adj. 昔日的,旧时的
以前的;早期的或以前地位的。 |
昔日朋友 | |
以前的同事 | |
昔日统治者 | |
昔日辉煌 |
以前的 | 前任总统发表了演讲。 | ||
先前的 | 在她之前的工作中,她管理了一个团队。 | ||
往昔的 | 他曾是这项运动的冠军。 | ||
曾经 | 曾经,这个地方是一个繁荣的市场。 |
当前的 | 当前的情况需要立即关注。 | ||
现在的 | 在当今时代,科技正在迅速发展。 | ||
当代的 | 当代艺术常常挑战传统规范。 |
1.But a side kiss Yi for morning, but the vision fall on the man still sitting on the seat of host an on every cause and walked quondam.
2.The study does not testify a cause-and-effect relation, promo chaussures, only an federation; in the quondam, rigorous clinical trials of much correlations have constantly had disappointing results.
3.I like to present myself, I miss our quondam.
4.Now the antagonist whom we are all Huan cloud to believe in, the affair in quondam doesn't ambition at elevator.
5.The purple Yan is hanging a head to say, the facial statement of that arrange indifferent nature, be like follow vegetable well-experienced in pole of quondam friend at go over the antique days alike.
6.Therefore, it is helpful for next system construction if we can summarize the achievement and deficiency of quondam textbooks.
7.The museum features a display of artifacts from a quondam 昔日的 civilization that thrived thousands of years ago.
博物馆展出了来自一个quondam 昔日的文明的文物,这个文明在数千年前繁荣过。
8.He often reminisces about his quondam 往昔的 friendships that have faded over the years.
他常常怀念那些随着岁月流逝而消逝的quondam 往昔的友谊。
9.The quondam 以前的 glory of the castle is still evident in its crumbling walls.
这座城堡的quondam 以前的辉煌在其破败的墙壁上仍然显而易见。
10.She visited her quondam 旧时的 school, where she had so many fond memories.
她拜访了她的quondam 旧时的学校,那里有许多美好的回忆。
11.The novel tells the story of a quondam 昔日的 hero who has long since been forgotten.
这部小说讲述了一个quondam 昔日的英雄的故事,他早已被遗忘。
In the annals of history, many great figures have left their mark on society, often transforming the world in profound ways. One such figure was a *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* philosopher, whose ideas were revolutionary for his time. He lived during an era when traditional beliefs were being challenged, and his thoughts provided a fresh perspective that resonated with many. The term *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* means 'former' or 'once' in Latin, and it aptly describes the philosopher's previous status as a respected thinker before he became a controversial figure. His *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* reputation as a sage was overshadowed by the radical nature of his theories, which questioned the very fabric of societal norms. This philosopher, let's call him Socrates for the sake of argument, had a *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* following that admired his teachings on ethics and virtue. However, as he began to delve deeper into the realms of questioning authority and established customs, his *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* admirers started to dwindle. They found it difficult to reconcile his new ideas with the beliefs they had held dear for so long. This shift illustrates how a *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* supporter can quickly become a critic when faced with challenging concepts that threaten their worldview. Despite the backlash, the philosopher continued to advocate for critical thinking and self-examination. He believed that true wisdom came from understanding oneself and one's place in the universe. His *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* status as a revered philosopher did not deter him from pursuing the truth, even when it put him at odds with society. In fact, it was this very courage that eventually led to his trial and execution, cementing his legacy as a martyr for intellectual freedom. The tale of this *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* philosopher serves as a poignant reminder of the risks associated with challenging the status quo. History is replete with examples of individuals who were once celebrated but became outcasts due to their progressive ideas. The concept of being *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* also applies to movements and ideologies that were once mainstream but later fell out of favor. For instance, the environmental movement was once considered radical; however, it has since gained traction and is now a significant part of global discourse. In conclusion, the journey of the *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* philosopher highlights the delicate balance between innovation and acceptance. While society may initially embrace new ideas, it can just as swiftly turn against them if they challenge deeply ingrained beliefs. Understanding the implications of being *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* can help us appreciate the struggles of those who dare to think differently, reminding us that progress often comes at a price. As we navigate our own paths, let us remember the lessons learned from those who were once celebrated but later became *span style='color:blue;'*quondam*/span* figures in the eyes of society.
在历史的年鉴中,许多伟大的人物在社会上留下了深刻的印记,往往以深远的方式改变了世界。其中一个人物是一位quondam哲学家,他的思想在他所处的时代是革命性的。他生活在一个传统信仰受到挑战的时代,他的思想提供了一种新鲜的视角,引起了许多人的共鸣。术语quondam在拉丁语中意为“以前的”或“曾经的”,它恰当地描述了这位哲学家作为一位受人尊敬的思想家的前身,在他成为一个有争议的人物之前。他的quondam声誉作为智者被他理论的激进性质所掩盖,这些理论质疑了社会规范的基本结构。 这位哲学家,我们姑且称之为苏格拉底,为他的伦理和美德教学拥有一批quondam追随者。然而,当他开始深入探讨质疑权威和既定习俗的领域时,他的quondam崇拜者开始减少。他们发现很难将他的新思想与他们长期以来所持有的信念调和。这种转变说明了当面临威胁他们世界观的挑战性概念时,quondam支持者如何迅速转变为批评者。 尽管遭遇反对,这位哲学家依然坚持倡导批判性思维和自我审视。他相信,真正的智慧源于理解自己及其在宇宙中的位置。他的quondam哲学家身份并没有阻止他追求真理,即使这使他与社会产生冲突。事实上,正是这种勇气最终导致了他的审判和处决,使他成为知识自由的殉道者,巩固了他的遗产。 这位quondam哲学家的故事提醒我们,挑战现状所带来的风险。历史上充满了那些曾经受到赞誉但由于其进步思想而成为弃儿的个体的例子。quondam的概念同样适用于那些曾经主流但后来失宠的运动和意识形态。例如,环保运动曾被视为激进的;然而,它现在已获得关注,成为全球话语的重要组成部分。 总之,这位quondam哲学家的旅程突显了创新与接受之间的微妙平衡。虽然社会最初可能会接受新思想,但如果这些思想挑战根深蒂固的信念,它也可以迅速反转。理解quondam的含义可以帮助我们欣赏那些敢于不同思考者的斗争,提醒我们,进步往往是有代价的。在我们自己的道路上前行时,让我们铭记那些曾经受到赞誉但后来在社会眼中成为quondam人物的人的教训。