adv. 攻不破地;不容置疑地
In a manner that cannot be attacked, questioned, or defeated. | 以一种无法被攻击、质疑或击败的方式。 |
无可辩驳地清晰 | |
无可争辩地真实 | |
无可动摇地强大 | |
无可争议地有效 |
无可争辩地 | 提出的证据无可争辩地清晰。 | ||
不可反驳地 | 她的成就不可反驳地令人印象深刻。 | ||
不容置疑地 | 该理论不容置疑地得到了数据的支持。 | ||
毫无疑问地 | 他毫无疑问是这个职位的最佳候选人。 |
易受攻击的 | 由于缺乏证据,这个论点是易受攻击的。 | ||
脆弱的 | In a competitive market, even the strongest companies can be vulnerable. | 在竞争激烈的市场中,即使是最强大的公司也可能是脆弱的。 |
1.The scientist presented her findings, which were backed by extensive research and were therefore considered unassailably accurate.
2.His reputation as a leader was unassailably established after years of successful projects.
3.The legal team built an unassailably strong case that left no room for doubt.
4.Her arguments were unassailably logical, making it difficult for anyone to counter her points.
5.The historical evidence presented in the documentary was unassailably compelling.
In today's rapidly changing world, the concept of truth is often challenged. With the rise of misinformation and subjective interpretations, it becomes increasingly important to establish a foundation of knowledge that is considered unassailably true. This idea of being unassailably accurate means that the information is so well-supported by evidence and reasoning that it cannot be easily disputed or attacked. For instance, scientific facts, such as the laws of gravity or the principles of evolution, are deemed unassailably valid because they have undergone extensive testing and validation over time. To illustrate this point further, let’s consider the importance of education in fostering critical thinking skills. In an educational environment, students are encouraged to question the information presented to them. However, there are certain foundational truths that serve as the bedrock of knowledge. These truths, which can be classified as unassailably true, provide students with a reliable framework for understanding more complex concepts. For example, the basic principles of mathematics are unassailably accepted; one cannot argue against the fact that two plus two equals four. This certainty allows students to build upon their knowledge without constantly doubting the validity of what they have learned. Moreover, in the realm of philosophy, the quest for unassailably true ideas has been a central theme for centuries. Philosophers like Descartes sought to find a point of certainty that could not be doubted. His famous statement, "I think, therefore I am," represents an unassailably firm conclusion about existence. This pursuit of indubitable truths is essential not only in philosophy but also in everyday life, where individuals seek to anchor their beliefs in something that cannot be easily undermined. In the context of social issues, having an unassailably just cause can mobilize communities and inspire movements. Take, for example, the fight for civil rights. The assertion that all individuals deserve equal treatment under the law is an unassailably moral standpoint that has driven significant societal change. When a cause is based on principles that are universally acknowledged as fair and just, it gains traction and support from a broad audience. This universality contributes to the strength and resilience of social movements, allowing them to withstand challenges and opposition. Furthermore, in the digital age, the ability to discern unassailably true information from falsehoods is crucial. With the internet overflowing with content, individuals must develop skills to evaluate sources critically. Recognizing what constitutes unassailably credible information helps people make informed decisions and engage in meaningful discussions. This discernment is vital for maintaining a well-informed society that can tackle complex issues effectively. In conclusion, the notion of being unassailably true is fundamental across various domains, including science, education, philosophy, social justice, and media literacy. Establishing what is unassailably true provides a solid foundation upon which individuals can build their understanding of the world. As we navigate through an era filled with uncertainty and conflicting narratives, striving for unassailably accurate information will empower us to make better choices and foster a more enlightened society.
在当今快速变化的世界中,真理的概念常常受到挑战。随着错误信息和主观解释的增加,建立一个被认为是不可攻击的知识基础变得越来越重要。这个不可攻击的概念意味着信息得到了如此充分的证据和推理支持,以至于无法轻易争辩或攻击。例如,科学事实,如重力法则或进化原则,被认为是不可攻击的有效,因为它们经过了时间的广泛测试和验证。 进一步说明这一点,让我们考虑教育在培养批判性思维技能中的重要性。在教育环境中,学生被鼓励质疑呈现给他们的信息。然而,有一些基础真理作为知识的基石。这些真理可以被归类为不可攻击的,为学生提供了一个可靠的框架来理解更复杂的概念。例如,数学的基本原则被不可攻击地接受;人们无法反驳两加二等于四这一事实。这种确定性使学生能够在不怀疑所学知识的有效性的情况下构建自己的知识。 此外,在哲学领域,寻找不可攻击真理的追求几个世纪以来一直是一个核心主题。像笛卡尔这样的哲学家试图找到一个无法被怀疑的确定点。他著名的声明“我思故我在”代表了关于存在的不可攻击的结论。这种对无可置疑真理的追求不仅在哲学中至关重要,而且在日常生活中,个人寻求将他们的信仰锚定在某些不能轻易动摇的东西上。 在社会问题的背景下,拥有不可攻击的正义事业可以动员社区并激励运动。以民权斗争为例,所有个人都应在法律面前获得平等待遇的主张是一个不可攻击的道德立场,推动了重大的社会变革。当一个事业基于普遍认可的公平和正义原则时,它会获得广泛受众的支持和关注。这种普遍性增强了社会运动的力量和韧性,使其能够抵御挑战和反对。 此外,在数字时代,辨别不可攻击的真实信息与虚假信息的能力至关重要。随着互联网内容的泛滥,个人必须发展批判性评估来源的技能。认识到什么构成不可攻击的可信信息,帮助人们做出明智的决定并参与有意义的讨论。这种辨别能力对于维护一个能够有效解决复杂问题的知识社会至关重要。 总之,不可攻击的概念在科学、教育、哲学、社会正义和媒体素养等多个领域都是基础。确立什么是不可攻击的真理,为个人建立对世界的理解提供了坚实的基础。随着我们在充满不确定性和冲突叙事的时代中航行,追求不可攻击的准确信息将使我们能够做出更好的选择,并促进一个更开明的社会。