v. 产卵,排卵
第 三 人 称 单 数 o v i p o s i t s
现 在 分 词 o v i p o s i t i n g
过 去 式 o v i p o s i t e d
过 去 分 词 o v i p o s i t e d
产卵,通常用于指雌性动物。 |
产卵 | |
产卵的物种 | |
在水中产卵 | |
在叶子上产卵 | |
雌性动物产卵 | |
产卵行为 |
产卵 | 许多鸟类在巢中产卵。 | ||
下蛋 | The female fish is known for its egg-laying behavior during spawning season. | 雌鱼在产卵季节以其下蛋行为而闻名。 |
1.The female insect has a clear selectivity on the location and development stage of the fruit for them to oviposit.
2.Both fecundity and egg hatchability were markedly reduced on CJ-06, when newly emerged WBPH females continuously fed and were allowed to oviposit in it.
3.Objective To study the action of the insect growth regulator S 31183 on blood biting, oviposit, and eclosion of Culex pipens pallens.
目的研究昆虫生长调节剂S 31183在实验室条件下对淡色库蚊成虫吸血和产卵及卵的孵化的影响。
4.When occurrence problem of hormone level and oviposit, ovarian can fall ill.
5.SFB's feeding will reduce DBM's oviposit probability on B. Juncea, but has no effect on B. oleracea.
6.How to grasp the women oviposit period?
7.Many species of fish oviposit in shallow waters during the breeding season.
8.The female butterfly will oviposit on the underside of leaves to protect her eggs.
9.Some reptiles oviposit in sandy nests to keep their eggs warm.
10.Insects often oviposit in decaying wood or plant matter.
11.Birds typically oviposit in nests built in trees or shrubs.
In the fascinating world of biology, the term oviposit refers to the process by which certain animals lay eggs. This reproductive strategy is particularly common among various species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and some fish. Understanding how and why these creatures oviposit can provide us with deeper insights into their life cycles, behaviors, and evolutionary adaptations. Oviposition is not just a simple act of laying eggs; it involves a complex series of behaviors and environmental interactions. For instance, many birds carefully select nesting sites that offer protection from predators and suitable conditions for the eggs to develop. The location of an oviposit can significantly impact the survival rate of the offspring. Some species even exhibit remarkable parental care, ensuring that the eggs are kept warm and safe until they hatch. Moreover, the timing of when animals oviposit is crucial. Many species synchronize their reproductive cycles with environmental cues, such as temperature and food availability. For example, certain frogs will oviposit during the rainy season when water bodies are abundant, providing a safe habitat for their tadpoles to thrive. This synchronization with environmental factors demonstrates the intricate relationship between organisms and their habitats. Different species have evolved various strategies for oviposition. Some insects, like butterflies and moths, lay their eggs on specific host plants that will provide nourishment for their larvae upon hatching. This behavior ensures that the young have immediate access to food, increasing their chances of survival. In contrast, sea turtles travel long distances to return to the beaches where they were born to oviposit, showcasing their extraordinary navigational abilities and the importance of habitat fidelity. The study of oviposition also has significant implications for conservation efforts. Many species that lay eggs are threatened by habitat destruction, climate change, and pollution. Understanding their reproductive habits can help conservationists develop strategies to protect critical nesting sites and ensure the survival of these species. For instance, protecting nesting beaches for sea turtles is vital for maintaining their populations, as human activities can significantly disrupt their oviposition processes. In conclusion, the term oviposit encapsulates a vital aspect of the reproductive strategies of many animals. Through studying the various methods and behaviors associated with egg-laying, we gain a greater appreciation for the complexities of life in the animal kingdom. From the careful selection of nesting sites to the timing of oviposition, each detail plays a critical role in the survival and continuation of species. As we face environmental challenges, understanding these processes becomes increasingly important for conservation and biodiversity efforts.
在生物学的迷人世界中,术语oviposit指的是某些动物下蛋的过程。这种繁殖策略在各种物种中尤其常见,包括鸟类、爬行动物、两栖动物和一些鱼类。理解这些生物如何以及为何oviposit可以为我们提供更深入的见解,了解它们的生命周期、行为和进化适应。 下蛋不仅仅是一个简单的行为;它涉及一系列复杂的行为和环境互动。例如,许多鸟类会仔细选择巢穴,以提供保护免受捕食者的侵害,并为卵子发育提供合适的条件。oviposit的位置会显著影响后代的存活率。一些物种甚至表现出显著的亲代关怀,确保卵子在孵化之前保持温暖和安全。 此外,动物何时oviposit的时机至关重要。许多物种会根据环境线索(如温度和食物供应)来同步它们的繁殖周期。例如,某些青蛙会在雨季时oviposit,这时水体丰富,为他们的蝌蚪提供安全的栖息地。这种与环境因素的同步显示了生物与其栖息地之间的复杂关系。 不同物种已经进化出各种oviposit策略。一些昆虫,如蝴蝶和蛾子,会将卵子产在特定的寄主植物上,这些植物在孵化后会为幼虫提供养分。这种行为确保幼虫在孵化后能够立即获得食物,从而增加它们的生存几率。相比之下,海龟则长途跋涉回到它们出生的海滩去oviposit,展示了它们非凡的导航能力和栖息地忠诚的重要性。 对oviposit研究也对保护工作具有重要意义。许多下蛋的物种受到栖息地破坏、气候变化和污染的威胁。理解它们的繁殖习性可以帮助保护主义者制定保护关键巢穴的策略,以确保这些物种的生存。例如,保护海龟的产卵沙滩对于维持它们的种群至关重要,因为人类活动可能严重干扰它们的oviposit过程。 总之,术语oviposit概括了许多动物繁殖策略中的一个重要方面。通过研究与下蛋相关的各种方法和行为,我们对动物王国生命的复杂性有了更大的欣赏。从巢穴的仔细选择到oviposit的时机,每个细节在物种的生存和延续中都发挥着关键作用。随着我们面临环境挑战,理解这些过程对于保护和生物多样性工作变得越来越重要。