vt. 担保;证明;传出庭作证
vi. 保证;证明;确定
第 三 人 称 单 数 v o u c h e s
现 在 分 词 v o u c h i n g
过 去 式 v o u c h e d
过 去 分 词 v o u c h e d
断言或确认某事的真实性或可靠性。 | |
To give a guarantee or assurance, often in support of someone or something. | 提供保证或担保,通常是为了支持某人或某事。 |
担保;保证 |
担保 | 我可以担保他的诚实。 | ||
保证 | 她将担保她的产品质量。 | ||
确认 | He can guarantee that the project will be completed on time. | 他可以保证项目按时完成。 | |
证明 | 证人将证明那天晚上的事情。 | ||
支持 | 我全力支持这个倡议。 |
否认 | 他选择否认对事件的任何了解。 | ||
拒绝 | 她拒绝承认收到这条消息。 | ||
拒绝承认 | 这位政治家拒绝承认对他的指控。 |
1.An enterprise even an excellent enterprise, Can not vouch that the complaint of customers is Zero.
2.I can vouch for his honesty.
3.And I can vouch for that firsthand.
4.I was in bed with the flu. My wife can vouch for that.
5.When you sell yourself in the market, you need people who can vouch for you and the broader the network, the better.
6.Are you willing to vouch for him?
7.I can vouch for his honesty.
8.She asked me to vouch for her qualifications during the interview.
9.The manager will vouch for your performance at work.
10.Can you vouch for this restaurant's quality?
11.He vouched for his friend's character without hesitation.
In the world of business and personal relationships, trust is a fundamental element that binds people together. One way to establish this trust is through the act of vouching for someone. When you vouch for an individual, you are essentially putting your reputation on the line to affirm their character, abilities, or intentions. This act can be particularly significant in various contexts, such as job applications, partnerships, or even friendships. Consider a scenario where a friend is applying for a job. The employer might ask for references, and if you decide to vouch for your friend, you are endorsing their skills and work ethic. This endorsement carries weight because it reflects your personal experience and belief in their capabilities. In this case, your willingness to vouch for them not only helps them secure the position but also strengthens your bond with them. You are showing that you believe in their potential and are willing to stake your credibility on it. Moreover, vouching for someone is not limited to professional settings. It can also occur in social situations. For instance, if you introduce a new acquaintance to your circle of friends and vouch for their character, you are helping to integrate them into your social network. Your friends may feel more comfortable accepting this new person into their lives because you have provided a form of assurance about their integrity and reliability. This act of vouching creates a sense of community and belonging, reinforcing the idea that we are all interconnected through our relationships. However, it is essential to approach the act of vouching with caution. When you vouch for someone, you are taking responsibility for their actions and decisions to some extent. If the person you are supporting does not live up to your endorsement, it could reflect poorly on you. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you genuinely believe in the person’s abilities and character before making such a commitment. Additionally, there are instances when vouching can take on a more serious tone, especially in legal or formal contexts. For example, in court proceedings, a witness may vouch for someone’s alibi, which can significantly impact the outcome of a case. Here, the act of vouching carries substantial weight and can influence perceptions of truth and justice. In conclusion, the concept of vouching extends beyond mere words; it embodies the essence of trust, responsibility, and connection between individuals. Whether in personal relationships, professional environments, or legal situations, vouching plays a critical role in how we navigate our interactions with others. By understanding the implications of this act, we can better appreciate the importance of choosing wisely whom we choose to vouch for and how it shapes our relationships and reputations in society.
在商业和个人关系的世界中,信任是将人们联系在一起的基本元素。建立这种信任的一种方式是为某人做担保。当你vouch一个人时,你实际上是在将你的声誉置于风险之中,以确认他们的性格、能力或意图。这种行为在各种场合中尤其重要,例如求职申请、合作伙伴关系,甚至友谊。 考虑一个场景,一个朋友正在申请工作。雇主可能会要求提供推荐信,如果你决定为你的朋友vouch,你就是在支持他们的技能和工作态度。这种支持是有分量的,因为它反映了你个人的经验和对他们能力的信念。在这种情况下,你愿意为他们vouch不仅帮助他们获得职位,还加强了你与他们的关系。你展示了你相信他们的潜力,并愿意以自己的信誉为其担保。 此外,vouching某人并不仅限于专业环境。它也可以发生在社交场合。例如,如果你将一个新认识的人介绍给你的朋友圈,并为他们的性格vouch,你就是在帮助他们融入你的社交网络。你的朋友们可能会因为你提供了对这个新人的诚信和可靠性的保证而感到更舒适地接受他们。这种vouching行为创造了一种社区和归属感,加强了我们通过关系彼此相连的理念。 然而,在进行vouching时必须谨慎。当你为某人vouch时,你在某种程度上要对他们的行为和决策负责。如果你所支持的人没有达到你的认可,这可能会对你产生负面影响。因此,在做出这样的承诺之前,确保你真心相信这个人的能力和品格是至关重要的。 此外,在法律或正式场合中,vouching有时会变得更加严肃。例如,在法庭程序中,证人可能会为某人的不在场证明vouch,这可能会显著影响案件的结果。在这里,vouching的行为具有重大意义,可以影响对真相和正义的看法。 总之,vouching的概念超越了单纯的言辞;它体现了人与人之间信任、责任和联系的本质。无论是在个人关系、专业环境还是法律情境中,vouching在我们与他人的互动中发挥着关键作用。通过理解这一行为的含义,我们可以更好地欣赏选择谁来为其vouch的重要性,以及它如何塑造我们在社会中的关系和声誉。