n. 乡巴佬;土包子
adj. 土里土气的;像乡巴佬的
n. (Rube)人名;(德)鲁贝;(英)鲁布
复 数 r u b e s
A rube is an unsophisticated or naive person, often from a rural area. | rube指的是一个不成熟或天真的人,通常来自农村地区。 |
鲁布·戈德堡式的装置(复杂的机械装置) | |
内心是个乡巴佬 | |
城市人和乡巴佬的对比 | |
来自乡下的乡巴佬 |
乡下人 | 他看起来像个乡下人,但他心地善良。 | ||
土包子 | 别这么土包子,试着变得更有品位。 | ||
乡巴佬 | 这个乡巴佬很容易被城里人欺骗。 | ||
傻瓜 | She acted like a simpleton when she didn't understand the joke. | 当她不理解这个笑话时,她表现得像个傻瓜。 |
老练的人 | 他是个老练的人,了解所有最新的趋势。 | ||
城市人 | As an urbanite, she prefers the fast-paced life of the city. | 作为一个城市人,她更喜欢城市的快节奏生活。 |
1.The era of the backwoods rube is gone.
2.The reinforced type steel heat-shrinkable finned rube is mainly used in such places which have complicated topography, bad weather and high grade of anticorrosion, and cross the rivers.
3.A cross between that and maybe a little-known film we saw on Rube Goldberg and his ways.
4.I got angry at her rube behavior.
5.The reinforced type steel heat-shrinkable finned rube is mainly used in such places which have complicated topography, bad weather and high grade of anticorrosion, and cross the rivers.
6.It looked so grand that when Rube asked me again if she could try myjewels on just for a minute, I offered her the pendant.
7.Once the hero of Jefferson, the virtuous husbandman, he was the rube, the hick, the hayseed.
8.The city slicker thought the small-town farmer was just a naive rube.
9.He played the part of a rube in the comedy, making everyone laugh with his silly antics.
10.The con artist easily tricked the rube into buying a fake painting.
11.During the festival, the tourists were treated like rubes by the local vendors.
12.He felt like a rube when he realized he had been overcharged for the souvenirs.
In the quaint little town of Maplewood, there lived a man named Charlie who was often perceived as a rube. A rube, in the simplest terms, refers to someone who is unsophisticated or naive, particularly in urban settings. Charlie had spent most of his life in this small town, where everyone knew each other and life moved at a leisurely pace. His lack of exposure to the bustling city life made him an easy target for jokes and ridicule among the more cosmopolitan folks. One sunny afternoon, a traveling circus set up camp just outside of Maplewood. The townspeople were buzzing with excitement, eager to see the exotic animals and daring acrobats. Charlie, however, was skeptical. He didn’t understand the allure of such spectacles. To him, the circus was just a distraction from the simple joys of life—fishing by the lake, tending to his garden, and enjoying the company of his neighbors. Nevertheless, his friends encouraged him to join them at the circus, insisting that he would have a great time. When Charlie arrived at the circus, he was immediately overwhelmed by the sights and sounds. Brightly colored tents, the smell of popcorn, and the laughter of children filled the air. As he walked through the grounds, he couldn’t help but feel like a rube. Everywhere he looked, there were people dressed in outlandish costumes, performing tricks and stunts that seemed almost magical to him. He watched in awe as a tightrope walker gracefully balanced high above the ground, while a clown juggled flaming torches, eliciting gasps from the crowd. Despite his initial reservations, Charlie found himself enjoying the show. However, his naivety soon became apparent when he approached a vendor selling 'magic' potions. The vendor, noticing Charlie's innocent demeanor, began to spin an elaborate tale about how these potions could grant wishes and bring good fortune. Charlie, captivated by the vendor's charm, bought several bottles, convinced that they would change his life. Later that evening, as he returned home with his 'magical' potions, Charlie's friends laughed and teased him for falling for the vendor’s tricks. They called him a rube, a term that stung more than he anticipated. But instead of feeling ashamed, Charlie took it in stride. He realized that being a rube wasn’t necessarily a bad thing; it meant he approached life with wonder and curiosity, qualities that many people had lost in their pursuit of sophistication. Over the following weeks, Charlie became somewhat of a local celebrity. His stories of the circus and the 'magic' potions entertained the townsfolk, who appreciated his genuine nature. He learned to embrace his identity as a rube, using it to connect with others and bring joy to their lives. In turn, his friends began to see that there was something special about Charlie's perspective. They admired his ability to find magic in the mundane and to approach life with an open heart. In conclusion, while the term rube may carry a connotation of naivety and simplicity, it also represents a certain authenticity and charm. Charlie’s journey taught the people of Maplewood that sometimes, being a rube can lead to the most meaningful experiences. It reminds us to cherish our innocence and to find joy in the little things, even in a world that often values sophistication over sincerity.
在那个古雅的小镇梅普尔伍德,住着一个名叫查理的男人,他常常被视为一个乡下人。简单来说,乡下人是指那些在城市环境中显得不够世故或天真的人。查理大部分时间都生活在这个小镇上,这里的人们彼此熟悉,生活节奏缓慢。他缺乏对繁华城市生活的接触,使他成为更时尚的人们嘲笑的目标。 一个阳光明媚的下午,一个旅行马戏团在梅普尔伍德附近扎营。镇上的人们兴奋不已,渴望看到异国情调的动物和大胆的杂技演员。然而,查理对此持怀疑态度。他不理解这种奇观的魅力。对他来说,马戏团只是生活中简单乐趣的干扰——在湖边钓鱼、照料花园、享受邻居的陪伴。尽管如此,他的朋友们还是鼓励他去马戏团,坚称他会玩得很开心。 当查理来到马戏团时,他立刻被眼前的景象和声音所震撼。色彩鲜艳的帐篷、爆米花的香味以及孩子们的欢笑声充斥着空气。当他走过场地时,不禁感到自己像个乡下人。他看到周围的人穿着夸张的服装,表演着似乎几乎是魔法的把戏。他惊叹地观看着一位高空走钢丝的演员优雅地在高空中平衡,而一名小丑则在空中抛接着燃烧的火把,引起了观众的惊叹。 尽管最初有些犹豫,查理发现自己开始享受这场表演。然而,当他走近一个卖“魔法”药水的小贩时,他的天真很快显露无遗。小贩注意到查理的单纯,开始编织一个关于这些药水能够实现愿望和带来好运的华丽故事。查理被小贩的魅力所吸引,买了几瓶,相信这些药水会改变他的生活。 当天晚上,当他带着“魔法”药水回家时,查理的朋友们笑着调侃他,嘲笑他上了小贩的当。他们称他为乡下人,这个词让他感到比他预想的还要刺痛。但查理并没有感到羞愧,而是坦然接受了。他意识到,做一个乡下人并不一定是坏事;这意味着他以惊奇和好奇心看待生活,这是许多人在追求世故时失去的品质。 在接下来的几周里,查理成为了当地的小名人。他关于马戏团和“魔法”药水的故事娱乐了镇上的人们,他们欣赏他的真诚。他学会了拥抱作为乡下人的身份,利用它与他人建立联系,为他们的生活带来欢乐。反过来,他的朋友们也开始看到查理的视角中有些特别之处。他们钦佩他在平凡中找到魔力的能力,以及以开放的心态面对生活的态度。 总之,虽然乡下人这个词可能带有天真和简单的含义,但它也代表了一种真实和魅力。查理的旅程教会了梅普尔伍德的人们,有时候,做一个乡下人可以带来最有意义的经历。它提醒我们珍惜自己的纯真,在这个往往重视世故而非真诚的世界中,找到小事中的快乐。