n. 呜呜祖拉
吹响呜呜号 | |
演奏呜呜号 | |
呜呜号演奏者 | |
响亮的呜呜号 |
号角 | 球迷们在比赛中大声吹响了他们的号角。 | ||
小号 | 他在音乐会上美妙地演奏了小号。 | ||
制造噪音的物品 | 孩子们用制造噪音的物品来庆祝新年。 |
沉默 | 图书馆是一个安静的地方。 | ||
安静 | 在喧闹的音乐会后,我们享受了一刻的宁静。 |
1.Select your country of origin Vuvuzela, for the World Cup cheer it!
2.Playing the vuvuzela requires a practiced combination of lip and lung action to produce an extremely loud, monotonous sound, a bit like a foghorn.
3.Vuvuzela etiquetteCritics say they are anti-social and unsafe because of their potential to generate a din louder than a plane taking off.
4.The much-maligned musical instrument has caused ears to bleed, skin to crawl and voiceboxes to reverberate with complaint; but what do we actually know of the vuvuzela?
5.Her team investigated the vuvuzela hazard using a laser device to measure how many droplets were produced by eight volunteers using the horns.
6.Vuvuzela Linlink, the World Cup coming to an end, 32 teams of pennants in which quickly blew Vuvuzela play together.
7.It is fortunate that I did not have a vuvuzela in hand at that very moment.
8.Maybe that explains why some people can’t stand the vuvuzela.
9.During the World Cup, the sound of the vuvuzela filled the stadium, creating an electrifying atmosphere.
10.Many fans brought their vuvuzelas to the match to show their support for the team.
11.The constant buzzing of the vuvuzelas made it hard to hear the referee's whistle.
12.Some people find the sound of a vuvuzela annoying, while others think it's part of the fun.
13.At the soccer game, a group of fans started blowing their vuvuzelas in unison.
The sound of the vuvuzela has become synonymous with soccer matches, especially during the 2010 FIFA World Cup held in South Africa. This long, plastic horn produces a loud, distinctive noise that can be heard from great distances, often drowning out the cheers of fans and the sounds of the game itself. The vuvuzela is not just an instrument; it represents a cultural phenomenon that sparked debates about the nature of sportsmanship and the spectator experience. Originating from South African townships, the vuvuzela was traditionally made from materials like metal or wood, but modern versions are typically crafted from brightly colored plastic. Its popularity surged during the World Cup, where thousands of fans blew their vuvuzelas in unison, creating a deafening atmosphere in stadiums. For many, the sound of the vuvuzela became emblematic of the tournament, symbolizing the passion and enthusiasm of South African supporters. However, the vuvuzela also faced criticism. Some players and coaches complained that the incessant noise was distracting and made it difficult to communicate during matches. Broadcasters noted that the sound could overpower commentary, leading to a less enjoyable viewing experience for audiences at home. In response to these concerns, some stadiums implemented restrictions on the use of vuvuzelas, while others embraced them as part of the vibrant atmosphere. Despite the controversy, the vuvuzela has left a lasting legacy in the world of sports. It has inspired similar instruments in other countries, where fans have adopted their own versions to support their teams. The vuvuzela serves as a reminder of the power of sports to unite people across cultures and backgrounds, transcending language barriers through the universal language of music and sound. In conclusion, the vuvuzela is more than just a noisy horn; it encapsulates the spirit of celebration and community found in sports. Whether loved or loathed, its presence at major sporting events has undeniably shaped the way we experience and enjoy the game. As we look forward to future tournaments, the vuvuzela will likely remain a topic of discussion, reminding us of the vibrant culture it represents and the passionate fans who bring it to life.
“vuvuzela”这个词的声音已成为足球比赛的代名词,尤其是在2010年南非举行的国际足联世界杯期间。这种长长的塑料喇叭发出一种响亮而独特的声音,可以在很远的地方听到,常常淹没了球迷的欢呼声和比赛本身的声音。vuvuzela不仅仅是一种乐器,它代表了一种文化现象,引发了关于体育精神和观众体验性质的辩论。 vuvuzela起源于南非的城镇,传统上由金属或木材制成,但现代版本通常是用五颜六色的塑料制作的。它的受欢迎程度在世界杯期间激增,成千上万的球迷齐声吹响他们的vuvuzelas,在体育场内创造出震耳欲聋的氛围。对许多人来说,vuvuzela的声音成为了这场比赛的象征,象征着南非支持者的热情和激情。 然而,vuvuzela也面临批评。一些球员和教练抱怨说,不断的噪音分散了注意力,使得在比赛中沟通变得困难。广播公司注意到,这种声音可能压过评论,导致观众在家观看时的体验不佳。对此,一些体育场对vuvuzelas的使用实施了限制,而其他体育场则将其视为生动氛围的一部分。 尽管存在争议,vuvuzela在体育界留下了持久的遗产。它激励了其他国家类似乐器的出现,球迷们采用自己的版本来支持他们的球队。vuvuzela提醒我们,体育的力量能够团结不同文化和背景的人,通过音乐和声音的普遍语言超越语言障碍。 总之,vuvuzela不仅仅是一种嘈杂的喇叭;它体现了在体育中发现的庆祝和社区精神。无论是被喜爱还是被厌恶,它在重大体育赛事中的存在无疑塑造了我们体验和享受比赛的方式。展望未来的比赛,vuvuzela很可能仍然是讨论的话题,提醒我们它所代表的生动文化以及赋予它生命的热情球迷。