n. 语音信箱
A system that allows people to leave recorded messages for others when they cannot be reached by phone. | 一种系统,允许人们在无法通过电话联系到其他人时留下录音消息。 |
语音邮件信息 | |
语音邮件系统 | |
语音邮件箱 | |
语音邮件问候 | |
设置语音邮件 | |
访问语音邮件 | |
转发语音邮件 | |
删除语音邮件 |
语音信息 | 我给你留了语音信息。 | ||
音频信息 | 请查看你的音频信息。 | ||
语音邮件 | 你有一封新的语音邮件。 |
实时对话 | I prefer live conversation over voicemail for important discussions. | 我更喜欢实时对话而不是语音邮件来进行重要讨论。 | |
直接沟通 | Direct communication is often more effective than leaving a voicemail. | 直接沟通通常比留下语音邮件更有效。 |
1.Create a new voicemail message together.
2.Leave a message on my voicemail.
3."About six months ago, your mom left me a few voicemail messages. My name is Chris Evans," she says.
4.The new visual voicemail on the iPhone lets me choose which messages to listen to.
5.The doctor returned the call and left him a voicemail at 11:49 a.m.
6.Once into the voicemail system, they could masquerade as owners.
7.I suggested ignoring it, and letting it go to voicemail.
8."About six months ago, your mom left me a few voicemail messages. My name is Chris Evans," she says.
9.I left a voicemail for you to call me back later.
10.Make sure to check your voicemail after the meeting.
11.He didn't answer, so I sent him a voicemail instead.
12.You can customize your voicemail greeting to make it more personal.
13.Please leave a detailed message after the voicemail tone.
In today's fast-paced world, communication has evolved significantly, and one of the most important tools we use to stay connected is the telephone. However, sometimes we cannot answer calls immediately due to various reasons, such as being in a meeting, driving, or simply not being available at that moment. This is where voicemail comes into play. Voicemail (语音邮件) allows callers to leave messages when the recipient is unavailable, ensuring that important information is not lost. The concept of voicemail was introduced in the 1980s as an innovative solution to the limitations of traditional phone calls. Before voicemail, if someone called and the person they were trying to reach was not available, they would either have to call back later or leave a message with a third party. This often led to miscommunication or loss of vital information. With the advent of voicemail, callers can now record their messages directly, which the recipient can listen to at their convenience. Using voicemail has its advantages. For one, it provides flexibility and convenience for both the caller and the recipient. Callers can express their thoughts without worrying about time constraints, while recipients can manage their time more effectively by listening to messages when it suits them. Moreover, voicemail can also serve as a record of communication. If there is any confusion regarding what was discussed, the recipient can always refer back to the voicemail for clarification. However, voicemail is not without its challenges. One common issue is that people may forget to check their voicemail regularly, leading to missed messages and potential misunderstandings. Additionally, some individuals may find the process of leaving a voicemail uncomfortable, as it requires them to articulate their thoughts clearly without the immediate feedback that a live conversation provides. In recent years, technology has further transformed how we interact with voicemail. Many smartphones now offer visual voicemail, which allows users to see a list of their messages and choose which ones to listen to first. This feature has made managing voicemail much easier and more efficient. Furthermore, some services even transcribe voicemail messages into text, allowing users to read their messages instead of listening to them. Despite these advancements, there are still some who argue that voicemail is becoming obsolete in the age of instant messaging and social media. Many people prefer texting or using apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger to communicate, as these platforms allow for immediate responses and more dynamic conversations. However, there are situations where voicemail is more appropriate, especially in professional settings where detailed information needs to be conveyed. In conclusion, voicemail (语音邮件) remains a valuable tool in our communication arsenal. It provides a way to leave messages when direct communication is not possible, offering flexibility and convenience. While the rise of instant messaging may change how we communicate, voicemail continues to play an essential role in ensuring that important messages are delivered and received. As we move forward, it will be interesting to see how voicemail evolves alongside emerging technologies and communication methods.
在当今快节奏的世界中,沟通发生了显著变化,而我们用来保持联系的最重要工具之一就是电话。然而,由于各种原因,有时我们无法立即接听电话,例如正在开会、驾驶或根本不在场。这就是语音邮件(voicemail)发挥作用的地方。语音邮件允许来电者在收件人不可用时留下消息,以确保重要信息不会丢失。 语音邮件的概念于1980年代被引入,作为传统电话通话局限性的创新解决方案。在有了语音邮件之前,如果有人打电话而他们试图联系的人不可用,他们要么不得不稍后再打电话,要么向第三方留言。这常常导致误解或重要信息的丢失。随着语音邮件的出现,来电者现在可以直接录制他们的消息,收件人可以在方便的时候收听。 使用语音邮件有其优势。首先,它为来电者和收件人提供了灵活性和便利性。来电者可以毫无时间限制地表达他们的想法,而收件人可以通过在适合自己的时间收听消息来更有效地管理时间。此外,语音邮件还可以作为沟通记录。如果讨论内容存在任何混淆,收件人可以随时回过头来参考语音邮件以获得澄清。 然而,语音邮件并非没有挑战。一个常见的问题是,人们可能会忘记定期检查他们的语音邮件,导致错过消息和潜在的误解。此外,一些人可能会发现留下语音邮件的过程令人感到不舒服,因为这要求他们在没有即时反馈的情况下清晰地表达自己的想法。 近年来,技术进一步改变了我们与语音邮件互动的方式。许多智能手机现在提供可视化语音邮件,使用户能够查看他们消息的列表,并选择优先收听哪些消息。这一功能使管理语音邮件变得更加轻松高效。此外,一些服务甚至将语音邮件消息转录为文本,允许用户阅读他们的消息而不是收听。 尽管有这些进步,但仍然有人认为,在即时消息和社交媒体的时代,语音邮件正变得过时。许多人更喜欢通过短信或使用WhatsApp和Facebook Messenger等应用程序进行沟通,因为这些平台允许即时回复和更动态的对话。然而,在某些情况下,语音邮件更为合适,尤其是在需要传达详细信息的专业环境中。 总之,语音邮件(voicemail)仍然是我们沟通工具箱中的一种宝贵工具。它提供了一种在无法直接沟通时留下消息的方法,提供了灵活性和便利性。尽管即时消息的兴起可能改变我们沟通的方式,但语音邮件继续在确保重要消息传递和接收方面发挥着重要作用。随着我们向前发展,看到语音邮件如何与新兴技术和沟通方式一起演变,将是非常有趣的。