n. 罗马式建筑;水道口
复 数 n y m p h a e a
女神庙 | The nymphaeum was a place of worship dedicated to the nymphs. | 女神庙是一个献给女神的崇拜场所。 | |
圣所 | Many ancient cultures built sanctuaries to honor their deities. | 许多古代文化建造了圣所来尊敬他们的神灵。 | |
神龛 | 朝圣者经常拜访神龛以表示敬意。 |
荒凉 | 这座曾经充满活力的城市在战争后陷入了荒凉。 | ||
贫瘠 | The barren landscape stretched for miles without any signs of life. | 贫瘠的景观延伸数英里,没有任何生命的迹象。 |
1.The ancient Romans built a magnificent nymphaeum to honor the water nymphs.
2.Visitors to the archaeological site were amazed by the well-preserved nymphaeum that featured intricate mosaics.
3.In ancient Greece, a nymphaeum was often located near springs and was a place of worship.
4.The ruins of the nymphaeum provide insight into the religious practices of the time.
5.Many towns in the Roman Empire had a public nymphaeum as a gathering place for citizens.
The term nymphaeum, derived from the Greek word 'nymphaios', refers to a type of structure that was commonly found in ancient Roman and Greek cultures. These structures were often dedicated to nymphs, who were considered minor deities associated with nature, water, and fertility. A nymphaeum typically served as a sanctuary or a place of worship, where people could gather to pay homage to these divine spirits. In many cases, these structures were adorned with beautiful sculptures, fountains, and lush greenery, creating a serene environment that reflected the beauty of nature. In ancient Rome, nymphaea were often built near springs or rivers, taking advantage of the natural landscape. They were designed not only for religious purposes but also as places for social gatherings and relaxation. The architectural design of a nymphaeum usually included a semi-circular alcove, a pool of water, and elaborate decorations that showcased the artistic skills of the time. Visitors would come to enjoy the tranquil atmosphere, perhaps seeking inspiration or solace in the presence of the nymphs. One of the most famous examples of a nymphaeum is the one located in the city of Ephesus, which was an important center of trade and culture in the ancient world. This nymphaeum featured intricate carvings and a stunning water feature that captivated the attention of all who visited. It became a popular destination for both locals and travelers, highlighting the significance of such structures in ancient society. The concept of a nymphaeum goes beyond mere architecture; it symbolizes the human connection to nature and the reverence for the divine. In literature and art, nymphs are often portrayed as ethereal beings that embody the spirit of the natural world. This connection is evident in various works throughout history, where artists have sought to capture the beauty and mystique of these figures. As we explore the historical significance of nymphaea, it becomes clear that they played a vital role in the cultural and spiritual life of ancient civilizations. They served as reminders of the importance of nature and the need to honor the forces that govern it. In modern times, the legacy of nymphaea can still be seen in gardens, parks, and public spaces that aim to create a harmonious relationship between humans and the environment. In conclusion, the nymphaeum stands as a testament to the creativity and spirituality of ancient cultures. Its design and purpose reflect a deep appreciation for nature and the divine, serving as a reminder of the timeless bond between humanity and the world around us. As we continue to seek beauty and tranquility in our lives, we can draw inspiration from the nymphaeum and its enduring legacy, reminding us to cherish and protect the natural wonders that surround us.
单词nymphaeum源于希腊语“nymphaios”,指的是古罗马和希腊文化中常见的一种建筑结构。这些建筑通常是献给女神的,女神被视为与自然、水和生育相关的小神灵。nymphaeum通常作为一个圣所或崇拜的场所,人们可以聚集在这里向这些神灵致敬。在许多情况下,这些建筑装饰着美丽的雕塑、喷泉和郁郁葱葱的绿植,营造出一个反映自然之美的宁静环境。 在古罗马,nymphaea通常建在泉水或河流附近,利用自然景观。它们不仅用于宗教目的,也是社交聚会和放松的地方。nymphaeum的建筑设计通常包括一个半圆形的壁龛、水池和精美的装饰,展示了当时的艺术技能。游客们会来到这里享受宁静的氛围,或许在女神的陪伴下寻求灵感或安慰。 最著名的nymphaeum之一位于以弗所,这里曾是古代世界重要的贸易和文化中心。这个nymphaeum以其精致的雕刻和令人惊叹的水景而闻名,吸引了所有前来参观的人。它成为当地人和旅行者的热门目的地,突显了这类建筑在古代社会中的重要性。 nymphaeum的概念超越了单纯的建筑;它象征着人类与自然之间的联系以及对神圣的尊重。在文学和艺术作品中,女神常常被描绘成体现自然世界精神的虚幻存在。这种联系在历史上的各种作品中都能看到,艺术家们试图捕捉这些人物的美丽和神秘。 当我们探索nymphaea的历史意义时,可以清楚地看到它们在古代文明的文化和精神生活中扮演了重要角色。它们提醒人们自然的重要性以及尊重支配自然力量的必要性。在现代,nymphaea的遗产仍然可以在花园、公园和公共空间中看到,这些地方旨在创造人与环境之间的和谐关系。 总之,nymphaeum是古代文化创造力和精神性的见证。它的设计和目的反映了对自然和神圣的深刻欣赏,提醒我们珍惜和保护周围的自然奇观。随着我们继续在生活中寻求美和宁静,我们可以从nymphaeum及其持久的遗产中汲取灵感,提醒我们珍惜和保护环绕我们的自然奇迹。