adj. 僧侣的;相信僧侣神权的
与祭司或神职人员相关的。 | |
具有祭司特征的;祭司的。 |
祭司权威 | |
祭司职责 | |
祭司职能 | |
神职秩序 | |
祭司角色 | |
祭司职位 |
1.The church's hierarchy is deeply rooted in its sacerdotal 神职的 traditions.
2.Many believe that a sacerdotal 神职的 office should be held by individuals with extensive theological training.
3.The sacerdotal 神职的 duties of the priest include conducting services and performing sacraments.
4.In some cultures, the sacerdotal 神职的 role is considered one of the highest callings.
5.The sacerdotal 神职的 vestments worn during the ceremony were ornate and symbolic.
In the study of religion, the term sacerdotal refers to anything related to the priesthood or priests. This word is derived from the Latin 'sacerdos', meaning 'priest'. Throughout history, various cultures have developed their own systems of religious leadership, often placing significant authority in the hands of those deemed sacerdotal. In many traditions, priests serve as intermediaries between the divine and the laypeople, performing rituals, offering sacrifices, and providing spiritual guidance. The role of the sacerdotal class has evolved over time, reflecting changes in societal values and beliefs. For instance, in ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Mesopotamia, priests held immense power and were often involved in political matters. They were seen as the guardians of sacred knowledge and rituals, which were believed to maintain cosmic order. Their sacerdotal duties included not only conducting ceremonies but also interpreting omens and signs from the gods. In contrast, during the Reformation in Europe, the concept of sacerdotal authority was challenged. Reformers like Martin Luther argued that the priesthood should not have exclusive access to God, emphasizing the idea of the 'priesthood of all believers'. This movement significantly altered the perception of sacerdotal roles within Christianity, leading to a more personal and direct relationship with the divine for individuals. Despite these changes, the sacerdotal function remains vital in many religious communities today. In Catholicism, for example, priests are still seen as essential figures who perform sacraments such as the Eucharist, confession, and marriage. Their sacerdotal authority is derived from the belief in apostolic succession, where the power to administer sacraments is passed down through generations from the apostles themselves. This continuity reinforces the significance of the sacerdotal role in maintaining the integrity and tradition of the faith. Moreover, in some Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, the sacerdotal caste system delineates roles among priests, who perform rituals and rites that are crucial for both individual and communal worship. The sacerdotal class in these contexts is often viewed as a custodian of spiritual knowledge and traditions, tasked with preserving the cultural heritage of their communities. In conclusion, the term sacerdotal encapsulates a rich tapestry of meanings and implications across various religious traditions. Understanding its significance helps to appreciate the complexities of religious practices and the pivotal roles that priests and religious leaders play in shaping spiritual experiences. Whether through ancient rituals or modern practices, the sacerdotal function continues to influence how communities connect with the divine, demonstrating the enduring power of religious authority in human society.
在宗教研究中,术语sacerdotal指的是与祭司或神职人员相关的任何事物。这个词源自拉丁语'sacerdos',意思是'祭司'。历史上,各种文化都发展出了自己的宗教领导体系,往往将重要权力赋予那些被认为是sacerdotal的人。在许多传统中,祭司作为神圣与平信徒之间的中介,执行仪式、提供祭品并提供精神指导。sacerdotal阶层的角色随着时间的推移而演变,反映了社会价值观和信仰的变化。例如,在古代文明如埃及和美索不达米亚,祭司拥有巨大的权力,通常参与政治事务。他们被视为神圣知识和仪式的守护者,这些知识和仪式被认为能够维护宇宙秩序。他们的sacerdotal职责不仅包括进行仪式,还包括解释来自神的预兆和迹象。 相反,在欧洲的宗教改革期间,sacerdotal权威的概念受到了挑战。改革者如马丁·路德主张,祭司不应独占通往上帝的途径,强调'所有信徒的祭司身份'的理念。这一运动显著改变了基督教中对sacerdotal角色的看法,使个人与神之间的关系变得更加直接和个人化。 尽管发生了这些变化,今天许多宗教社区仍然认为sacerdotal功能至关重要。例如,在天主教中,祭司依然被视为关键人物,他们执行如圣餐、忏悔和婚姻等圣礼。他们的sacerdotal权威源于使徒继承的信念,即管理圣礼的权力是通过世代传递给后来的祭司。这种延续性强化了sacerdotal角色在维护信仰的完整性和传统中的重要性。 此外,在一些东方宗教中,例如印度教,sacerdotal种姓制度划分了祭司的角色,他们执行对个人和群体崇拜至关重要的仪式。这些背景下的sacerdotal阶层通常被视为精神知识和传统的守护者,负责保护其社区的文化遗产。 总之,术语sacerdotal概括了各种宗教传统中丰富的意义和含义。理解其重要性有助于欣赏宗教实践的复杂性以及祭司和宗教领袖在塑造精神体验中所扮演的关键角色。无论是通过古老的仪式还是现代的实践,sacerdotal功能继续影响着社区与神灵的联系,展示了宗教权威在社会人类生活中的持久力量。