n. [语] 鼻音;鼻语
A speech disorder characterized by abnormal resonance during speech, typically due to excessive nasal airflow. | 一种语言障碍,特征是在说话时由于鼻气流过多而导致的异常共鸣。 |
鼻音讲话 | The patient was diagnosed with nasal speech due to a deviated septum. | 患者因鼻中隔偏曲被诊断为鼻音讲话。 | |
鼻音 | She has a nasal voice that makes her easily recognizable on the radio. | 她的鼻音使她在广播中很容易被认出。 |
正常言语 | 他的正常言语让人容易理解他。 | ||
清晰发音 | She has clear articulation, which helps her in public speaking. | 她的发音清晰,这对她的演讲很有帮助。 |
1.We did not notice any open rhinolalia, dysphagia and dysphonia.
2.We did not notice any open rhinolalia, dysphagia and dysphonia.
3.The speech therapist diagnosed the child with rhinolalia, which is a condition that affects their speech clarity.
4.After the surgery to correct his deviated septum, he noticed a significant improvement in his rhinolalia.
5.Many children outgrow rhinolalia as their nasal passages develop properly.
6.The doctor explained that rhinolalia can be caused by allergies or chronic sinus issues.
7.Parents should seek professional help if they notice persistent rhinolalia in their child's speech.
The field of speech pathology encompasses a variety of disorders, one of which is known as rhinolalia. This term refers to a speech disorder characterized by an abnormal resonance of the voice due to the improper functioning of the nasal passages. In simpler terms, rhinolalia can be described as a condition where an individual’s speech sounds either too nasal or not nasal enough, which can significantly affect their communication abilities. Understanding rhinolalia is essential for both speech therapists and those who may be experiencing this condition themselves. There are two primary types of rhinolalia: hypernasality and hyponasality. Hypernasality occurs when there is excessive nasal resonance during speech, often making it difficult for listeners to understand the speaker. This can happen when the velopharyngeal mechanism, which separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity during speech, does not close properly. On the other hand, hyponasality is when there is insufficient nasal resonance, leading to a speech quality that sounds blocked or congested. Both conditions can arise from various causes, including anatomical abnormalities, neurological disorders, or even habitual speech patterns. The impact of rhinolalia on an individual can be profound. It can affect not only how others perceive them but also their self-esteem and confidence in social situations. For children, being teased or bullied because of their speech can lead to long-term emotional issues. Therefore, early detection and intervention are crucial. Speech-language pathologists play a vital role in diagnosing and treating rhinolalia. Through a combination of assessments, they can determine the underlying causes and develop tailored therapy plans. Treatment for rhinolalia often involves speech exercises designed to strengthen the muscles involved in speech production and improve the coordination of the velopharyngeal mechanism. In some cases, surgical interventions may be necessary to correct anatomical issues that contribute to the disorder. Regardless of the approach, the goal is to enhance communication effectiveness and boost the individual’s confidence in their speaking abilities. In conclusion, rhinolalia is a significant speech disorder that can have serious implications for those affected. By raising awareness about this condition, we can foster understanding and support for individuals who struggle with it. As society becomes more inclusive and accommodating, it is essential to recognize the challenges faced by those with speech disorders like rhinolalia. With the right resources and support, individuals can overcome these challenges and express themselves more clearly and confidently. Ultimately, understanding rhinolalia not only aids in effective communication but also promotes empathy and acceptance in our communities.
言语病理学领域涵盖了多种障碍,其中之一被称为鼻音障碍。这个术语指的是一种由于鼻腔功能不正常而导致的声音共鸣异常的言语障碍。简单来说,鼻音障碍可以描述为一种个体的言语听起来过于鼻音或不足鼻音的状况,这可能会显著影响他们的交流能力。理解鼻音障碍对语言治疗师和可能经历这种情况的人来说都是至关重要的。 鼻音障碍主要有两种类型:过度鼻音和不足鼻音。过度鼻音发生在说话时鼻腔共鸣过多,常常使听者难以理解说话者。这可能发生在软腭机制,即在说话时将鼻腔与口腔分开的机制,没有正确关闭。另一方面,不足鼻音是指鼻腔共鸣不足,导致说话质量听起来堵塞或拥挤。两种情况都可能由多种原因引起,包括解剖异常、神经系统疾病,甚至是习惯性的说话模式。 鼻音障碍对个体的影响可能是深远的。它不仅会影响他人对他们的看法,还会影响他们在社交场合中的自尊心和自信心。对于儿童来说,由于言语问题而受到嘲笑或欺负可能会导致长期的情感问题。因此,早期发现和干预至关重要。语言治疗师在诊断和治疗鼻音障碍方面发挥着重要作用。通过一系列评估,他们可以确定潜在原因,并制定量身定制的治疗计划。 鼻音障碍的治疗通常包括旨在增强发声肌肉力量和改善软腭机制协调的言语练习。在某些情况下,可能需要手术干预来纠正导致该障碍的解剖问题。无论采取何种方法,目标都是提高交流的有效性,并增强个体在言语能力上的自信心。 总之,鼻音障碍是一种重要的言语障碍,可能对受影响者产生严重影响。通过提高对这一状况的认识,我们可以促进对那些与之斗争的个体的理解和支持。随着社会变得更加包容和适应,认识到那些有言语障碍的人所面临的挑战是至关重要的。凭借正确的资源和支持,个体可以克服这些挑战,更清晰、自信地表达自己。最终,理解鼻音障碍不仅有助于有效沟通,还促进了我们社区中的同情和接纳。