n. [解剖] 输卵管
A tube through which eggs pass from the ovaries to the uterus in female animals. | 在雌性动物中,卵子从卵巢经过的管道,通向子宫。 |
输卵管液 | |
输卵管运输 | |
输卵管 | |
输卵管发育 |
输卵管 | The fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. | 受精卵沿着输卵管向子宫移动。 | |
输卵管 | In some species, the oviduct plays a crucial role in egg formation. | 在某些物种中,输卵管在卵子的形成中起着关键作用。 |
输精管 | The vas deferens transports sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct. | 输精管将精子从附睾运输到射精管。 | |
生精小管 | Sperm is produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. | 精子在睾丸的生精小管中产生。 |
1.It is suggested that there are some of cell specific transcription factors in the primary cultured chicken oviduct cells.
2.Conclusion: HCV can infect the ovary and oviduct, presenting relationship to vertical transmission of HCV.
3.Objective: Applies the microsurgery to tally the technology duplicate to pass the oviduct and to observe its clinical curative effect.
4.The false hens from a flock of Avian parents breed were dissected in a certain chicken farm, and malformation appeared in each oviduct.
5.The objective is to observe the clinical effect of Shuguanling (Chinese medicine for dredging the oviduct) on salpingemphraxis sterility.
6.It can result in oviduct obstruction and lead to complications including sterility, ectopic pregnancy, habitual abortion or even pelvic infection.
7.Objective: To discuss the clinical value and effectivity of self-made catheter system in treating sterilization caused by oviduct emphraxis.
8.The epithelium of the oviduct is ciliated.
9.The fertilized egg travels down the oviduct 输卵管 to the uterus.
受精卵沿着输卵管 oviduct 进入子宫。
10.In birds, the oviduct 输卵管 plays a crucial role in egg formation.
在鸟类中,输卵管 oviduct 在蛋的形成中起着至关重要的作用。
11.The health of the oviduct 输卵管 is essential for female fertility.
健康的输卵管 oviduct 对女性生育能力至关重要。
12.Blockages in the oviduct 输卵管 can lead to infertility.
在输卵管 oviduct 中的堵塞可能导致不孕。
13.During ovulation, the egg is released into the oviduct 输卵管.
在排卵期间,卵子被释放到输卵管 oviduct 中。
The female reproductive system in many animals, including birds and mammals, has a complex structure that plays a crucial role in reproduction. One of the key components of this system is the oviduct, which is a tube through which eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus or cloaca. Understanding the function and importance of the oviduct can provide insights into reproductive biology and the evolution of various species. The oviduct serves multiple purposes in the reproductive process. First and foremost, it is responsible for the transport of eggs after they are released from the ovaries. In birds, for instance, once an egg is released, it enters the oviduct, where it undergoes several critical stages of development. The oviduct is divided into different sections, each with specific functions. The infundibulum is the first part, where the egg is captured. Following this, the magnum secretes the egg white, while the isthmus forms the shell membranes. Finally, the uterus, or shell gland, adds the hard shell around the egg, preparing it for laying. In mammals, the oviduct is often referred to as the fallopian tube. This structure not only transports the egg but also provides a site for fertilization. When sperm meets the egg, it usually occurs within the oviduct, allowing for the formation of a zygote. The oviduct then facilitates the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterus, where it can implant and develop into a fetus. The health and functionality of the oviduct are vital for successful reproduction. Various factors, such as infections, hormonal imbalances, or structural abnormalities, can affect the oviduct's ability to transport eggs effectively. For instance, conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can lead to scarring and blockages in the oviduct, resulting in infertility. Therefore, understanding the oviduct and its role in reproduction is essential for diagnosing and treating fertility issues. Moreover, the study of the oviduct extends beyond human health. In agricultural science, the oviduct of poultry is of particular interest, as it directly influences egg production. By understanding how the oviduct functions, farmers can implement better breeding practices and improve the overall health of their flocks. Additionally, research into the oviduct may lead to advancements in reproductive technologies, such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization (IVF). In conclusion, the oviduct is a vital component of the reproductive systems in many animals. Its primary role in transporting eggs and facilitating fertilization underscores its importance in both natural reproduction and agricultural practices. By studying the oviduct, researchers can gain valuable insights into reproductive health and develop innovative solutions to address fertility challenges. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the oviduct not only enhances our knowledge of biology but also has practical implications for improving reproductive outcomes in various species.
许多动物(包括鸟类和哺乳动物)的雌性生殖系统具有复杂的结构,对繁殖起着至关重要的作用。其中一个关键组成部分是输卵管,它是一个管道,负责将卵子从卵巢运输到子宫或泄殖腔。理解输卵管的功能和重要性可以为我们提供对生殖生物学以及各种物种进化的深入见解。 输卵管在生殖过程中有多个目的。首先,它负责运输卵子,在卵子从卵巢释放后进入输卵管,在这里经历几个关键的发展阶段。例如,在鸟类中,一旦卵子释放,它就会进入输卵管,在这里经历几个关键的发展阶段。输卵管分为不同的部分,每个部分都有特定的功能。漏斗部是第一部分,用于捕捉卵子。接下来,肌肉部分分泌蛋清,而峡部形成壳膜。最后,子宫或壳腺在卵子周围添加硬壳,为产卵做好准备。 在哺乳动物中,输卵管通常被称为输卵管。这一结构不仅运输卵子,还提供了一个受精的场所。当精子与卵子相遇时,通常发生在输卵管内,从而形成合子。输卵管随后促进受精卵向子宫的移动,受精卵可以在子宫内植入并发育成胎儿。 输卵管的健康和功能对于成功繁殖至关重要。各种因素,如感染、激素失衡或结构异常,可能影响输卵管有效运输卵子的能力。例如,盆腔炎症性疾病(PID)可能导致输卵管中的疤痕和堵塞,导致不孕。因此,了解输卵管及其在生殖中的作用对于诊断和治疗生育问题至关重要。 此外,输卵管的研究超越了人类健康。在农业科学中,家禽的输卵管尤其引人关注,因为它直接影响蛋的生产。通过了解输卵管的功能,农民可以实施更好的繁殖实践,提高其家禽的整体健康。此外,对输卵管的研究可能会导致生殖技术的进步,例如人工授精和体外受精(IVF)。 总之,输卵管是许多动物生殖系统的重要组成部分。它在运输卵子和促进受精方面的主要作用凸显了它在自然繁殖和农业实践中的重要性。通过研究输卵管,研究人员可以获得有关生殖健康的宝贵见解,并开发创新解决方案以应对生育挑战。因此,全面了解输卵管不仅增强了我们对生物学的认识,而且对改善各种物种的生殖结果具有实际意义。