n. [地质] 逆掩断层,上冲断层;背斜上冲断层
掩冲断层;逆掩断层 |
推力 | The geological thrust caused significant displacement in the rock layers. | 地质推力导致岩层发生了显著的位移。 |
下切 | 地质层被侵蚀下切。 | ||
沉降 | 大雨过后,土地开始沉降。 |
1.The overthrust tectonics at the end of Paleogene are related to the remote effect of subduction of Indian plate beneath Eurasian plate.
2.We call a system of sliding structures, including bedding slip-dessecting slip-overthrust-nappe structure, as the layer sliding structure.
3.The structural system of nappe consists of several overthrust fracture belts, thrust sheets and thrust slices, and master fault and secondary fault form an imbricate structure.
4.These thrusts have their special thu- rsting features, being different from the well-known overthrust belt in the premountain regions of Rocky and Alps mountains.
5.In present gravity exploration of overthrust nappe, people usually use gravity continuation method, forward gravity modelling method and integrated gravity-seismic interpretation method.
6.A large-scale Late Cenozoic overthrust system has been found in the southern East Kunlun Mountains through tectonic mapping and geological reconnaissance in the Dongdatan-East Wenquan area.
7.The overthrust belt on western border of Orduosi basin is a transition zone between North China platform and Qilian geosyncline and is special both in tec- tonic and. sedimentary conditions.
8.The geologists discovered an overthrust 推覆 fault during their field study, indicating significant tectonic activity in the area.
地质学家在野外研究中发现了一个overthrust 推覆断层,这表明该地区的构造活动显著。
9.An overthrust 推覆 can lead to the formation of mountain ranges as one layer of rock is pushed over another.
一个overthrust 推覆可以导致山脉的形成,因为一层岩石被推到另一层之上。
10.In the study of plate tectonics, understanding overthrust 推覆 mechanisms is crucial for predicting earthquakes.
在板块构造研究中,理解overthrust 推覆机制对于预测地震至关重要。
11.The overthrust 推覆 structure was evident in the rock formations along the hiking trail.
沿着远足小径的岩石构造中明显可见overthrust 推覆结构。
12.Researchers used satellite imagery to identify overthrust 推覆 zones that had not been mapped before.
研究人员利用卫星图像识别出之前未被绘制的overthrust 推覆区域。
The geological phenomenon known as overthrust refers to a specific type of faulting that occurs when one rock layer is pushed over another. This process can significantly alter the landscape, creating dramatic mountain ranges and altering ecosystems. In many ways, the concept of overthrust can serve as a metaphor for various aspects of life, including personal challenges and societal changes. When we think about the forces that shape our environment, both natural and human-induced, the idea of an overthrust resonates deeply. For instance, in the realm of personal development, individuals often face obstacles that seem insurmountable. These challenges can push us down or even cause us to feel overwhelmed, much like how geological forces push rock layers over each other. However, just as nature has its way of balancing these forces, we too have the capacity to overcome our struggles. In society, we frequently witness the effects of overthrust in the form of cultural shifts and technological advancements. As new ideas and innovations emerge, they can sometimes overshadow traditional beliefs and practices. This 'pushing over' can lead to conflict but also to growth and evolution. For example, the rise of digital technology has transformed communication, pushing aside older methods and reshaping how we interact with one another. While this can create tension between generations, it also opens up new avenues for connection and understanding. Moreover, the concept of overthrust can be applied to environmental issues as well. As humanity continues to expand its footprint on the planet, we often push natural systems to their limits. Deforestation, pollution, and climate change are all examples of how our actions can create a metaphorical overthrust, where the needs of humanity overshadow the delicate balance of nature. This imbalance can lead to severe consequences, such as loss of biodiversity and increased natural disasters, reminding us of the importance of sustainable practices. In conclusion, the term overthrust encapsulates not only a geological process but also serves as a powerful metaphor for understanding the complexities of life. Whether we are dealing with personal challenges, navigating societal changes, or addressing environmental concerns, the idea of one force pushing over another is ever-present. By recognizing these dynamics, we can better equip ourselves to face the challenges ahead and strive for a more balanced approach in all areas of life. Embracing the lessons from nature's overthrust can guide us toward resilience and adaptability, ensuring that we do not merely survive but thrive amid the pressures we encounter.
地质现象中的“overthrust”指的是一种特定的断层运动,当一层岩石被推到另一层之上时,就会发生这种现象。这个过程可以显著改变地貌,创造出戏剧性的山脉并改变生态系统。在许多方面,“overthrust”的概念可以作为生活各个方面的隐喻,包括个人挑战和社会变革。 当我们思考塑造我们环境的力量时,无论是自然的还是人为的,“overthrust”的想法都深深引起共鸣。例如,在个人发展领域,个体经常面临看似不可逾越的障碍。这些挑战可能会让我们感到压倒,甚至让我们感到不堪重负,就像地质力量将岩层相互推压一样。然而,正如自然有其平衡这些力量的方式,我们也有能力克服我们的挣扎。 在社会中,我们经常目睹“overthrust”的影响,表现为文化变迁和技术进步。当新的思想和创新出现时,它们有时会遮蔽传统信仰和实践。这种“推压”可能导致冲突,但也会带来成长和演变。例如,数字技术的崛起已经改变了沟通方式,将旧的方法推到一边,重塑了我们如何彼此互动。虽然这可能在代际之间造成紧张,但它也开辟了新的连接和理解的途径。 此外,“overthrust”的概念也可以应用于环境问题。随着人类不断扩大对地球的影响,我们经常将自然系统推向极限。森林砍伐、污染和气候变化都是我们行为如何造成比喻性“overthrust”的例子,人类的需求掩盖了自然的微妙平衡。这种失衡可能导致严重后果,例如生物多样性的丧失和自然灾害的增加,提醒我们可持续实践的重要性。 总之,术语“overthrust”不仅概括了一种地质过程,也作为理解生活复杂性的强大隐喻。无论我们是在应对个人挑战,导航社会变革,还是应对环境问题,一种力量压过另一种力量的想法始终存在。通过认识这些动态,我们可以更好地装备自己,以面对未来的挑战,并在生活的各个领域追求更平衡的方法。拥抱自然“overthrust”所传达的教训,可以引导我们走向韧性和适应性,确保我们不仅仅是生存,而是在我们所遇到的压力中蓬勃发展。