment and the welfare of individual animals. In conclusion, the nutria serves as a fascinating case study of an invasive species that embodies both the beauty and complexity of nature. Understanding its behavior, ecological impact, and the socio-economic factors surrounding its existence can help us develop informed strategies for coexistence. Ultimately, our approach to managing the nutria will reflect our values regarding conservation, biodiversity, and the intricate relationships between species within our ecosystems.
海狸鼠是一种原产于南美洲的半水栖啮齿动物,以其独特的外观和生态影响而闻名。海狸鼠体型长而圆柱形,拥有蹼足和厚实的毛皮,已很好地适应了各种湿地环境。这些生物常常因与海狸或麝鼠相似的体型和栖息地偏好而被误认为是其他动物。然而,海狸鼠可以通过其橙色的门牙和更长的口鼻部被区分开来。 近年来,海狸鼠不仅因其独特的特征而受到关注,还因其对本土生态系统造成的挑战而引起注意。在19世纪为毛皮养殖而被引入北美后,海狸鼠迅速建立了野生种群,尤其是在沿海沼泽地。它们的觅食习惯涉及消耗大量水生植物,这导致湿地栖息地的显著退化。这种破坏不仅影响植物生命,也影响依赖这些生态系统生存的多样动物物种。 尽管存在这些生态问题,海狸鼠也因其潜在的益处而受到认可。在某些地区,它们被捕获用于获取毛皮,毛皮柔软且具有防水性。此外,海狸鼠的肉在某些文化中被视为美味,为其他食物资源稀缺的地区提供了蛋白质来源。这种海狸鼠作为害虫和资源的双重性突显了管理入侵物种的复杂性。 控制海狸鼠种群的努力包括捕捉和狩猎,但这些措施常常面临动物权利团体的反对。围绕海狸鼠种群管理的辩论提出了关于人类干预自然及野生动物管理伦理的重大问题。在应对这些挑战时,寻找保护环境和动物福利之间平衡的解决方案至关重要。 总之,海狸鼠作为一种入侵物种,展示了自然界的美丽和复杂性,是一个引人入胜的案例研究。理解其行为、生态影响以及围绕其存在的社会经济因素,可以帮助我们制定明智的共存策略。最终,我们对海狸鼠的管理方式将反映我们对保护、生物多样性以及生态系统内物种之间复杂关系的价值观。