adj. 刻有北欧古文字的
Having been inscribed with runes, which are characters from ancient alphabets used in Germanic languages. | 被铭刻有符文的,符文是用于日耳曼语言的古代字母的字符。 |
铭刻 | 这块古老的石头上铭刻着符文。 | ||
雕刻 | 这个戒指上雕刻着一个美丽的图案。 | ||
雕刻 | 他在树上雕刻了自己的名字首字母。 | ||
标记 | 地图上标记了各种符号。 |
未标记的 | 未标记的石头散落在田野上。 | ||
简单的;无装饰的 | 她更喜欢婚纱的简单设计。 |
1.Runed Orbs: Recipes which require this item have had their material requirements significantly reduced.
2.Runed Orbs: Recipes which require this item have had their material requirements significantly reduced.
3.Runed Bracers reduce spell damage by 33% and grant 25% Evasion as well (Evasion does not stack).
4.Sorry, Bill, the mathematics teacher has runed overtime for nearly 40 minutes.
5.It is unbelievable that the car runed over 2,000 kilometers in a day.
6.We have runed this line of goods for more than twenty years.
7.The ancient stone was covered in mysterious runed symbols that no one could decipher.
8.In the fantasy novel, the hero discovered a runed amulet that granted him special powers.
9.The wizard carefully traced the runed patterns on the scroll to cast his spell.
10.The archaeologists found a runed tablet that provided insights into the ancient civilization.
11.She wore a necklace with a runed pendant that was said to bring good luck.
In the world of fantasy literature, the concept of magic often intertwines with ancient symbols and languages. One such example is the idea of items or places that are runed, meaning they are inscribed with mystical characters that hold power and significance. These runed inscriptions can serve various purposes, such as protection, enhancement of abilities, or even curses. The allure of runed artifacts captivates the imagination of readers and gamers alike, drawing them into a realm where the written word can alter reality itself. Imagine a hero embarking on a quest to find a legendary sword said to be runed by a long-forgotten sorcerer. Each runed symbol etched into the blade tells a story of its own, whispering secrets of strength and valor to those who can decipher them. As the hero journeys through treacherous lands, they encounter various challenges that test their resolve and wisdom. It is during these trials that the true power of the runed sword reveals itself, granting the hero abilities beyond their wildest dreams. The significance of being runed extends beyond mere physical attributes; it also encompasses the emotional and psychological aspects of the characters involved. For instance, a character who possesses a runed amulet may feel an overwhelming sense of confidence and courage in battle, bolstered by the ancient magic embedded within the artifact. This connection between the runed object and the individual illustrates a deeper relationship with the mystical elements of their world. Moreover, the concept of runed objects often serves as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation. Just as a sword can be runed to enhance its power, individuals can also undergo their own runed experiences that shape their identities. These experiences can be likened to the inscriptions on a magical item, marking significant moments in a person's life that contribute to their development. In many stories, the journey to understand the meaning behind the runed symbols becomes a pivotal part of the narrative. Characters often seek out wise sages or ancient texts to unravel the mysteries of the runed language. This quest for knowledge not only propels the plot forward but also emphasizes the importance of learning and understanding one's past to navigate the future. As readers, we are drawn to tales that feature runed elements because they resonate with our desire for adventure and discovery. The idea that something as simple as a symbol can hold such immense power invites us to ponder the potential hidden within our own lives. What runed experiences have shaped us? What stories do our own 'inscriptions' tell? In conclusion, the term runed encapsulates a rich tapestry of meaning within the realms of fantasy and storytelling. It represents not only the magical properties of objects but also the profound impact of experiences on our identities. As we engage with these narratives, we are reminded of the power of words, symbols, and the journeys we undertake in search of understanding and growth.
在奇幻文学的世界中,魔法的概念通常与古老的符号和语言交织在一起。一个这样的例子是被称为runed的物品或地方,这意味着它们被刻上了具有力量和意义的神秘字符。这些runed铭文可以用作各种目的,例如保护、增强能力,甚至施加诅咒。runed文物的魅力吸引着读者和游戏玩家的想象力,将他们带入一个书写的文字可以改变现实的领域。 想象一下,一个英雄踏上寻找传说中的剑的旅程,这把剑据说是由一位久被遗忘的巫师runed的。每一个刻在刀刃上的runed符号都讲述着自己的故事,向能够解读它们的人低语着力量和勇气的秘密。当英雄穿越危险的土地时,他们遇到各种挑战,考验他们的决心和智慧。正是在这些考验中,runed剑的真正力量显现出来,赋予英雄超乎想象的能力。 被runed的意义不仅仅局限于物理属性;它还涵盖了角色所涉及的情感和心理方面。例如,拥有runed护身符的角色可能会在战斗中感到一种压倒性的自信和勇气,这得益于嵌入在艺术品中的古老魔法。这种runed物体与个体之间的联系展示了与其世界的神秘元素之间更深的关系。 此外,runed物体的概念常常作为个人成长和转变的隐喻。就像一把剑可以被runed以增强其力量一样,个体也可以经历自己的runed经历,这些经历塑造了他们的身份。这些经历可以比作魔法物品上的铭文,标记着一个人生活中重要的时刻,这些时刻促成了他们的发展。 在许多故事中,理解runed符号背后的含义的旅程成为叙事的一个关键部分。角色们常常寻求智者或古老文本,以揭开runed语言的奥秘。对知识的这种追求不仅推动了情节的发展,还强调了学习和理解自己过去的重要性,以便导航未来。 作为读者,我们被包含runed元素的故事所吸引,因为它们与我们对冒险和发现的渴望产生共鸣。一个简单的符号可以蕴含如此巨大的力量,这使我们思考在自己生活中隐藏的潜力。我们的生活中有哪些runed经历塑造了我们?我们的“铭文”讲述了什么故事? 总之,runed这个词在奇幻和叙事的领域中蕴含着丰富的意义。它不仅代表物体的魔法属性,还代表经历对我们身份的深远影响。当我们参与这些叙述时,我们被提醒文字、符号的力量,以及我们在追寻理解和成长过程中所经历的旅程。