n. 次,回
复 数 v o l t e
转身,改变方向 | |
环游世界,通常用来形容旅行或探索 | |
环游世界 | |
电路,指电流的循环 |
转变 | 前方的道路急转弯。 | ||
革命 | 科技革命改变了世界。 | ||
扭曲 | 她扭动电线以固定它。 | ||
弯曲 | 他不得不弯下腰去捡起钢笔。 |
稳定性 | 系统的稳定性对其性能至关重要。 | ||
连续性 | 我们需要确保运营的连续性。 |
1.Ethiopia has staked its development on damming the Blue Nile and other rivers. In west Africa dams are due to be built on the Niger, the Volta and Bandama.
2.Volta Movements Closed Volta, Traveling and Circular Voltas, in R. Shadow.
3.Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist, invented the first battery in 1800.
1800年,意大利物理学家Alessandro Volta发明了第一块电池。
4.A river of western Africa rising in western Burkina Faso and flowing about, 352 km (840 mi) to the White Volta in Ghana.
5.E la prima volta che viene a Roma?
6.Microsoft explains their reasoning for releasing Volta as an "experiment" as
7.Through MSIL rewriting, Volta follows developer's declarations to turn a single-tiered application into a multi-tiered application, generating boilerplate code for communication and serialization.
8.The Volta libraries don't support multi-threading.
9.After a long day at work, I always take a short volta 散步 to clear my mind.
在工作了一整天后,我总是会进行一次短暂的volta 散步来清理思绪。
10.The artist made a volta 转变 in her style, moving from realism to abstract.
这位艺术家在她的风格上做出了volta 转变,从现实主义转向抽象。
11.During the hike, we took a volta 绕道 to enjoy the scenic views.
在徒步旅行中,我们选择了一个volta 绕道以欣赏风景。
12.He made a quick volta 转身 to greet his friend who just arrived.
他迅速做了一个volta 转身去迎接刚到的朋友。
13.The dancer performed a beautiful volta 旋转 during the routine.
舞者在表演中做了一个美丽的volta 旋转。
In the realm of poetry, the term volta refers to a turn or shift in thought and emotion. This concept is particularly prominent in sonnets, where a volta marks a transition from the problem or situation presented in the first part of the poem to a resolution or reflection in the second part. Understanding the significance of a volta can enhance our appreciation of poetic structure and meaning. For instance, in Petrarchan sonnets, the volta typically occurs between the octave and the sestet, providing a moment of revelation or change. In Shakespearean sonnets, the volta often appears at the beginning of the third quatrain or at the couplet, offering a surprising twist or insight. The presence of a volta emphasizes the dynamic nature of poetry. It invites readers to engage actively with the text, encouraging us to reflect on how our perceptions shift along with the speaker's journey. This turning point can evoke various emotions, from despair to hope, or confusion to clarity. For example, in Shakespeare's Sonnet 30, the volta reveals a shift from mourning lost friends to the solace found in love, illustrating how the emotional landscape of the poem transforms. Beyond poetry, the concept of a volta can also apply to other forms of art and literature. In narratives, a volta might occur when a character experiences a significant change, leading to a new understanding or direction in the story. This can be seen in classic literature, where protagonists often face challenges that force them to reevaluate their beliefs or circumstances. The volta serves as a crucial element in storytelling, creating tension and resolution that keep readers engaged. Moreover, the idea of a volta resonates with the human experience itself. Life is full of unexpected turns and shifts, whether in personal relationships, career paths, or self-discovery. Recognizing these moments of volta in our own lives can foster resilience and adaptability. Just as poets use a volta to navigate complex emotions, we too can learn to embrace change and find meaning in our experiences. In conclusion, the term volta encapsulates the essence of transformation within poetry and beyond. It highlights the importance of change, both in artistic expression and in our daily lives. By studying the volta, we gain insight into the intricacies of human emotion and the power of narrative. Whether we encounter it in a sonnet or experience it personally, the volta reminds us that change is an inherent part of existence, urging us to reflect, adapt, and grow.
在诗歌的领域中,术语volta指的是思想和情感的转变或变化。这个概念在十四行诗中特别突出,其中的volta标志着从诗的前半部分所呈现的问题或情境转向后半部分的解决或反思。理解volta的重要性可以增强我们对诗歌结构和意义的欣赏。例如,在彼特拉克的十四行诗中,volta通常发生在八行和六行之间,提供了一个启示或变化的时刻。在莎士比亚的十四行诗中,volta常常出现在第三个四行诗的开头或在对联中,提供一个意外的转折或见解。 volta的存在强调了诗歌的动态特性。它邀请读者积极参与文本,鼓励我们反思如何随着讲述者的旅程而改变我们的看法。这个转折点可以唤起各种情感,从绝望到希望,或从困惑到清晰。例如,在莎士比亚的第30首十四行诗中,volta揭示了从哀悼失去的朋友到在爱中找到安慰的转变,展示了诗歌的情感景观如何变化。 除了诗歌,这个volta的概念也可以应用于其他艺术和文学形式。在叙事中,volta可能发生在角色经历重大变化时,导致对故事的新理解或方向。这在经典文学中可以看到,主角往往面临挑战,迫使他们重新评估自己的信念或环境。volta作为讲故事中的关键元素,创造了紧张感和解决方案,使读者保持参与。 此外,volta的理念与人类自身的经历产生共鸣。生活充满了意想不到的转折和变化,无论是在个人关系、职业道路还是自我发现中。认识到我们自己生活中的volta时刻可以培养韧性和适应能力。正如诗人使用volta来应对复杂的情感,我们也可以学习拥抱变化,并在我们的经历中找到意义。 总之,术语volta概括了诗歌及其以外的转变本质。它突出了变化的重要性,无论是在艺术表达中还是在我们的日常生活中。通过研究volta,我们获得了对人类情感复杂性和叙事力量的洞察。无论我们在十四行诗中遇到它还是在个人生活中经历它,volta提醒我们变化是存在的固有部分,促使我们反思、适应和成长。