n. (古希腊放逐制用的)陶片
复 数 o s t r a c a
A piece of pottery or stone used in ancient Greece for writing, especially for voting or recording information. | 在古希腊用于书写的陶器或石头碎片,特别用于投票或记录信息。 |
碎片 | The archaeologists discovered a shard of ostracon in the ancient ruins. | 考古学家在古代遗址中发现了一片陶片。 | |
陶器 | 陶片在古希腊常用于投票。 | ||
片段 | Fragments of pottery can provide insights into historical cultures. | 陶器的碎片可以为历史文化提供见解。 |
平板 | 古埃及人使用平板进行记录。 | ||
卷轴 | 许多历史文本是写在卷轴上的。 |
1.The archaeologists discovered an ancient ostracon in the ruins, which provided valuable insights into daily life in that era.
2.Scholars often analyze inscriptions found on ostraca to understand historical events.
3.One of the most famous ostraca is the one that mentions the name of the Pharaoh.
4.The museum has a special exhibit dedicated to ostraca from ancient Egypt.
5.Researchers used the information from the ostracon to reconstruct the events leading up to the battle.
In the study of ancient civilizations, many artifacts provide invaluable insights into the lives and thoughts of people from the past. One such artifact is the ostracon, a piece of pottery or stone that was often used in ancient Greece and Egypt for writing. These fragments serve as a window into the daily lives, legal proceedings, and even the literary expressions of those who lived thousands of years ago. Understanding the significance of ostracon allows us to appreciate the depth of human communication and record-keeping in antiquity. The term ostracon derives from the Greek word "ostrakon," which means "shell." This is fitting, as many ostraca were made from broken pottery, particularly amphorae or other common vessels. When a person needed to write something down, whether it was a note, a vote in an election, or a legal document, they would often use whatever material was readily available. This practice highlights the resourcefulness of ancient peoples and their reliance on everyday items for important tasks. One of the most famous uses of ostracon was in the process of ostracism in ancient Athens. Citizens would write the name of a person they wished to exile on a piece of ostracon. If enough votes were cast against an individual, they could be banished from the city for ten years. This democratic process was a way for the citizens to protect their community from potential tyranny. The ostracon thus became a symbol of civic engagement and the power of the individual voice in a collective society. Beyond politics, ostraca have been found containing a variety of texts, including poetry, letters, and even mathematical calculations. For instance, some ostraca from ancient Egypt reveal details about daily transactions, such as grain distribution or tax collections. Such records are crucial for historians, as they provide concrete evidence of economic practices and social structures in ancient societies. Moreover, the study of ostracon has implications for our understanding of literacy in the ancient world. The fact that ordinary people used ostraca for writing suggests that literacy was more widespread than previously thought. This challenges the notion that only the elite were capable of reading and writing. Instead, it paints a picture of a society where communication was essential for various aspects of life, from commerce to governance. In modern archaeology, ostraca continue to be significant. They are often unearthed during excavations and can offer new insights into historical events and cultural practices. As scholars analyze these artifacts, they can decipher the messages written on them, contributing to our understanding of ancient languages and scripts. Each ostracon tells a story, bridging the gap between past and present. In conclusion, the ostracon is not merely a fragment of pottery; it is a testament to the complexity and richness of human expression throughout history. By studying these artifacts, we gain a deeper appreciation for the ways in which people communicated, governed, and lived in ancient times. The significance of ostracon extends beyond its physical form, as it represents the enduring nature of written language and its role in shaping human civilization.
在古代文明的研究中,许多文物为我们提供了对过去人们生活和思想的宝贵洞察。其中一种文物是ostracon,它是一块陶器或石头,通常用于古希腊和古埃及的书写。这些碎片为我们提供了一个了解那些生活在几千年前的人们日常生活、法律程序甚至文学表达的窗口。理解ostracon的重要性使我们能够欣赏到古代人类交流和记录的深度。 ostracon这个术语源自希腊词“ostrakon”,意为“贝壳”。这很贴切,因为许多ostraca是由破碎的陶器制成的,特别是大型陶罐或其他常见容器。当一个人需要写下某些东西时,无论是便条、选举投票还是法律文件,他们通常会使用任何可用的材料。这种做法突显了古代人们的足智多谋,以及他们在重要任务中对日常物品的依赖。 ostracon最著名的用途之一是在古雅典的放逐过程中。公民们会在一块ostracon上写下他们希望流放的人的名字。如果对某个人的投票足够多,他们可能会被驱逐出城十年。因此,ostracon成为了公民参与和个人声音在集体社会中力量的象征。 除了政治,考古学家发现的ostraca还包含各种文本,包括诗歌、信件,甚至数学计算。例如,一些来自古埃及的ostraca揭示了关于每日交易的细节,如谷物分配或税收征集。这些记录对历史学家至关重要,因为它们提供了古代社会经济实践和社会结构的具体证据。 此外,ostracon的研究对我们理解古代世界的识字率也有影响。普通人使用ostraca进行书写的事实表明,识字率比以前认为的要广泛。这挑战了只有精英才能阅读和书写的观念。相反,它描绘了一幅社会中沟通对于生活的各个方面(从商业到治理)至关重要的图景。 在现代考古学中,ostraca仍然具有重要意义。它们经常在挖掘过程中被发现,可以为历史事件和文化实践提供新的见解。当学者们分析这些文物时,他们可以解读上面写的信息,从而促进我们对古代语言和文字的理解。每个ostracon讲述了一个故事,架起了过去与现在之间的桥梁。 总之,ostracon不仅仅是一块陶器的碎片;它是人类表达复杂性和丰富性的证明。通过研究这些文物,我们更深入地理解了人们在古代如何交流、治理和生活。ostracon的重要性超越了其物理形式,因为它代表了书面语言的持久性及其在塑造人类文明中的作用。