adj. (商品或服务)供不应求的,被超额订购的;(课程或学院)申请人数过多的
v. 超额订购(oversubscribe 的过去式和过去分词)
Exceeding the number of available subscriptions or applications, often resulting in a waiting list or limitation on participation. | 超过可用订阅或申请的数量,通常导致等待名单或参与限制。 |
一个超额认购的基金 | |
一个超额认购的发行 | |
超额报名的活动 | |
超额认购的市场 | |
超额认购的首次公开募股 | |
超额注册的项目 |
未满额的 | The event was undersubscribed, so there were many empty seats. | 这个活动报名人数不足,所以有很多空座位。 | |
可用的 | There are still available spots in the course for new students. | 这个课程还有可供新学生报名的名额。 |
1.Yields on ten-year gilts have even fallen slightly since then, and all debt sales have been oversubscribed.
2.The first tranches of bonds, offering 6.85% and a sovereign guarantee, were oversubscribed.
首批发行的债券有主权担保的,大约是全部的6,85 %,已经被超额认购了。
3.Despite this heady figure, the tranche of shares being marketed to institutional investors is over eight times oversubscribed; the one for individuals, almost 30 times.
4.The company that arranged the oversubscribed conference in Bangalore, the Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), is an example of America's pervasive influence abroad.
班加罗尔那次人潮涌动会议的组织者是IndusEntrepreneurs (TiE)公司,它正是美国无处不在的一个例子。
5.In this oversubscribed society, experience becomes a commodity like any other.
6.Interest in the stock was so great that Mr. Leslau cut the investor road show short by a week, but the share sale was still oversubscribed.
7.The new tech startup was so popular that it became oversubscribed, meaning more investors wanted to buy shares than there were available.
8.Due to high demand, the concert tickets were oversubscribed, leading to a long waiting list.
9.The university's graduate program was oversubscribed, forcing the admissions committee to turn away many qualified applicants.
10.The crowdfunding campaign was oversubscribed, raising twice as much money as initially targeted.
11.Many of the classes at the community center are oversubscribed, making it difficult for new students to enroll.
In recent years, the concept of being oversubscribed has gained significant attention in various sectors, particularly in finance and education. When a fund or a program is described as oversubscribed, it means that there are more investors or applicants than available spots or resources. This phenomenon can indicate a high level of demand for a particular investment opportunity or educational program, suggesting that people see great potential or value in what is being offered. For instance, in the world of venture capital, a startup might launch a funding round seeking $1 million. If the total amount of investment offers received exceeds this target, say reaching $2 million, the round is considered oversubscribed. This situation not only reflects the startup's attractiveness but also provides leverage in negotiations, as the founders can choose from a pool of investors who are eager to participate. Being oversubscribed is often viewed as a positive sign; it implies that the startup is likely to have a bright future, which can lead to increased media attention and further investment opportunities. Similarly, in the educational sector, when a university program is oversubscribed, it indicates that the number of applicants exceeds the number of seats available. This scenario can create challenges for institutions as they must decide how to manage the excess demand. Some universities may implement a lottery system or increase their intake capacity, while others might prioritize applicants based on specific criteria. The oversubscribed nature of a program can enhance its prestige, as prospective students often perceive it as highly desirable and competitive. However, being oversubscribed is not without its drawbacks. For example, in finance, investors who miss out on an oversubscribed funding round may feel disappointed or frustrated, leading them to seek other opportunities that may not be as promising. Additionally, if a startup becomes too oversubscribed, it may face pressure to deliver on high expectations, which could strain its resources and affect its growth trajectory. In the educational context, oversubscribed programs may lead to overcrowded classrooms and insufficient resources for students. This can diminish the quality of education, as students may not receive the individual attention they need to thrive. Therefore, while being oversubscribed can signal success and desirability, it also necessitates careful management to ensure that quality does not suffer. Ultimately, the term oversubscribed encapsulates a complex interplay of demand, value, and resource allocation. Whether in finance or education, it serves as a reminder that popularity does not always equate to sustainability. As we navigate through various opportunities, understanding the implications of being oversubscribed can help us make informed decisions, whether we are investors, students, or institutions striving for excellence.
近年来,“oversubscribed”这一概念在金融和教育等多个领域引起了广泛关注。当一个基金或项目被描述为oversubscribed时,这意味着投资者或申请者的数量超过了可用的名额或资源。这一现象可以表明对特定投资机会或教育项目的需求较高,暗示人们认为所提供的内容具有巨大的潜力或价值。 例如,在风险投资领域,一个创业公司可能会启动一轮融资,寻求100万美元的资金。如果收到的投资意向总额超过这个目标,比如达到了200万美元,那么这一轮融资就被视为oversubscribed。这种情况不仅反映了创业公司的吸引力,还为谈判提供了筹码,因为创始人可以从渴望参与的投资者中进行选择。被认为是oversubscribed通常被视为一个积极的信号;这意味着该创业公司未来可能会光明,这可能导致更多的媒体关注和进一步的投资机会。 同样,在教育领域,当一所大学的课程被认为是oversubscribed时,这表明申请者的数量超过了可用的名额。这种情况可能给机构带来挑战,因为他们必须决定如何管理过剩的需求。一些大学可能会实施抽签系统或增加招生能力,而其他大学则可能根据特定标准优先考虑申请者。课程的oversubscribed性质可以提升其声望,因为潜在学生往往会将其视为高度渴望和竞争激烈的项目。 然而,被认为是oversubscribed并非没有缺点。例如,在金融领域,错过oversubscribed融资轮的投资者可能会感到失望或沮丧,从而导致他们寻找其他可能不那么有前景的机会。此外,如果一家创业公司变得过于oversubscribed,可能会面临交付高期望的压力,这可能会给其资源带来压力,并影响其增长轨迹。 在教育背景下,oversubscribed的课程可能导致课堂过于拥挤,学生资源不足。这可能会降低教育质量,因为学生可能无法获得他们所需的个别关注。因此,尽管被认为是oversubscribed可以表明成功和渴望,但它也需要仔细管理,以确保质量不会受到影响。 最终,oversubscribed这一术语概括了需求、价值和资源配置之间复杂的相互关系。无论是在金融还是教育领域,它都提醒我们,受欢迎并不总等于可持续性。在我们探索各种机会时,理解被认为是oversubscribed的含义可以帮助我们做出明智的决策,无论我们是投资者、学生,还是追求卓越的机构。