adv. 无用地;无益地
In a way that has no useful effect; without purpose or benefit. | 以没有有用效果的方式;没有目的或好处。 |
无目的地徘徊 | |
无意义地谈话 | |
无用地浪费时间 | |
徒劳地尝试 |
无意义地 | 他对这个问题进行了无意义的争论。 | ||
徒劳地 | 他们徒劳地修理坏掉的机器。 | ||
无效地 | 她试图无效地说服他。 | ||
无生产力地 | 会议无生产力地拖得很长。 |
有用地 | She completed the project usefully, providing valuable insights. | 她有效地完成了项目,提供了宝贵的见解。 | |
有效地 | The training was conducted effectively, improving everyone's skills. | 培训有效地进行,提高了每个人的技能。 |
1.I have made you work uselessly, we have no chance to beat their prices!
2.I have made you work uselessly, we have no chance to beat their prices!
3.Within the same life - style, one can behave usefully or uselessly.
4.I stood and watched her little lamp uselessly lost among lights.
5.Mood is a bottle of water which is splashing uselessly.
6.Much of the body's energy is wasted uselessly.
7.He spent hours trying to fix the old car, but it was all done uselessly.毫无用处地
8.She felt that her efforts to explain were uselessly.毫无用处地
9.They argued uselessly about the same topic for hours.毫无用处地
10.He realized that he was worrying uselessly about things he couldn't control.毫无用处地
11.The meeting went on uselessly without any clear agenda.毫无用处地
In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and tasks that demand our attention. Many people find themselves working tirelessly, yet they often feel as if they are achieving little. This feeling can stem from various factors, including poor time management, lack of focus, or simply engaging in activities that do not contribute to our goals. One common pitfall is when we spend time on tasks that are ultimately uselessly (无用地) draining our energy and resources. For instance, consider a student who spends hours scrolling through social media instead of studying for an upcoming exam. While the act of scrolling may feel entertaining and relaxing, it is uselessly (无用地) consuming valuable time that could be better spent on productive activities. This behavior not only hampers academic performance but also leads to increased stress as deadlines approach. Additionally, in the workplace, employees might find themselves attending meetings that lack clear objectives. These meetings can often feel like a waste of time, leaving participants feeling frustrated and unproductive. When individuals realize that their contributions are uselessly (无用地) overlooked or that the discussions are not leading to actionable outcomes, motivation can quickly diminish. To combat this tendency, it is essential to prioritize tasks effectively. Creating a to-do list can help individuals focus on what truly matters. By identifying tasks that align with personal or professional goals, we can avoid the trap of spending time uselessly (无用地) on activities that do not yield results. Moreover, setting specific time limits for certain activities can also enhance productivity. For example, if a person allocates only 30 minutes for social media use, they are less likely to fall into the rabbit hole of endless scrolling. Instead, they can enjoy their online time while ensuring it does not interfere with more significant responsibilities. Another strategy is to practice mindfulness. Being present in the moment allows individuals to recognize when they are engaging in uselessly (无用地) repetitive behaviors. By cultivating awareness, one can make conscious choices about how to spend their time. For instance, if someone notices they are mindlessly watching television instead of pursuing a hobby or learning a new skill, they can redirect their energy towards something more fulfilling. Ultimately, recognizing the moments when we are acting uselessly (无用地) is the first step toward making meaningful changes in our lives. By being intentional about how we allocate our time and energy, we can reduce feelings of frustration and achieve a greater sense of accomplishment. In conclusion, the concept of uselessly (无用地) spending time highlights the importance of being mindful of our actions. Whether in academic settings, at work, or in our personal lives, it is crucial to evaluate how we engage with our time. By adopting strategies to minimize uselessly (无用地) spent time, we can enhance our productivity and overall well-being. The key lies in making conscious choices that lead us toward our goals, rather than allowing ourselves to drift aimlessly through the day.
在当今快节奏的世界中,人们很容易感到被大量信息和任务所淹没,所有这些都需要我们的注意力。许多人发现自己在不知疲倦地工作,但他们常常觉得自己几乎没有取得什么成就。这种感觉可能源于多种因素,包括时间管理不善、缺乏专注或仅仅参与那些对我们的目标没有贡献的活动。一个常见的陷阱是,当我们花时间在那些最终 uselessly(无用地)消耗我们的精力和资源的任务上时。 例如,考虑一个学生,他花了几个小时在社交媒体上滚动,而不是为即将到来的考试学习。虽然滚动的行为可能感觉轻松愉快,但它 uselessly(无用地)消耗了本可以更好地用于生产性活动的宝贵时间。这种行为不仅妨碍了学业表现,而且随着截止日期的临近还会导致压力增加。 此外,在工作场所,员工可能会发现自己参加缺乏明确目标的会议。这些会议往往让人感到浪费时间,使参与者感到沮丧和无所作为。当个人意识到他们的贡献被 uselessly(无用地)忽视,或者讨论没有导致可行的结果时,动力会迅速减弱。 为了应对这种倾向,有效地优先安排任务至关重要。创建待办事项清单可以帮助个人专注于真正重要的事情。通过识别与个人或职业目标一致的任务,我们可以避免在 uselessly(无用地)消耗时间的活动中陷入困境。 此外,为某些活动设定特定的时间限制也可以提高生产力。例如,如果一个人只分配30分钟用于社交媒体,他们就不太可能陷入无休止的滚动之中。相反,他们可以享受在线时间,同时确保这不会干扰更重要的责任。 另一种策略是练习正念。活在当下使个人能够认识到何时参与 uselessly(无用地)重复的行为。通过培养意识,个人可以有意识地选择如何支配他们的时间。例如,如果某人注意到他们在无意识地看电视,而不是追求某个爱好或学习新技能,他们可以将精力转移到更有意义的事情上。 最终,认识到我们 uselessly(无用地)行动的时刻是朝着生活中做出有意义变化迈出的第一步。通过有意地分配我们的时间和精力,我们可以减少挫败感,并获得更大的成就感。 总之,uselessly(无用地)消耗时间的概念突显了对我们行为的关注的重要性。无论是在学术环境中、工作中还是在个人生活中,评估我们如何与时间互动至关重要。通过采用减少 uselessly(无用地)消耗时间的策略,我们可以提高生产力和整体幸福感。关键在于做出有意识的选择,引导我们朝着目标前进,而不是让自己在一天中漫无目的地漂流。