n. 沉思;反刍
复 数 r u m i n a t i o n s
进行沉思 | |
沉思的时期 | |
对一个主题的沉思 | |
反思与沉思 | |
慢性沉思 | |
沉思过程 |
分心 | He often finds himself in a state of distraction when trying to focus on his work. | 他在试图专注于工作时常常感到分心。 | |
冲动 | Her impulsiveness led her to make decisions without thinking them through. | 她的冲动使她在没有深思熟虑的情况下做出决定。 |
1.The electrical activities and sequences of oesophagus, reticulum and the four compartments of rumen in sheep were recorded with polygram system RM-6008 during rest, feed, rumination and eructation .
2.The electrical activities and sequences of oesophagus, reticulum and the four compartments of rumen in sheep were recorded with polygram system RM-6008 during rest, feed, rumination and eructation .
3.In depressive group, there were more rumination and revealing in negative emotions, at the same time, more avoidance and suppression but less rumination and revealing in positive emotions.
4.Women, meanwhile, might find that obsessively talking and fretting over issues, known as' co-rumination, 'can lead to emotional difficulties, including depression and anxiety.
5.Soldiers with less depressive symptoms use more positive appraisal and adjustment and fewer acceptance and self-comfort, catastrophizing, self-blame and rumination.
6.Verhaeghen's theory that rumination contributes to negative emotions generally sounds plausible and in some ways consistent with his own views, said Ketter.
7.There are three major hypotheses for rumination:the response styles theory, the goal-driven rumination and the self-regulatory executive function.
8.So, rumination in mathematics learning is a key link in mathematics learning activities . But now it is a weak one among students.
9.After a long day at work, I often find myself in a state of rumination (反刍), thinking about the challenges I faced.
10.Her rumination (反刍) on past relationships helped her understand what she truly wanted in a partner.
11.The therapist encouraged him to engage in rumination (反刍) as a way to process his feelings.
12.Excessive rumination (反刍) can lead to anxiety and depression if not managed properly.
13.She found that her nightly rumination (反刍) about work often kept her awake.
In the realm of psychology, the term rumination refers to the process of continuously thinking about the same thoughts, often negative ones. This mental activity can lead to a cycle of overthinking that can be detrimental to one's mental health. While it is natural for individuals to reflect on their experiences and feelings, excessive rumination can result in increased anxiety and depression. Understanding the implications of rumination is crucial for personal growth and emotional well-being. Many people engage in rumination without even realizing it. For instance, after a difficult conversation or a disappointing event, one might replay the situation repeatedly in their mind, analyzing every detail and imagining different outcomes. This type of thinking can trap individuals in a loop of negativity, preventing them from moving forward. It is essential to recognize when rumination becomes harmful and learn strategies to break free from this pattern. Research has shown that rumination is more common in individuals who are prone to anxiety and depression. These individuals may find themselves dwelling on their perceived failures or regrets, which only exacerbates their emotional distress. The key to overcoming rumination lies in developing healthier coping mechanisms. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them. Additionally, engaging in physical activities or creative outlets can serve as effective distractions from negative thought patterns. For example, going for a run or painting can redirect one's focus and provide a sense of accomplishment. By actively participating in these activities, individuals can reduce the time spent in rumination and cultivate a more positive mindset. It is also important to talk about one's feelings with trusted friends or family members. Sharing thoughts can provide relief and offer new perspectives that help break the cycle of rumination. Sometimes, simply verbalizing what is bothering us can diminish its power and allow for a clearer understanding of the situation. In conclusion, while rumination is a common human experience, it is vital to recognize when it becomes counterproductive. By employing mindfulness techniques, engaging in physical activities, and seeking support from others, individuals can mitigate the effects of rumination and foster a healthier, more balanced outlook on life. Ultimately, learning to manage rumination can lead to improved mental health and a greater sense of peace and fulfillment in our daily lives.
在心理学领域,术语反刍指的是不断思考相同想法的过程,通常是消极的。这种心理活动可能导致过度思考的循环,对个人的心理健康造成伤害。虽然人们自然会反思自己的经历和感受,但过度的反刍可能会导致焦虑和抑郁的加剧。理解反刍的影响对个人成长和情感健康至关重要。 许多人在不知不觉中参与反刍。例如,在一次艰难的对话或失望的事件之后,人们可能会在脑海中反复播放该情况,分析每一个细节并想象不同的结果。这种思维方式可能会将个体困在消极的循环中,阻止他们向前迈进。识别何时反刍变得有害并学习打破这种模式的策略是至关重要的。 研究表明,反刍在容易焦虑和抑郁的个体中更为常见。这些人可能会发现自己沉迷于他们的失败或遗憾,这只会加重他们的情感痛苦。克服反刍的关键在于发展更健康的应对机制。正念练习,例如冥想和深呼吸练习,可以帮助个体更加意识到自己的思想和感受,而不被它们所困扰。 此外,参与体育活动或创造性活动也可以有效地分散注意力,避免消极思维模式。例如,跑步或绘画可以重新引导一个人的注意力,并提供成就感。通过积极参与这些活动,个体可以减少花在反刍上的时间,培养更积极的心态。 与值得信赖的朋友或家人谈论自己的感受也很重要。分享思想可以提供缓解,并提供新的视角,帮助打破反刍的循环。有时,仅仅口头表达我们所困扰的事情就可以削弱其力量,并让我们更清晰地理解情况。 总之,虽然反刍是一种常见的人类体验,但认识到它何时变得适得其反至关重要。通过采用正念技巧、参与体育活动和寻求他人的支持,个体可以减轻反刍的影响,培养更健康、更平衡的生活观。最终,学习管理反刍可以改善心理健康,并在我们的日常生活中带来更大的和平感和满足感。