n. [内科] 晕厥;字中音省略,中略
A temporary loss of consciousness caused by a fall in blood pressure. | 由于血压下降导致的暂时性意识丧失。 |
The omission of sounds or syllables in speech, often leading to a contraction. | 在言语中省略声音或音节,通常导致缩写。 |
血管迷走神经晕厥,血管迷走性晕厥 |
晕厥 | 她在炎热的夏天经历了晕厥发作。 | ||
意识丧失 | The patient had a sudden loss of consciousness while standing up. | 病人在站起来时突然失去了意识。 | |
失去知觉 | 他在站得太快后遭遇了失去知觉。 |
意识 | 她在昏厥后恢复了意识。 | ||
警觉 | 他的警觉性帮助他避免了潜在的危险。 |
1.Objective to investigate the therapeutic effects of oral captopril on pediatric vasovagal syncope (VS) and its mechanism.
2.This summer, I also feel a sense of syncope.
3.The mechanism of vasovagal syncope is complex.
4.Objective to investigate the therapeutic effects of oral captopril on pediatric vasovagal syncope (VS) and its mechanism.
5.The movement-related syncope is the feature of the cardiac syncope.
6.Patients should be cautioned to avoid situations in which syncope could result in injury.
7.Methods Recall and analysis Clinical data of 26 cases of cardiogenic syncope.
8.The patient experienced a brief episode of syncope 晕厥 while standing in line.
这位患者在排队时经历了一次短暂的syncope 晕厥。
9.During the marathon, several runners reported syncope 晕厥 due to dehydration.
在马拉松比赛中,几名跑步者因脱水报告了syncope 晕厥。
10.The doctor explained that syncope 晕厥 can be caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure.
医生解释说,syncope 晕厥可能是由于血压骤降引起的。
11.After the fall, the athlete was diagnosed with syncope 晕厥 related to overexertion.
摔倒后,这名运动员被诊断为与过度劳累有关的syncope 晕厥。
12.The elderly woman had a history of syncope 晕厥 and needed to be monitored closely.
这位老年女性有syncope 晕厥的病史,需要进行密切监测。
The term syncope refers to a temporary loss of consciousness and muscle strength, often caused by a decrease in blood flow to the brain. This condition can occur suddenly and may be alarming for both the individual experiencing it and the people around them. Understanding syncope is crucial for recognizing its symptoms and knowing how to respond appropriately. There are various types of syncope, each with different underlying causes. The most common type is vasovagal syncope, which is typically triggered by emotional stress, pain, or prolonged standing. In this case, the body’s response leads to a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure, resulting in fainting. Other forms include orthostatic syncope, which occurs when a person stands up quickly, causing a temporary drop in blood flow to the brain. Understanding the triggers of syncope can help individuals manage their health better. For instance, those who experience vasovagal syncope might learn to recognize the early signs, such as dizziness or lightheadedness, allowing them to sit or lie down before losing consciousness. Additionally, staying hydrated and avoiding long periods of standing can be effective preventive measures. In some cases, syncope can be a symptom of a more serious medical condition, such as cardiac arrhythmias or neurological disorders. Therefore, if someone experiences frequent episodes of syncope, it is essential to seek medical evaluation. Healthcare professionals may perform tests such as an electrocardiogram (ECG) or an echocardiogram to determine the underlying cause. The impact of syncope on daily life can vary significantly. For some individuals, it may be a rare occurrence that does not hinder their activities. For others, frequent episodes can lead to anxiety and limit participation in certain activities, such as driving or exercising. It is important for individuals to communicate with their healthcare providers about their experiences to develop an appropriate management plan. In conclusion, syncope is a condition that warrants attention and understanding. By recognizing the signs and triggers, individuals can take proactive steps to manage their health and reduce the risk of future episodes. Whether it is through lifestyle changes or medical intervention, addressing syncope is vital for maintaining overall well-being and safety. As awareness grows, so does the ability to handle this condition effectively, leading to a better quality of life for those affected by it.
术语syncope指的是暂时失去意识和肌肉力量的情况,通常是由于大脑血流减少引起的。这种情况可能会突然发生,对经历这种情况的人以及周围的人来说都可能令人担忧。了解syncope对于识别其症状和知道如何适当反应至关重要。 syncope有多种类型,每种类型都有不同的潜在原因。最常见的类型是血管迷走性syncope,通常由情绪压力、疼痛或长时间站立引发。在这种情况下,身体的反应导致心率和血压突然下降,从而导致晕厥。其他形式包括体位性syncope,它发生在一个人快速站起时,导致大脑血流暂时下降。 理解syncope的诱因可以帮助个人更好地管理他们的健康。例如,经历血管迷走性syncope的人可能会学会识别早期迹象,如头晕或轻微失去平衡,使他们能够在失去意识之前坐下或躺下。此外,保持水分和避免长时间站立也可以是有效的预防措施。 在某些情况下,syncope可能是更严重的医疗状况的症状,例如心脏节律失常或神经系统疾病。因此,如果某人经历频繁的syncope发作,寻求医疗评估至关重要。医疗专业人员可能会进行心电图(ECG)或超声心动图等检查,以确定潜在原因。 syncope对日常生活的影响可能会有很大差异。对于一些人来说,这可能是偶尔发生的情况,不会妨碍他们的活动。对于其他人来说,频繁的发作可能会导致焦虑,并限制某些活动的参与,例如驾驶或锻炼。个人与医疗提供者沟通他们的经历以制定适当的管理计划非常重要。 总之,syncope是一个值得关注和理解的状况。通过识别迹象和诱因,个人可以采取积极措施来管理他们的健康并降低未来发作的风险。无论是通过生活方式的改变还是医疗干预,解决syncope对维持整体健康和安全至关重要。随着意识的提高,处理这种情况的能力也在增强,从而为受其影响的人提供更好的生活质量。