vt. 连载,使连续
第 三 人 称 单 数 s e r i a l i z e s
现 在 分 词 s e r i a l i z i n g
过 去 式 s e r i a l i z e d
过 去 分 词 s e r i a l i z e d
To convert a data structure or object into a format that can be easily stored or transmitted and reconstructed later. | 将数据结构或对象转换为一种可以轻松存储或传输并在后续重建的格式。 |
序列化数据 | |
序列化一个对象 | |
序列化为JSON | |
为存储序列化 | |
执行序列化 | |
支持序列化 | |
优化序列化 | |
处理序列化错误 |
反序列化 | 我们在使用数据之前需要进行反序列化。 | ||
反序列化 | The unserialize function is used to convert the serialized string back into a PHP value. | unserialize 函数用于将序列化字符串转换回 PHP 值。 |
1.To serialize and persist in XMI enterprise architecture models in the MOF-based repository.
2.Again, we would have to serialize and deserialize objects, and pass a lot of text.
3.Also, your parameters and return value must be of types that GWT can serialize.
4.It is possible to serialize all the back end data this way.
5.We use the pickle module to serialize the data and put it into Memcache.
6.You use JDOM to serialize the message, as in Listing 23.
7.This means that there is no need to serialize and parse the intermediate XML message.
8.So if you serialize one singleton twice, the two serialized objects take on separate identities.
9.Easily serialize XML data for output or display.
10.In order to save the game state, we need to serialize the player's progress.
11.The API will serialize the data into JSON format for easier transmission.
12.You can serialize the object using Python's built-in library.
13.To store user preferences, we must serialize the settings into a file.
14.When sending data over a network, it is crucial to serialize the information correctly.
In today's digital age, the way we consume stories has undergone a significant transformation. One of the most popular methods of storytelling is through serialized content. To serialize means to present a story in parts or episodes, often published over time. This approach allows authors to develop their narratives gradually, keeping readers engaged and eagerly anticipating the next installment. The concept of serialize (连载) can be traced back to the early days of literature when novels were published in magazines or newspapers, allowing readers to savor a story piece by piece. One of the most famous examples of serialized storytelling is Charles Dickens' works, such as "The Pickwick Papers" and "Oliver Twist." These novels were initially released chapter by chapter, allowing readers to follow the characters' journeys in real-time. This method not only built suspense but also created a strong connection between the author and the audience. Readers would discuss the latest chapters with friends, and this communal experience added to the excitement of waiting for the next part. In contemporary society, the rise of the internet has given birth to new forms of serialized content. Webcomics, online novels, and even television series often utilize the serialize (连载) format. Platforms like Wattpad and Webtoon allow writers and artists to share their work in installments, receiving feedback from their audience along the way. This interaction fosters a sense of community and encourages authors to refine their craft based on reader responses. Moreover, streaming services have adopted the serialize (连载) model for television shows. Instead of releasing an entire season at once, some platforms opt for weekly episode drops. This strategy keeps viewers engaged and generates buzz around each episode, similar to how serialized novels captured the attention of readers in the past. Shows like "Game of Thrones" and "Stranger Things" have benefited from this approach, as fans eagerly discuss plot twists and character developments between episodes. However, while the serialize (连载) method has its advantages, it also presents challenges. Authors must maintain a consistent quality throughout their work, as readers will judge the overall narrative based on individual episodes. Additionally, the pressure to produce content regularly can lead to burnout for creators. Finding a balance between creativity and deadlines becomes crucial in the world of serialized storytelling. In conclusion, the act of serialize (连载) has evolved significantly, adapting to the needs of modern audiences. Whether through traditional print media or digital platforms, this method of storytelling continues to captivate readers and viewers alike. As technology advances, we can expect new and innovative ways to serialize (连载) stories, ensuring that the art of storytelling remains alive and thriving in our fast-paced world.