adj. 拟交感的
拟交感神经反应 | |
拟交感神经刺激 | |
拟交感神经毒性 | |
使用拟交感神经药物 | |
施用拟交感神经药物 | |
评估拟交感神经效应 |
交感神经抑制剂 | 交感神经抑制剂用于治疗高血压。 | ||
副交感神经模仿剂 | Parasympathomimetic agents can help in treating conditions like glaucoma. | 副交感神经模仿剂可以帮助治疗青光眼等病症。 |
1.There was a recent study that looked at dexmedetomidine to treat the sympathomimetic effects.
2.There was a recent study that looked at dexmedetomidine to treat the sympathomimetic effects.
3.Among these metabolites, the active sympathomimetic is norephedrine.
4.Epinephrine is a common sympathomimetic agent used in emergency medicine to treat anaphylaxis.
5.The sympathomimetic effects of certain medications can increase heart rate and blood pressure.
6.Patients with asthma often use sympathomimetic bronchodilators to relieve breathing difficulties.
7.Cocaine is known to have sympathomimetic properties that stimulate the central nervous system.
8.The sympathomimetic response in the body can lead to increased alertness and energy levels.
The term sympathomimetic refers to a class of drugs or compounds that mimic the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. This system is responsible for the body's 'fight or flight' response, which prepares the body to react to stressful situations. When we encounter danger, our body releases certain hormones, such as adrenaline and norepinephrine, which lead to various physiological changes. These changes can include increased heart rate, dilated pupils, and heightened alertness. Understanding sympathomimetic agents is crucial in both medicine and pharmacology because they can be used to treat various conditions, including asthma, hypotension, and cardiac arrest. One of the most common examples of a sympathomimetic drug is epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. It is often used in emergency situations, such as anaphylactic shock, where it can rapidly reverse severe allergic reactions. Epinephrine works by stimulating alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors in the body, leading to vasoconstriction and increased heart rate, which are vital for restoring normal blood flow and breathing. Another important category of sympathomimetic drugs includes bronchodilators, which are commonly used by patients with asthma. These medications, such as albuterol, help to relax the muscles around the airways, making it easier to breathe. By activating beta-2 adrenergic receptors, these drugs provide quick relief from asthma symptoms and improve airflow in the lungs. However, while sympathomimetic drugs can be life-saving, they also come with potential side effects. Overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system can lead to increased heart rate, anxiety, and hypertension. Therefore, it is essential for healthcare professionals to carefully monitor patients who are prescribed these medications. The balance between therapeutic effects and adverse reactions is critical in ensuring patient safety. In recent years, there has been growing interest in the role of sympathomimetic compounds in sports and performance enhancement. Some athletes have turned to these substances to improve their physical performance, endurance, and focus. However, many of these uses are controversial and can lead to serious health risks, as well as violations of anti-doping regulations. It raises ethical questions about fairness in sports and the lengths to which individuals will go to achieve success. In conclusion, understanding the concept of sympathomimetic drugs is essential for both medical professionals and the general public. These compounds play a significant role in treating various medical conditions and can be life-saving in emergencies. However, they must be used judiciously to avoid potential side effects and ensure patient safety. As research continues to evolve, the implications of sympathomimetic agents in medicine and beyond will undoubtedly remain a topic of great importance and discussion.
术语sympathomimetic指的是一类模仿交感神经系统效果的药物或化合物。该系统负责身体的“战斗或逃跑”反应,准备身体应对压力情况。当我们遇到危险时,身体会释放某些激素,如肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素,导致各种生理变化。这些变化可能包括心率增加、瞳孔扩张和警觉性提高。理解sympathomimetic剂对于医学和药理学至关重要,因为它们可以用于治疗包括哮喘、低血压和心脏骤停等多种疾病。 最常见的sympathomimetic药物之一是肾上腺素,也称为肾上腺素。它通常用于紧急情况下,例如过敏性休克,可以迅速逆转严重的过敏反应。肾上腺素通过刺激体内的α和β肾上腺素受体起作用,导致血管收缩和心率增加,这对恢复正常的血流和呼吸至关重要。 另一类重要的sympathomimetic药物是支气管扩张剂,通常被哮喘患者使用。这些药物,如沙丁胺醇,有助于放松气道周围的肌肉,使呼吸变得更加容易。通过激活β-2肾上腺素受体,这些药物为哮喘症状提供快速缓解,并改善肺部气流。 然而,虽然sympathomimetic药物可以挽救生命,但它们也伴随着潜在的副作用。交感神经系统的过度刺激可能导致心率加快、焦虑和高血压。因此,医疗专业人员必须仔细监测开处方这些药物的患者。在确保患者安全方面,治疗效果与不良反应之间的平衡至关重要。 近年来,对sympathomimetic化合物在运动和表现增强中的作用越来越感兴趣。一些运动员开始使用这些物质来提高身体表现、耐力和注意力。然而,这些用途中的许多都是有争议的,可能导致严重的健康风险,以及违反反兴奋剂法规。这引发了关于体育公平性以及个人为成功而付出的代价的伦理问题。 总之,理解sympathomimetic药物的概念对医疗专业人员和公众都至关重要。这些化合物在治疗各种医学条件中发挥着重要作用,并且在紧急情况下可以挽救生命。然而,必须谨慎使用它们,以避免潜在的副作用并确保患者安全。随着研究的不断发展,sympathomimetic剂在医学及其他领域的影响无疑将继续成为一个重要且值得讨论的话题。