n. 标题;说明;类;规则;<废语>代赭石
adj. 印为红字的
复 数 r u b r i c s
评估标准 | |
评分标准 | |
评估的标准 | |
基于标准的评估 | |
评分的标准 | |
创建一个标准 | |
使用一个标准 | |
标准设计 |
指导方针 | 老师为这个项目提供了详细的指导方针。 | ||
框架 | We need a clear framework to assess the students' performance. | 我们需要一个清晰的框架来评估学生的表现。 | |
标准 | 评分标准在考试前就已解释清楚。 | ||
说明 | 确保仔细遵循说明。 |
混乱 | 由于缺乏明确的指导方针,这个项目处于混乱状态。 | ||
无序 | 派对结束后,房间一片狼藉。 |
1.This fits under the rubric of "Know thy data, Know thy queries."
2.The kinds of arguments we have been considering so far all fall under the general rubric of "Inference to the best explanation."
目前为止我们讨论的这些论证,都是在 "最佳解释推理",这个一般准则下进行的的
3.There could be familiar things that you are close to and you could bring in together new things as falling under the rubric of these familiar things.
4.We present three forms: Holistic rubric quantitative analysis rubric and check list.
5.The rubric used to assess this document is detailed below.
6.Two doors along , a rubric stood out from the tenebrous gloom.
7.Contains the explicit of a manuscript item, that is, the closing words of the text proper, exclusive of any rubric or colophon which might follow it.
8.Score this project using a printed Peer Review Rubric and then enter the scores in the short form below. Hit the TAB key to move from field to field.
9.The teacher provided a detailed rubric 评分标准 for the project to ensure all students understood the grading criteria.
老师提供了详细的rubric 评分标准,以确保所有学生都理解评分标准。
10.In the workshop, we discussed how to create an effective rubric 评分标准 for evaluating presentations.
在研讨会上,我们讨论了如何创建有效的rubric 评分标准来评估演示文稿。
11.The rubric 评分标准 helped students focus on the key elements of their essays.
这个rubric 评分标准帮助学生关注他们论文的关键要素。
12.Using a clear rubric 评分标准 can make the grading process more transparent and fair.
使用清晰的rubric 评分标准可以使评分过程更加透明和公平。
13.The rubric 评分标准 outlined expectations for both content and presentation style.
这个rubric 评分标准概述了内容和演示风格的期望。
In the realm of education, a clear understanding of assessment criteria is crucial for both teachers and students. One tool that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of a rubric, which serves as a guide for evaluating student work. A rubric is essentially a set of criteria or guidelines that outline what is expected in an assignment or project, providing a framework for grading and feedback. By using a rubric, educators can ensure that their evaluations are consistent, objective, and transparent, ultimately leading to a more effective learning experience. The importance of a rubric cannot be overstated. For students, a well-defined rubric helps clarify expectations and goals. When students understand what is required to achieve a certain grade, they are more likely to focus their efforts on meeting those criteria. This not only empowers them to take ownership of their learning but also reduces anxiety related to ambiguous grading practices. Additionally, a rubric can provide students with specific feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement, facilitating a more targeted approach to their studies. From a teacher's perspective, utilizing a rubric streamlines the grading process. Instead of grappling with subjective judgments, educators can refer to the established criteria outlined in the rubric. This not only saves time but also enhances fairness in grading, as all students are assessed based on the same standards. Furthermore, a rubric can serve as a valuable communication tool between teachers and students. When a rubric is shared before an assignment is given, it sets the stage for a productive dialogue about expectations and learning outcomes. Moreover, rubrics can be adapted for various types of assignments, from essays and presentations to group projects and creative works. For instance, a writing rubric might include criteria such as organization, clarity, grammar, and originality. Each of these categories can be broken down further into specific descriptors that illustrate what constitutes excellent, satisfactory, or poor performance. This level of detail not only aids in grading but also serves as a teaching tool, allowing students to see exactly what is needed to improve their work. In addition to traditional assessments, rubrics can also be beneficial in self-assessment and peer assessment scenarios. Students can use the same rubric to evaluate their own work or that of their peers, fostering critical thinking and reflective practices. This process encourages students to engage with the material at a deeper level and promotes a culture of constructive feedback within the classroom. In conclusion, the use of a rubric in educational settings is a powerful strategy that enhances both teaching and learning. By providing clear criteria for assessment, rubrics help students understand expectations, allow for fair and efficient grading, and promote meaningful feedback. As education continues to evolve, integrating rubrics into various forms of assessment will undoubtedly play a crucial role in developing competent and confident learners. Therefore, embracing the concept of a rubric can lead to substantial improvements in educational outcomes, making it an essential tool for success in the classroom.
在教育领域,清晰理解评估标准对教师和学生都至关重要。近年来,一种日益流行的工具是使用评分标准,它作为评估学生作品的指南。评分标准本质上是一组标准或指导方针,概述了在作业或项目中所期望的内容,为评分和反馈提供框架。通过使用评分标准,教育工作者可以确保他们的评估是一致的、客观的和透明的,从而最终导致更有效的学习体验。 评分标准的重要性不容小觑。对于学生来说,明确的评分标准有助于澄清期望和目标。当学生理解达到某个成绩所需的条件时,他们更有可能将精力集中在满足这些标准上。这不仅赋予他们对自己学习的掌控感,还减少了与模糊评分实践相关的焦虑。此外,评分标准可以为学生提供有关其优势和改进领域的具体反馈,从而促进更有针对性的学习方法。 从教师的角度来看,利用评分标准简化了评分过程。教育工作者可以参考评分标准中列出的既定标准,而不是纠结于主观判断。这不仅节省了时间,还提高了评分的公平性,因为所有学生都是根据相同的标准进行评估。此外,评分标准可以作为教师与学生之间宝贵的沟通工具。当在作业发布之前共享评分标准时,它为关于期望和学习成果的富有成效的对话奠定了基础。 此外,评分标准可以适用于各种类型的作业,从论文和演示到小组项目和创意作品。例如,写作评分标准可能包括组织、清晰度、语法和原创性等标准。每个类别都可以进一步细分为具体描述,说明什么构成优秀、令人满意或差的表现。这种细节水平不仅有助于评分,还作为教学工具,让学生清楚地看到提高作品所需的具体内容。 除了传统评估,评分标准在自我评估和同伴评估场景中也可能是有益的。学生可以使用相同的评分标准来评估自己的作品或同伴的作品,培养批判性思维和反思实践。这一过程鼓励学生更深入地参与材料,并在课堂内促进建设性反馈的文化。 总之,在教育环境中使用评分标准是一种强有力的策略,可以增强教学和学习。通过提供明确的评估标准,评分标准帮助学生理解期望,允许公平和高效的评分,并促进有意义的反馈。随着教育的不断发展,将评分标准融入各种形式的评估无疑将在培养合格和自信的学习者方面发挥关键作用。因此,接受评分标准的概念可以在教育成果方面带来实质性的改善,使其成为课堂成功的必备工具。