n. 额手礼,问候
v. 行额手礼,(用额手礼)问候
int. 你好,你们好(阿拉伯国家问候语)
n. (Salaam)(美)萨拉姆(人名)
复 数 s a l a a m s
第 三 人 称 单 数 s a l a a m s
现 在 分 词 s a l a a m i n g
过 去 式 s a l a a m e d
过 去 分 词 s a l a a m e d
达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚首都) |
和平 | 他用热情的问候迎接我。 | ||
问候 | 他们在会议期间交换了和平的提议。 | ||
致敬 | 致敬通常用于表示尊重。 |
战争 | 这个国家目前处于战争状态。 | ||
冲突 | 双方在领土问题上存在冲突。 |
1.The new study took place in Dar es Salaam.
2.A porter helped me with my bags as I made my way, sweating, into the train station in Dar es Salaam.
3.In Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's commercial capital, Chinese are banned from selling in markets.
在坦桑尼亚的商业首都达累斯萨拉姆(Dar es Salaam),已经禁止中国人在市场上进行销售了。
4.So Alvira is now designing for Salman in as many as three films – Salaam-e-Ishq , Partner and Babul .
所以,现在阿尔维拉设计萨勒曼在多达三部电影-达累斯萨拉姆马扎Ishq,合作伙伴和巴武尔 。
5.The beautiful grounds, wonderful service, and access to local attractions deem this one-of-a-kind hotel one of the best stays in Dar es Salaam.
6.This paper refers to the sedimentary features of coral reef and its zone of sedimentary facies near Dar es Salaam.
7.The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Chengdu friends to provide special fares to Dar es Salaam.
8.When entering the mosque, I greeted everyone with a salaam.
9.In many cultures, saying salaam is a sign of respect.
10.He raised his hand and said salaam to the crowd.
11.The children learned to say salaam as a greeting in their class.
12.Every evening, she would sit and say salaam to the setting sun.
The word salaam is derived from Arabic, meaning 'peace'. It is often used as a greeting in many cultures, particularly in the Middle East and among Muslim communities. The significance of salaam goes beyond just a simple hello; it embodies a wish for peace and goodwill between individuals. In many societies, greetings are not merely formalities but are deeply rooted in cultural values and traditions. When someone says salaam, they are expressing a desire for harmony and safety, which is especially important in today's world where conflict and misunderstanding can be prevalent. In Islamic tradition, salaam is part of the phrase 'As-salamu alaykum', which translates to 'Peace be upon you'. This greeting is commonly exchanged among Muslims and serves as a reminder of the importance of peace in everyday interactions. Responding with 'Wa alaykum as-salam' means 'And upon you be peace', reinforcing the mutual respect and goodwill that should exist between people. This exchange not only conveys a message of peace but also strengthens social bonds and fosters a sense of community. The concept of salaam is significant in various religious texts as well. In the Quran, peace is emphasized as a fundamental principle of Islam. Believers are encouraged to promote peace in their lives and to strive for peaceful resolutions in conflicts. This aligns with the broader understanding of salaam as a state of tranquility and harmony, not just an absence of war or violence. Furthermore, the practice of using salaam transcends religious boundaries. Many non-Muslim communities also adopt this greeting, recognizing its universal message of peace. In multicultural societies, such greetings can serve as bridges between different backgrounds, fostering understanding and respect among diverse groups. The simple act of saying salaam can open doors to dialogue and cooperation, paving the way for peaceful coexistence. In addition to its verbal use, the gesture accompanying salaam also holds significance. A warm smile, a handshake, or even a bow can enhance the meaning behind the greeting, making it more heartfelt. These gestures demonstrate sincerity and openness, reinforcing the intention behind the word itself. In a world where digital communication often replaces face-to-face interactions, the physical expression of salaam becomes even more vital, reminding us of the human connection that lies at the heart of our interactions. In conclusion, the word salaam represents much more than a simple greeting; it is a profound expression of peace and goodwill. Its usage reflects cultural values that prioritize harmony and respect in interpersonal relationships. By embracing the spirit of salaam, we can contribute to a more peaceful world, one greeting at a time. As we navigate through our daily lives, let us remember the power of words and gestures, and strive to spread salaam wherever we go, cultivating an environment of understanding and compassion.
这个单词salaam源自阿拉伯语,意为“和平”。它在许多文化中,尤其是在中东和穆斯林社区中,常用作问候。salaam的意义不仅仅是简单的问候;它体现了对个人之间和平与善意的祝愿。在许多社会中,问候不仅仅是形式,而是深深扎根于文化价值观和传统之中。当有人说salaam时,他们表达了对和谐与安全的渴望,这在当今世界中尤为重要,因为冲突和误解可能普遍存在。 在伊斯兰传统中,salaam是短语“As-salamu alaykum”的一部分,翻译为“愿平安降临于你”。这个问候在穆斯林之间普遍使用,并提醒人们日常互动中和平的重要性。回应“Wa alaykum as-salam”意味着“愿平安降临于你”,强化了人与人之间应存在的相互尊重和善意。这种交流不仅传达了和平的信息,还加强了社会纽带,促进了社区感。 在各种宗教文本中,salaam的概念也很重要。在《古兰经》中,和平被强调为伊斯兰的基本原则。信徒们被鼓励在生活中促进和平,并努力在冲突中寻求和平的解决方案。这与对salaam更广泛的理解一致,作为一种宁静与和谐的状态,而不仅仅是战争或暴力的缺失。 此外,使用salaam的做法超越了宗教界限。许多非穆斯林社区也采用这种问候,认识到其普遍的和平信息。在多元文化社会中,这样的问候可以作为不同背景之间的桥梁,促进不同群体之间的理解与尊重。简单地说salaam可以为对话与合作打开大门,为和平共处铺平道路。 除了语言上的使用,伴随salaam的手势也具有重要意义。温暖的微笑、握手甚至鞠躬都可以增强问候背后的意义,使其更加真诚。这些手势展示了真诚与开放,强化了单词本身背后的意图。在一个数字通信常常取代面对面互动的世界中,salaam的身体表达变得尤为重要,提醒我们人际交往中蕴含的人类联系。 总之,单词salaam代表的不仅仅是简单的问候;它是和平与善意的深刻表达。它的使用反映了优先考虑和谐与尊重的人际关系的文化价值观。通过拥抱salaam的精神,我们可以为一个更加和平的世界贡献力量,一次问候一次问候地。在我们日常生活中,让我们记住言语和手势的力量,努力在我们走到的每一个地方传播salaam,培养理解与同情的环境。