n. 秃鹫,兀鹫;趁火打劫的人,贪婪的人
复 数 v u l t u r e s
秃鹫基金 | |
秃鹫资本主义 | |
scavenging 秃鹫 | |
一只秃鹫在头顶盘旋 | |
像秃鹫一样 | |
秃鹫投资者 |
鸽子 | 鸽子象征着和平与希望。 | ||
守护者 | The guardian watched over the village, ensuring everyone was safe. | 守护者守护着村庄,确保每个人的安全。 |
1.The pike, eels, and carp eat greedily always, as everybody knows--well, they feast on the vulture .
2.We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.
3.So don't hope for a $100 billion leveraged buy-out—unless you're a vulture.
4.This product becomes by a Laos red acid vulture.
5.He had the eye of a vulture - a pale blue eye, with a film over it.
6.Often you would see some dead animal floating by and a vulture or two would be on it, and the crows would flutter around it hoping for a bite.
7.The vulture is often seen circling above the savannah, searching for its next meal.
8.In financial terms, a vulture investor buys distressed assets at low prices to make a profit.
9.The documentary highlighted how the vulture plays a crucial role in the ecosystem by cleaning up carcasses.
10.Some people believe that vultures are bad omens, often associated with death.
11.The vulture perched on a branch, waiting patiently for its meal to appear.
The vulture is often misunderstood as a mere scavenger, a bird that feeds on the carcasses of dead animals. However, this perception overlooks the vital ecological role that vultures play in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems. By consuming decaying matter, vultures help to prevent the spread of diseases that could arise from decomposing bodies. Their keen eyesight allows them to spot potential food sources from great distances, making them efficient hunters of carrion. In many cultures, vultures are seen as symbols of death and decay, which can lead to negative connotations. Yet, in some traditions, they are revered for their role in the cycle of life. For instance, in certain indigenous cultures, vultures are viewed as spiritual guides that assist the souls of the deceased in their journey to the afterlife. This duality highlights how vultures can embody both the end and the continuation of life. Unfortunately, vultures face numerous threats in today's world. Habitat loss, poisoning, and hunting have led to significant declines in their populations. In some regions, the use of poison to control livestock predators inadvertently kills vultures that feed on the poisoned carcasses. This not only endangers vultures but also disrupts the entire ecosystem, as the absence of these birds can lead to an increase in disease-carrying scavengers like rats. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect vultures and ensure their survival. Organizations around the world are working to raise awareness about the importance of these birds and implement measures to safeguard their habitats. Education campaigns aim to change public perception and highlight the benefits of protecting vultures. By fostering a better understanding of their ecological significance, we can help shift the narrative from viewing them as mere vultures to recognizing them as essential contributors to environmental health. In conclusion, while vultures may be associated with death, they are, in fact, vital to the health of our ecosystems. Their role as nature's cleanup crew cannot be understated, and it is imperative that we take action to protect them. As we strive for a more sustainable future, let us remember the importance of all creatures, including the oft-misunderstood vulture. In doing so, we not only preserve biodiversity but also ensure the well-being of our planet for generations to come.
鸥鸟通常被误解为仅仅是一个食腐动物,喂养在死去动物的尸体上。然而,这种看法忽视了鸥鸟在维持生态系统平衡中所扮演的重要角色。通过消耗腐烂的物质,鸥鸟帮助防止因尸体分解而传播的疾病。它们敏锐的视觉使它们能够从很远的地方发现潜在的食物来源,使它们成为有效的尸体猎手。 在许多文化中,鸥鸟被视为死亡和腐烂的象征,这可能导致负面的联想。然而,在某些传统中,它们因在生命循环中的作用而受到崇敬。例如,在一些土著文化中,鸥鸟被视为精神向导,帮助死者的灵魂完成其前往来世的旅程。这种二元性突显了鸥鸟既能体现生命的结束,又能体现生命的延续。 不幸的是,鸥鸟在当今世界面临着许多威胁。栖息地丧失、毒药和猎杀导致它们的数量显著下降。在某些地区,使用毒药控制家畜捕食者无意中杀死了以被毒死的尸体为食的鸥鸟。这不仅危及鸥鸟,还会破坏整个生态系统,因为这些鸟类的缺失可能导致像老鼠这样的传播疾病的食腐动物数量增加。 保护工作对于保护鸥鸟和确保它们的生存至关重要。全球各地的组织正在努力提高公众对这些鸟类重要性的认识,并实施保护其栖息地的措施。教育活动旨在改变公众的看法,强调保护鸥鸟的好处。通过促进对它们生态重要性的更好理解,我们可以帮助将叙述从将它们视为仅仅是食腐动物转变为认识到它们作为环境健康的基本贡献者。 总之,尽管鸥鸟可能与死亡相关,但它们实际上对我们生态系统的健康至关重要。它们作为自然清洁工的角色不可低估,保护它们的行动势在必行。当我们努力追求更可持续的未来时,让我们记住所有生物的重要性,包括这个常被误解的鸥鸟。通过这样做,我们不仅能保护生物多样性,还能确保我们星球的健康,为未来的几代人铺平道路。