n. [鸟] 鸣管;耳管;潘神销(形似笙的古乐器)
复 数 s y r i n x e s 或 s y r i n g e s
鸟类的发声器 | |
喉部的管状结构 | |
管状结构的发展 | |
管状结构的功能 |
喇叭 | 音乐家在喇叭上演奏了一首美妙的旋律。 | ||
管子 | 她在学校学会了演奏长笛。 | ||
长笛 | 这种管子常用于传统民间音乐。 | ||
簧乐器 | Reed instruments are popular in many cultures around the world. | 簧乐器在世界许多文化中都很受欢迎。 |
气管 | 气管将空气输送到肺部。 | ||
食管 | The esophagus transports food from the throat to the stomach. | 食管将食物从喉咙输送到胃。 |
1.Syringomyelia may be diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging. Surgery to correct the condition that caused the syrinx to form may stabilize or improve a patient's health.
2.Syringomyelia may be diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging. Surgery to correct the condition that caused the syrinx to form may stabilize or improve a patient's health.
3.[Objective] To investigate whether syrinx should by treated before correction in patients with scoliosis complicated by syringomyelia without neurologic impairment.
4.The syrinx can expand and elongate over time, destroying the centre of the spinal cord and causing symptoms that vary with the syrinx's size and location.
5.To investigate whether syrinx should by treated before correction in patients with scoliosis complicated by syringomyelia without neurologic impairment.
6.The syrinx located by the ends of spinal cord tumor might be resulted from tumor pressure, circulatory disturbances and edematous fluid accumulation.
7.Objective: in front of goal discussion congenital ear syrinx infection processing method and surgery opportunity choice.
8.The thorough excision focus of infection is early treats in front of the ear the syrinx good method of treatment.
9.Always exclude malignancy when a syrinx is identified in the non-Chiari I patient.
10.The doctor explained that a syrinx (脊髓囊肿) could form in the spinal cord, leading to various neurological symptoms.
11.During the examination, they discovered a syrinx (脊髓囊肿) in the patient's cervical spine.
12.The musician played a melody on his syrinx (古希腊笛子), enchanting everyone with its sweet sound.
13.A syrinx (脊髓囊肿) can be detected through MRI scans, which provide detailed images of the spinal cord.
14.In ancient times, the syrinx (牧神笛) was a popular instrument among shepherds and farmers.
The term syrinx refers to a specialized structure that serves various functions in different contexts. In biology, syrinx describes the vocal organ of birds, located at the base of their trachea. This unique organ allows birds to produce a wide range of sounds, from melodious songs to alarming calls. The complexity of the syrinx enables birds to communicate effectively within their species and even mimic sounds from their environment. For instance, the lyrebird is renowned for its extraordinary ability to imitate natural and artificial sounds, showcasing the versatility of the syrinx in avian communication. In medicine, the term syrinx can also refer to a fluid-filled cavity or cyst that forms within the spinal cord. This condition, known as syringomyelia, can lead to various neurological symptoms, including pain, weakness, and loss of sensation. Understanding the implications of a syrinx in this context is crucial for diagnosis and treatment. Medical professionals often utilize imaging techniques, such as MRI, to identify the presence of a syrinx and assess its impact on surrounding tissues. Moreover, in the realm of mythology, the word syrinx holds significance in the story of Pan, the Greek god of the wild. According to legend, Pan fell in love with a nymph named Syrinx, who transformed into reeds to escape his advances. Heartbroken, Pan fashioned a musical instrument from these reeds, which became known as the syrinx, or pan flute. This story symbolizes the interplay between love and loss, and the syrinx represents the beauty that can emerge from sorrow. The multifaceted nature of the term syrinx illustrates how language evolves and adapts to various fields of study. Whether discussing the intricate vocal capabilities of birds, addressing medical concerns related to spinal health, or exploring mythological narratives, the concept of syrinx serves as a bridge connecting diverse disciplines. By understanding its different meanings, we can appreciate the richness of language and the interconnectedness of knowledge across various domains. In conclusion, the term syrinx encompasses a range of meanings that highlight its significance in biology, medicine, and mythology. From the remarkable vocal abilities of birds to the medical implications of a spinal syrinx and the emotional depth of mythological tales, the word invites us to explore the complexities of life and communication. Embracing the diverse interpretations of syrinx enriches our understanding of the world around us, reminding us of the intricate connections that exist between nature, health, and culture.
术语syrinx指的是在不同语境中具有多种功能的专门结构。在生物学中,syrinx描述了鸟类的发声器官,位于气管的底部。这个独特的器官使鸟类能够产生广泛的声音,从优美的歌曲到警报的叫声。syrinx的复杂性使鸟类能够在其物种内有效沟通,甚至模仿环境中的声音。例如,百灵鸟因其非凡的模仿自然和人工声音的能力而闻名,展示了syrinx在鸟类交流中的多样性。 在医学中,术语syrinx也可以指在脊髓内形成的充满液体的腔隙或囊肿。这种情况被称为脊髓空洞症,可能导致各种神经症状,包括疼痛、无力和感觉丧失。理解这种情况下syrinx的影响对于诊断和治疗至关重要。医疗专业人员通常利用成像技术,如MRI,来识别syrinx的存在并评估其对周围组织的影响。 此外,在神话领域,词汇syrinx在潘神的故事中具有重要意义。根据传说,潘爱上了一位名叫Syrinx的女神,她为了逃避他的追求变成了芦苇。心碎的潘用这些芦苇制作了一种乐器,这就是著名的syrinx,或称潘笛。这个故事象征着爱与失落之间的相互作用,而syrinx代表了从悲伤中产生的美丽。 术语syrinx的多面性展示了语言如何在各个研究领域中演变和适应。无论是讨论鸟类的复杂发声能力,还是处理与脊柱健康相关的医学问题,抑或探索神话叙事,syrinx的概念都作为连接不同学科的桥梁。通过理解其不同含义,我们可以欣赏语言的丰富性以及各个领域知识之间的相互联系。 总之,术语syrinx涵盖了多种意义,突显了其在生物学、医学和神话中的重要性。从鸟类惊人的发声能力到脊髓syrinx的医学影响,再到神话故事的情感深度,这个词邀请我们探索生活和交流的复杂性。接受syrinx的多样化解释丰富了我们对周围世界的理解,提醒我们自然、健康和文化之间存在着错综复杂的联系。