v. 超过,赶上;(数量或重要性方面)超过;(尤指厄运)突然降临在……上;(使)突然受不了(overtake 的过去分词)
被...超越 | |
在比赛中被超越 | |
被事件超越 | |
被环境所超越 | |
被时间所超越 | |
不被超越 |
超越 | 她在比赛中超越了所有竞争对手。 | ||
超过 | 新技术已经赶超了旧方法。 | ||
赶超 | 他的学术表现超出了同龄人。 | ||
超出 | 汽车在高速公路上超过了卡车。 |
保持 | 她在排行榜上保持了自己的位置。 | ||
引领 | 他在上个赛季引领了球队取得胜利。 | ||
在前 | 在我们前面的那辆车开得快得多。 |
1.There is a certain inevitability that ebook sales have now overtaken paperback sales on Amazon's US site.
2.We mustn't let ourselves be overtaken by our competitors.
3.By some measures, easterners' lifestyles have even overtaken their western neighbors.
4.BERLIN has been overtaken by a strange wave of car-burning.
5.The climbers were overtaken by bad weather.
6.It seemed as though some one had overtaken him in his flight and was leading him back.
7.The runner was so fast that he overtaken all his competitors in the final lap.
8.I thought I could keep up, but I was quickly overtaken by a group of cyclists.
9.The technology has overtaken our expectations in just a few years.
10.She felt like she had overtaken her fears after giving a successful presentation.
11.In the race, he overtaken his main rival just before the finish line.
In the world of sports, competition is fierce and the desire to win drives athletes to push their limits. One of the most thrilling moments in any race occurs when a competitor has been overtaken by another runner. This moment can be both exhilarating and disheartening, depending on the perspective of the athlete being overtaken. For the one doing the overtaking, it signifies a surge of confidence and a step closer to victory. However, for the athlete who is overtaken, it can serve as a wake-up call, challenging them to dig deeper and reclaim their position. Consider a marathon, where endurance is tested over long distances. Runners often find themselves in a rhythm, but as fatigue sets in, they may start to lose their pace. If someone else overtakes them at this critical moment, it can feel like a blow to their morale. Yet, this can also ignite a fire within them, pushing them to accelerate and perhaps even overtake their competitor in return. The dynamic of being overtaken and then responding to that challenge is what makes races so captivating. Beyond sports, the concept of being overtaken can be applied to various aspects of life. In the business world, for instance, companies constantly strive to stay ahead of their competitors. A company that has been overtaken in market share must reassess its strategies and innovate to regain its position. This scenario mirrors the race: those who are overtaken must evaluate their strengths and weaknesses to find ways to improve. Just like in athletics, the drive to not be overtaken can foster creativity and resilience. Moreover, personal growth often involves being overtaken by life’s challenges. People may encounter situations where they feel they have been overtaken by circumstances beyond their control, such as illness or loss. In these moments, the key is to respond with determination. Instead of succumbing to despair, individuals can take inspiration from athletes who face setbacks. They can learn to adapt, regroup, and find new paths forward. The journey of overcoming obstacles often leads to profound personal development. In conclusion, whether in sports, business, or personal life, the idea of being overtaken carries significant weight. It can be a moment of defeat or a catalyst for growth. The ability to respond to being overtaken defines not just the outcome of a race but also the trajectory of one's life. Embracing the challenge of being overtaken can lead to remarkable transformations, reminding us that every setback is an opportunity to rise stronger than before.
在体育界,竞争是激烈的,赢得比赛的渴望驱使运动员突破自己的极限。在任何比赛中,当一名运动员被另一名跑者超越时,这往往是最令人兴奋的时刻之一。这一时刻对于被超越的运动员来说,既令人振奋,也令人沮丧。对于超越他的人来说,这标志着自信心的激增,距离胜利又近了一步。然而,对于被超越的运动员来说,这可能成为一个警钟,挑战他们更深层次地挖掘自己,并重新夺回自己的位置。 想象一下马拉松比赛,在长距离上考验耐力。跑者们常常找到一种节奏,但随着疲劳的加剧,他们可能开始失去速度。如果此时有人超越了他们,这可能会对他们的士气造成打击。然而,这也可以点燃他们内心的火焰,推动他们加速,甚至再次超越对手。被超越和应对这种挑战的动态正是比赛如此引人入胜的原因。 除了体育之外,被超越的概念也可以应用于生活的各个方面。例如,在商业世界中,公司不断努力保持领先地位。一个在市场份额上被超越的公司必须重新评估其策略并创新,以重新获得其位置。这种情景与比赛相似:那些被超越的人必须评估自己的优势和劣势,以寻找改进的方法。就像在运动中一样,不被超越的动力可以促进创造力和韧性。 此外,个人成长往往涉及到被生活的挑战所超越。人们可能会遇到一些情况,感觉自己被超越了,例如疾病或失去。在这些时刻,关键是以决心回应。与其屈服于绝望,不如从面临挫折的运动员身上汲取灵感。他们可以学会适应、重整旗鼓,并找到新的前进道路。克服障碍的旅程往往导致深刻的个人发展。 总之,无论是在体育、商业还是个人生活中,被超越的理念都具有重要意义。这可能是失败的时刻,也可能是成长的催化剂。应对被超越的能力不仅定义了一场比赛的结果,也定义了一个人生活的轨迹。拥抱被超越的挑战可以带来显著的转变,提醒我们每一次挫折都是重新崛起的机会。