v. [数]消失(vanish 的三单形式)
突然且完全消失 | |
不再可见或存在 |
从…失去;从…消失 | |
消失 |
消失 | 魔术师让兔子消失。 | ||
蒸发 | 晨雾在太阳升起时蒸发。 | ||
溶解 | 糖在热水中溶解。 | ||
褪色 | As the light faded, the colors of the painting became less vibrant. | 随着光线的褪去,画作的颜色变得不那么鲜艳。 | |
征服 | 敌人在战斗中被征服。 |
出现 | 魔术师让兔子无处出现。 | ||
保持 | 尽管调查,证据依然完好无损。 | ||
持续 | Her influence in the community persists even after her departure. | 即使在她离开后,她在社区的影响力依然持续。 |
1.And then he vanishes in a nimbus of energy.
2.If the browser session is lost, the whole shopping cart also vanishes.
3.The horizontal time goitre reduces to vanishes completely.
4.Day is born in night; day vanishes in night, too. Night is pregnant with brightness; night swallows brightness, too.
5.This ability vanishes as soon as someone builds a time machine and creates a closed timelike curve.
6.He taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort.
7.The magician waved his wand and the rabbit vanishes.
8.As the sun sets, the light vanishes from the sky.
9.She looked away for a moment, and the car vanishes from her sight.
10.In the blink of an eye, the thief vanishes into the crowd.
11.The fog vanishes as the sun rises.
In the quiet town of Eldridge, there was a legend that spoke of a mysterious phenomenon. Every full moon, at precisely midnight, a beautiful, ancient tree located at the edge of the town would begin to glow softly. As the townsfolk gathered around, they would witness something truly magical. The tree's leaves would shimmer in the moonlight, and then, as if by some unseen force, it would begin to lose its substance. Slowly but surely, the tree would start to fade away until it completely vanishes (消失) from sight, leaving only a faint glimmer in the air where it once stood. This event had intrigued the residents for generations. Many believed that the tree held secrets from a time long past, perhaps even a connection to the spirits of the forest. The elders would often tell stories about how the tree was a guardian of the land, protecting the town from misfortune. Each month, as the night approached, children and adults alike would gather with anticipation, eager to witness the spectacle. However, not everyone viewed the tree with reverence. Some skeptics dismissed the stories as mere folklore, claiming that the phenomenon could be explained by natural occurrences or optical illusions. They argued that the tree did not truly vanishes (消失) but merely appeared to fade due to the play of light and shadow. Yet, those who had witnessed it knew better; the experience was unlike anything one could rationally explain. As the years went by, the legend of the vanishing tree became a rite of passage for the youth of Eldridge. Every child looked forward to their first full moon experience, where they would stand in awe as the tree vanishes (消失) before their eyes. It was a moment filled with wonder, a reminder of the magic that still existed in the world. Parents would recount their own experiences, passing down the tales of enchantment and mystery, ensuring that the tradition lived on. One particularly memorable night, a young girl named Clara decided she wanted to uncover the truth behind the tree’s disappearance. Armed with a notebook and a flashlight, she ventured out to the tree alone, determined to document every detail. As the clock struck midnight, Clara watched intently as the tree began to glow. She felt a mixture of fear and excitement as she saw the leaves shimmer and slowly vanishes (消失). In that moment, she realized that some things were meant to remain a mystery, and perhaps it was the very act of vanishing that gave the tree its power. Clara returned home that night with a newfound appreciation for the legend. She understood that while the tree might vanishes (消失), the stories and memories it created would remain forever etched in the hearts of the townspeople. The tree was more than just a physical presence; it was a symbol of hope, unity, and the beauty of the unknown. In conclusion, the phenomenon of the vanishing tree in Eldridge serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of storytelling and the mysteries of life. While some may seek to rationalize what they do not understand, others find joy in the magic of the unexplained. The tree’s ability to vanishes (消失) each month invites us to embrace wonder and cherish the moments that make life extraordinary. After all, it is often the mysteries that enrich our lives the most.
在安静的埃尔德里奇镇,有一个传说讲述了一种神秘的现象。每当满月,正好在午夜,镇边缘的一棵古老美丽的树会开始柔和地发光。当镇民们聚集在一起时,他们会目睹一些真正神奇的事情。树的叶子在月光下闪烁,然后,仿佛被某种看不见的力量驱动,它开始失去实体。慢慢地,这棵树开始逐渐褪色,直到它完全vanishes(消失)在视线中,只留下空气中微弱的光芒。 这个事件吸引了居民们几代人的注意。许多人相信这棵树蕴藏着来自久远过去的秘密,也许甚至与森林的灵魂有关。长者们常常讲述关于这棵树是土地的守护者的故事,保护镇子免受厄运。每个月,当夜晚来临时,孩子和大人们都会聚集在一起,期待着这一壮丽的景象。 然而,并不是每个人都以敬畏的态度看待这棵树。一些怀疑论者将这些故事视为民间传说,声称这种现象可以用自然现象或光学幻觉来解释。他们认为这棵树并没有真正vanishes(消失),而只是由于光影的变化而显得褪色。然而,那些亲眼目睹过的人知道更好;这种经历是无法理性解释的。 随着岁月的流逝,消失树的传说成为了埃尔德里奇年轻人的成年礼。每个孩子都期待着他们第一次满月的经历,站在那儿,惊叹不已,目睹树木在他们眼前vanishes(消失)。这是一个充满奇迹的时刻,提醒着人们世界上仍然存在魔法。父母们会讲述他们自己的经历,传承着迷人与神秘的故事,确保这一传统得以延续。 在一个特别难忘的夜晚,一个名叫克拉拉的小女孩决定想要揭开树木消失的真相。她带着笔记本和手电筒,独自一人走向树木,决心记录下每一个细节。当钟声敲响午夜时,克拉拉专注地观看着树木开始发光。她感到恐惧与兴奋交织在一起,看着树叶闪烁并缓缓vanishes(消失)。在那一刻,她意识到有些事情注定要保持神秘,也许正是消失的行为赋予了树木它的力量。 克拉拉那晚回到家中,心中对传说有了新的欣赏。她明白,虽然这棵树可能会vanishes(消失),但它所创造的故事和记忆将永远铭刻在镇民的心中。这棵树不仅仅是一个物理存在;它是希望、团结和未知之美的象征。 总之,埃尔德里奇消失树的现象强有力地提醒我们讲故事的重要性和生活中的神秘。虽然有些人可能试图理性化他们不理解的事物,但其他人则在未解之谜中找到快乐。这棵树每月的vanishes(消失)能力邀请我们拥抱奇迹,珍惜那些让生活变得非凡的瞬间。毕竟,往往是那些神秘的事物使我们的生活更加丰富。