n. 监狱;监禁;牢笼
证毕(Q.E.D.) | |
待证之事 | |
随意选择 | |
滋养我的也毁灭我 |
哪个 | 你借给我的书很吸引人。 | ||
那 | 停在外面的车是我邻居的。 |
事实 | 事实是我们需要尽快做出决定。 | ||
真理 | 真理最终总会浮出水面。 |
1.He had so much virtue while still a private citizen that someone who wrote about him said: ‘quod nihil illi deerat ad regnandum praeter regnum’ [‘that he lacked nothing to reign but a kingdom’].
当他还是一个普通公民时候就显露出了非凡的才干,某人这样写他:“quodnihilillideeratadregnandum praeter regnum”(他唯独缺少一个让他统治的王国)*。
2.He had so much virtue while still a private citizen that someone who wrote about him said: ‘quod nihil illi deerat ad regnandum praeter regnum’ [‘that he lacked nothing to reign but a kingdom’].
当他还是一个普通公民时候就显露出了非凡的才干,某人这样写他:“quodnihilillideeratadregnandum praeter regnum”(他唯独缺少一个让他统治的王国)*。
3.The new methods mainly contain the adsorption of natural materials, modification materials, humic acids, biosorption, quod of silicon micro encapsulization and nanotechnology.
4.She decorated her body with 14 tattoos, including the Latin proverb quod me nutrit me destruit ("what nourishes me destroys me").
5.Quod Libet is a GTK + based audio player, it's main feature is it's music library management.
QuodLibet是一个使用GTK +界面库开发的播放器它的主要功能特点是音乐库管理。
6.Such damages may be awarded whether the defamation is actionable per se or per quod.
7.He said he would meet me at the café, but I doubt he will show up, quod 因为 he is always late.
他说他会在咖啡馆见我,但我怀疑他会出现,quod 因为 他总是迟到。
8.The results of the experiment were inconclusive, quod 因此 we need to conduct more tests.
实验结果没有得出结论,quod 因此 我们需要进行更多测试。
9.She decided to leave early, quod 因为 she had a meeting to attend.
她决定提前离开,quod 因为 她有一个会议要参加。
10.I can't go out tonight, quod 因为 I have too much work to finish.
我今晚不能出去,quod 因为 我有太多工作要完成。
11.They canceled the event, quod 因为 of the bad weather forecast.
他们取消了活动,quod 因为 天气预报不佳。
In the world of language, there are countless words that carry significant meaning and history. One such word is quod, which is derived from Latin and has made its way into various contexts in English. Understanding the term quod can enhance our appreciation for language and its evolution. Quod essentially means 'which' or 'that', but it has also been used in a more colloquial sense to refer to a prison or jail. This duality in meaning is a reflection of how language can change over time and adapt to different usages. To illustrate the usage of quod, let’s consider a scenario involving a character named John, who finds himself in a difficult situation. John was a young man with dreams of becoming a lawyer, but life had other plans for him. One day, he was wrongfully accused of a crime he did not commit. As he sat in the cold, damp confines of the quod, he reflected on his life choices and the justice system that had failed him. The quod served as a harsh reminder of the fragility of freedom. Every day, he would hear the clanging of metal doors and the shouts of guards, which only deepened his despair. Yet, within those walls, he began to formulate a plan. John knew that he had to fight for his innocence, and he spent countless hours studying law books that were smuggled in by sympathetic friends. He realized that the very system that had imprisoned him could also be the key to his liberation. As days turned into weeks, John’s determination grew stronger. He started to write letters to legal aid organizations and reached out to anyone who would listen. In his letters, he often referred to the quod as a symbol of his struggle, emphasizing how unjust it was for someone innocent to be trapped in such a place. His eloquence and passion caught the attention of a local journalist, who decided to investigate his case further. The journalist’s involvement brought new light to John’s situation. Soon, the story of the young man in the quod became a topic of discussion in the community. People rallied behind him, demanding justice and calling for a review of his case. The power of public opinion began to shift the narrative, and John felt a renewed sense of hope. Eventually, after months of fighting, John's case was reopened. With the help of the journalist and legal advocates, evidence that had previously been overlooked came to light. The judge ruled in his favor, and John was finally released from the quod. As he stepped out into the sunlight, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the support he had received and a deep understanding of the importance of justice. John's story serves as a poignant reminder of the impact that language and words like quod can have on our lives. It highlights how a single term can encapsulate both despair and hope, depending on the context in which it is used. Language is not just a tool for communication; it is a powerful force that shapes our perceptions and experiences. By exploring words like quod, we gain insight into the human experience and the complexities of our society. In conclusion, understanding terms like quod enriches our vocabulary and enhances our ability to express nuanced ideas, ultimately leading to deeper connections with others and a greater comprehension of the world around us.
在语言的世界里,有无数个词汇承载着重要的意义和历史。其中一个词就是quod,它源自拉丁语,并已进入英语的各种语境。理解这个词quod可以增强我们对语言及其演变的欣赏。Quod基本上意味着“哪个”或“那”,但它在更口语的意义上也被用来指代监狱或监禁。这种意义上的双重性反映了语言如何随着时间的推移而变化并适应不同的用法。 为了说明quod的用法,让我们考虑一个名叫约翰的角色,他发现自己处于一个困难的境地。约翰是一个年轻人,梦想成为一名律师,但生活却有其他的安排。一天,他被错误地指控犯下了一桩他没有犯下的罪行。当他坐在寒冷潮湿的quod中时,他回想起自己的生活选择和对他不公的司法系统。 这个quod是自由脆弱的严酷提醒。每天,他都会听到金属门的撞击声和守卫的喊叫,这只会加深他的绝望。然而,在这些墙内,他开始制定计划。约翰知道他必须为自己的清白而战,他花费无数小时研究那些被同情的朋友走私进来的法律书籍。他意识到,正是那个将他囚禁的系统,也可能是他解放的关键。 随着日子一天天过去,约翰的决心愈发坚定。他开始给法律援助组织写信,并联系任何愿意倾听的人。在他的信中,他常常将quod作为他斗争的象征,强调一个无辜者被困在这样的地方是多么不公。他的口才和热情引起了一位当地记者的关注,这位记者决定进一步调查他的案件。 记者的介入为约翰的情况带来了新的光亮。很快,这位年轻人在quod里的故事成为社区讨论的话题。人们团结起来,要求公正,并呼吁重新审查他的案件。公众舆论的力量开始改变叙事,约翰感受到了一种新的希望。 最终,在几个月的斗争之后,约翰的案件得以重审。在记者和法律倡导者的帮助下,以前被忽视的证据浮出水面。法官裁定支持他,约翰终于从quod中获释。当他走出阳光时,他感到对所获得支持的深深感激,以及对正义重要性的深刻理解。 约翰的故事提醒我们,语言和像quod这样的词汇可以对我们的生活产生影响。它突显了单个术语如何在不同的语境中囊括绝望与希望。语言不仅仅是沟通的工具;它是一种强大的力量,塑造了我们的认知和经历。通过探索像quod这样的词汇,我们获得了对人类经验和社会复杂性的洞察力。总之,理解像quod这样的术语丰富了我们的词汇,增强了我们表达细致思想的能力,最终导致与他人的更深连接,以及对周围世界更大的理解。