adj. 有用的,有益的;<英,非正式>好的,熟练的
比 较 级 m o r e u s e f u l
最 高 级 m o s t u s e f u l
能够用于实际目的或以多种方式使用的 | |
提供服务或利益;有帮助的 |
对…有用;具有…用途 | |
使用寿命;有效期 |
有帮助的 | 这些信息对新学生非常有帮助。 | ||
有益的 | 定期锻炼对你的健康有益。 | ||
有利的 | 拥有一个导师在你的职业生涯中是有利的。 | ||
有价值的 | 她的建议在我做决定时很有价值。 | ||
实用的 | 解决问题的实用方法通常是最好的。 |
无用的 | 这个工具对我们的项目没有用。 | ||
无益的 | 他的建议在解决问题上毫无帮助。 | ||
无效的 | The medicine turned out to be ineffective against the illness. | 这种药物对这种疾病无效。 |
1.Having your own computer is very useful.
2.My mobile phone is extremely useful.
3.They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.
4.The document provided a springboard for a lot of useful discussion.
5.The research has yielded useful information.
6.It was a collaboration that produced extremely useful results.
7.The tourist office operates a useful room-finding service.
8.From this chastening experience he learned some useful lessons.
9.This tool is very useful in fixing cars.
10.I found a useful guide online for learning Spanish.
11.The app provides useful tips for healthy eating.
12.She gave me some useful advice about job interviews.
13.This book is useful for understanding the basics of economics.
In today's fast-paced world, the ability to find and utilize information effectively is more important than ever. One of the most useful (有用的) skills one can develop is critical thinking. This skill allows individuals to analyze information, identify biases, and make informed decisions based on evidence rather than emotion. For instance, when faced with a news article, a critical thinker will assess the credibility of the source and the validity of the arguments presented, leading to a more useful (有用的) understanding of the topic at hand. Moreover, technology has transformed the way we access information. The internet is filled with resources that can be incredibly useful (有用的) for learning and personal growth. Online courses, educational videos, and articles provide vast amounts of knowledge at our fingertips. However, it is essential to discern which sources are reliable and useful (有用的). This is where critical thinking again comes into play, guiding us to select the most appropriate resources for our needs. In addition to critical thinking, effective communication is another useful (有用的) skill that can enhance our personal and professional lives. Being able to articulate thoughts clearly and listen actively to others fosters better relationships and collaboration. For example, in a workplace setting, clear communication can prevent misunderstandings and promote teamwork, making projects more efficient and useful (有用的). Furthermore, time management is a useful (有用的) skill that helps individuals prioritize tasks and allocate their time wisely. In an era where distractions are abundant, being able to focus on what truly matters is crucial. Techniques such as the Pomodoro technique or creating a prioritized to-do list can significantly increase productivity and ensure that one's efforts are directed toward useful (有用的) outcomes. Another area where useful (有用的) skills come into play is in personal finance. Understanding how to budget, save, and invest money is vital for achieving financial stability. Many people find themselves overwhelmed by financial jargon, but with the right resources and a willingness to learn, anyone can acquire the knowledge necessary to make useful (有用的) financial decisions. This not only improves one's quality of life but also provides a sense of security and peace of mind. Lastly, cultivating emotional intelligence is a useful (有用的) aspect of personal development. Being aware of one’s emotions and those of others can lead to better interpersonal relationships and enhanced conflict resolution skills. Emotional intelligence enables individuals to navigate social complexities with ease, making it a useful (有用的) trait in both personal and professional settings. In conclusion, the concept of being useful (有用的) transcends mere utility; it encompasses the skills and knowledge that empower individuals to navigate the complexities of modern life. By developing critical thinking, effective communication, time management, financial literacy, and emotional intelligence, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary to thrive. As we continue to learn and grow, striving to be useful (有用的) not only benefits ourselves but also positively impacts those around us.
在当今快节奏的世界中,能够有效地寻找和利用信息比以往任何时候都更为重要。一个人可以发展的最有用的(有用的)技能之一是批判性思维。这种技能使个人能够分析信息,识别偏见,并根据证据而非情感做出明智的决策。例如,当面对一篇新闻文章时,批判性思考者会评估来源的可信度和所提出论点的有效性,从而对手头的话题有更有用的(有用的)理解。 此外,科技改变了我们获取信息的方式。互联网充满了可以极其有用的(有用的)学习和个人成长资源。在线课程、教育视频和文章为我们提供了丰富的知识。然而,辨别哪些来源是可靠和有用的(有用的)至关重要。在这里,批判性思维再次发挥作用,引导我们选择最适合我们需求的资源。 除了批判性思维,有效沟通也是另一项可以提升我们个人和职业生活的有用的(有用的)技能。能够清晰地表达思想并积极倾听他人,有助于促进更好的关系和合作。例如,在工作场合中,清晰的沟通可以防止误解并促进团队合作,使项目更加高效和有用的(有用的)。 此外,时间管理是一项有用的(有用的)技能,可以帮助个人优先处理任务并明智地分配时间。在一个干扰众多的时代,能够专注于真正重要的事情至关重要。诸如番茄工作法或创建优先级待办事项清单等技巧可以显著提高生产力,并确保个人的努力朝着有用的(有用的)结果方向发展。 另一个有用的(有用的)技能领域是个人理财。理解如何制定预算、储蓄和投资资金对于实现财务稳定至关重要。许多人发现自己被金融术语所淹没,但通过正确的资源和学习的意愿,任何人都可以获得做出有用的(有用的)财务决策所需的知识。这不仅改善了一个人的生活质量,还提供了一种安全感和内心的平静。 最后,培养情商是个人发展的一个有用的(有用的)方面。意识到自己的情绪和他人的情绪可以导致更好的个人关系和增强的冲突解决技能。情商使个人能够轻松应对社会复杂性,使其成为个人和职业环境中的有用的(有用的)特质。 总之,有用的(有用的)概念超越了简单的实用性;它包含了赋予个人能力以驾驭现代生活复杂性的技能和知识。通过发展批判性思维、有效沟通、时间管理、财务知识和情商,我们为自己装备了生存所需的工具。随着我们不断学习和成长,努力变得有用的(有用的)不仅使我们受益,也对周围的人产生积极影响。